The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The federal budget is a bill submitted to Congress, and it never includes Social Security, interest debt, etc.
I’ve owned you throughout out this entire thread. I’ve proven you’re a troll. Just move along already.
I’ve owned you throughout out this entire thread. I’ve proven you’re a troll. Just move along already.

You just do not understand what the federal budget it.

In American public finance, discretionary spending is government spending implemented through an appropriations bill.[1] This spending is an optional part of fiscal policy, in contrast to social programs for which funding is mandatory and determined by the number of eligible recipients.[2] Some examples of areas funded by discretionary spending are national defense, foreign aid, education and transportation.

In the United States, discretionary spending refers to optional spending set by appropriation levels each year, at the discretion of Congress.[3] During the budget process, Congress issues a budget resolution which includes levels of discretionary spending, deficit projections, and instructions for changing entitlement programs and tax policy.[3] After setting discretionary spending levels, both the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee divide the agreed-upon amount of discretionary spending into twelve suballocations for each of their twelve subcommittees.[3] These subcommittees produce twelve annual appropriation bills for the next fiscal year.[4] While these bills are subject to revision as they move through hearings, markups, Floor consideration, and conference, the level of discretionary spending remains constrained by the budget resolution.[4] Eventually, these twelve bills must be approved by the full Appropriations Committee, followed by both Houses of Congress. Once passed, the president either signs them, vetoes them, or allows them to become law by not signing them within ten days.[3]

Graph of U.S. mandatory and discretionary spending from 1966 to 2015. Mandatory spending levels start to diverge from discretionary spending levels in the early 1990s.
In 2016, the U.S. federal government spent $1.2 trillion on U.S. discretionary spending. Of this $1.2 trillion, nearly half ($584 billion) was spent on national defense. The rest of U.S. discretionary spending was allocated for education, training, employment, and social services ($92 billion), as well as transportation ($91 billion), veterans' benefits and services ($68 billion), income security ($66 billion), health ($57 billion), administration of justice ($53 billion), international affairs ($52 billion), and other areas related to natural resources, the environment, science, space, and technology ($122 billion).[5]

United States mandatory VS. discretionary spending​

In 1962, U.S. discretionary spending made up 47.2% of total U.S. spending, remaining the largest component of federal spending until the mid-1970s.[6] From this time forward, however, discretionary spending levels as a share of total federal spending has decreased significantly. This is largely due to the rapid growth of entitlement spending, also known as mandatory spending.[6] As more participants become eligible for entitlement programs, mandatory spending automatically increases. This trend is projected to continue in the future. In fact, according to the Congressional Research Service, over the next decade, mandatory spending is projected to reach 14% of GDP, while discretionary spending is projected to continue getting smaller, eventually reaching 5% of GDP.[7] By 2022, the Congressional Research Service projects that discretionary spending's share of the economy "will be equal to or less than spending in each of the two largest categories of mandatory programs, Social Security and Major Health Programs."[7]

When a president proposes a federal budget and congress votes on it, it ONLY includes discretionary spending.
Things like SS make no sense to include, because it does not cost any federal income tax money and is self funding, plus it is not optional.
Interest on the debt also is never included since it is not optional.
Hahahaha!!! Even the hardest of the hard-left is now openly acknowledging that the left is a bunch of fucking fascists who try to control all thought and speech…
You just do not understand what the federal budget it.
I posted multiple links directly from the federal government’s websites. You got owned junior. In front of everyone. It’s there for everyone to see. Not sure who you’re trying to convince at this point. :laugh:
Hahahaha!!! Even the hardest of the hard-left is now openly acknowledging that the left is a bunch of fucking fascists who try to control all thought and speech…

Nicki Minaj is not exactly what one would call leftist.
She a millionaire.
That makes her right wing automatically.
I posted multiple links directly from the federal government’s websites. You got owned junior. In front of everyone. It’s there for everyone to see. Not sure who you’re trying to convince at this point. :laugh:

The fed web site is likely trying to hide the high spending by swamping it with irrelevant things like Social Security and the debt interest.
Legally those can NOT be part of the federal budget, ever.
Nicki Minaj is not exactly what one would call leftist. She a millionaire. That makes her right wing automatically.
Who’s gonna tell the board troll that Obama, Clinton, and even Bernie Sanders are all millionaires? :laugh:
The fed web site is likely trying to hide the high spending by swamping it with irrelevant things like Social Security...
Apparently Rigby5 felt like she didn’t have enough lack of credibility before and wanted even less. Love someone who argues using the word “likely”. :laugh:

It likely means that person doesn’t have a fuck’n clue what they are talking about!
Who’s gonna tell the board troll that Obama, Clinton, and even Bernie Sanders are all millionaires? :laugh:

And how "left" are any of them?
If they were at all leftist, then don't you think we would at least have public health care by now?
We had cheaper and more universally accessible health care in 1950 than we have now.
I posted links directly to the federal government’s websites, troll. You got owned. #YouTried

Who cares what some political web site posts.
The federal budget is a law passed by congress, and can't include Social Security or national debt interest.
What they post can be anything that they want, but its not the federal budget if it includes social security and national debt interest.
If they were at all leftist, then don't you think we would at least have public health care by now?
Bwahahaha!! Who’s gonna tell the Chinese disinformation account that the President of the United States cannot create, alter, or abolish legislation?

You should have done your homework before trying to troll. None of them had the ability to implement “public healthcare”.
Who cares what some political web site posts.
That’s just it, China disinformation troll. It wasn’t a “political” website. It was the federal government’s websites. A federal government currently controlled by the Dumbocrat Party. Oops!
To quote Rage Against the Machine:
What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin'
They don't gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Right up to the modern day equivalent of book-burnin: removing and/or banning books. The left fears the exchange of ideas and information because they know their irrational ideology doesn’t stand up against facts, reason, and logic.
Bwahahaha!! Who’s gonna tell the Chinese disinformation account that the President of the United States cannot create, alter, or abolish legislation?

You should have done your homework before trying to troll. None of them had the ability to implement “public healthcare”.

Sure it is congress who passes the legislation, but because the president has the bully pulpit, they can usually get whatever they want, done.
Like Bush attacking Iraq and Afghanistan, and Obama getting ACA passed.
That’s just it, China disinformation troll. It wasn’t a “political” website. It was the federal government’s websites. A federal government currently controlled by the Dumbocrat Party. Oops!

Federal website are the MOST political of all.
And yes, the democrats are also right wing now, and also would want to hide the huge degree of military spending.
To quote Rage Against the Machine:

The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Right up to the modern day equivalent of book-burnin: removing and/or banning books. The left fears the exchange of ideas and information because they know their irrational ideology doesn’t stand up against facts, reason, and logic.

Amazon has allowed the book advertisement.
>>> Update: Amazon notified The Heritage Foundation on Thursday morning that it had reversed its action, saying: “Our policies were inaccurately enforced, and the book is now being advertised. We are providing training to ensure our teams are clear on our policies.” The Daily Signal is preparing a follow-up report. <<<

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