The Lie that MAGA is DEI for White People

Why in the world do the mods let this racist, going around calling women whores, and screaming “raaacist” because we don’t think a better qualified white should be rejected over a lesser qualified black due to racist DEI policies, continue to litter the board with his shit?

To IM2, one is NOT a racist only if she supports anti-white racist policies.
The problem here is that your assumption that every black is unqualified is wrong. You litter the board with your racism then when called on it, whine about somebody being anti-semitic. So if your racism is allowed here, why can't my response to it be allowed?

To IM one is not a racist if he or she supports non racism. There is no anti-white racism or discrimination. Those terms are only used by the far-right and they are disingenuous.

Where are whites being discriminated against when they have 15 times the wealth of blacks, are 78 percent of the employed people in America, and are at least 80 percent of the managers, CEOS, and executives?

You nor any other white racist here has EVER been able to answer that question. Each time you sorry bastards are shown these facts, you begin to personaly attack the person who provides the facts. And you, you still post that dumb ass drivel about how Jews emphasized education and delayed gratification crap after being shown statements of Jews that stated how white Jews were able to parlay their white skin into economic benefits during Jim Crow and that's how Jews were able to rise.

People get tired of the bullshit coming from scum like you and at some point they get pissed off. You have reached that point with me so you can GFY with your whining about what you get called for posting your racism.
“DEI encourages hate against white people.”

There is plenty of evidence of the opposite.

DEI is the new “n” work, and angry white losers and bigots l feed their entitled racist resentment from it.
And I’m not a racist Jew, you pimp.
Yes you are and if I'm pimpng, I'm pimping you and sassy. But you guys don't make me any money.. Use your gums properly.
You’re a fool and an idiot, driven by your racism. Thank Gd you’re in the minority, and better minds prevailed. Smart Americans chose Trump.
You are all of those things, not me. Opposing your racism isn't racism.
You see you stupid ho, I have written human resource policy for businesses.

Ah, so you are one of those people that create those useless, time consuming HR videos that waste people’s time on the company dime. If not for those very informative videos, I would have never known that that calling a woman with whom you disagree a “ho” is not appropriate.
Opposing your racism isn't racism.

Exactly. Opposing racist policies like DEI isn’t racism. Thank you for clearing that up.
Ah, so you are one of those people that create those useless, time consuming HR videos that waste people’s time on the company dime. If not for those very informative videos, I would have never known that that calling a woman with whom you disagree a “ho” is not appropriate.
It’s scary that someone as racist against whites as IM2 has anything to do with Human Resources at all.

His choice:

1) A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from an excellent school who, while only in her 20s, had already won National competitions in her field and devised programs that saved her employer millions of dollars while bringing in exceptional results.

2) An average student who dropped out of a no-name college, and never did anything remarkable in the 10 years since.

Who does IM2 pick? Whichever one is black.
It’s scary that someone as racist against whites as IM2 has anything to do with Human Resources at all.

His choice:

1) A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from an excellent school who, while only in her 20s, had already won National competitions in her field and devised programs that saved her employer millions of dollars while bringing in exceptional results.

2) An average student who dropped out of a no-name college, and never did anything remarkable in the 10 years since.

Who does IM2 pick? Whichever one is black.

You work on the assumption the resume is the be all and end all.

All a resume proves is who hired the best resume writer. And who was willing to lie the most.

So let's say you get both Ms Kappa and Ms. No-Name college in the same room.

Let's say Ms. Kappa is kind of fat and pudgy but Ms. No-name looks like Halle Barry. Hate to break it to you, but Ms. No Name is going to have an advantage.

Let's say that Ms. Kappa comes in with a sense of entitlement, while Ms. No Name is very sincere and enthusiastic.

The Lie that MAGA is DEI for White People​

15 Jan 2025 ~~ By Matt Boose

Donald Trump’s pledge to deport millions of illegal aliens has been dismissed as unrealistic, but to his core supporters, this position is not up for negotiation. The MAGA base has experienced and is reacting to the most dramatic demographic shift of modern times. In the mid-20th century, as the Baby Boomers were coming of age, America was still a country inhabited by people of predominantly European extraction—where most practiced some form of Christianity, and social cohesion, outside of troubled communities undergoing court-ordered racial integration, was high. Today, whites are approaching minority status in America for the first time, and they are marginalized in every conceivable way, culturally, socially, and politically.
Many harbor regrets about this unbidden transformation and what it portends for them and their descendants. The ceaseless haranguing of ungrateful anti-American newcomers and their political pressure groups does little to allay the anxiety of so-called “nativists,” who share, despite differences of national origin, a common interest with besieged Europeans in stopping an influx of barbarous peoples, like the Pakistani men responsible for the horrific rape gangs in the formerly great Great Britain.
The suggestion that there is a concept of “DEI for whites” is almost fantastical. The only countries that consistently fail to provide even modest preference for their indigenous inhabitants are in Western Europe and its former colonies.
This has certainly been the case in America, where the foreign-born population, after four years of Joe Biden’s open border, stands at an all-time high, anti-white policies have already made it illegal to recruit the “best and brightest” who were born here, and mass immigration makes it unprofitable to do the same. Third World immigrants are reaping the benefits, encouraged to retain their ethnic attachments, and generally behave in as rude and brutish a manner as they wish towards their hosts.
The core Trump base does not care if their displacement comes with the government’s explicit permission, or if it is through the government’s failure to enforce the laws. The result will be the same, and it is distasteful either way.
History is on their side, as it happens. The Immigration Nationality Act of 1965 quietly opened our borders, by an act of Congress, to a flood that literally remade the face of the nation. Americans living then never truly consented to this process, which President Lyndon Johnson sold as a limited reform. But now that the change is complete, those on the losing end are told that America will cease to be America unless they accept millions more newcomers every year from the global south. Third World chauvinists would have us believe that America was never great before the civil rights era, when America began to embrace its true destiny as a multi-racial “nation of immigrants.”
The shaming of the West has worked so well, that even critics of mass immigration downplay its effects.
Notwithstanding the tensions within it, President Trump’s MAGA movement is filling a deep void. The desire for a political homeland is the most natural thing in the world, and it will not be repressed forever.

DEI is “Didn’t Earn It”. To MAGA, the best people regardless of skin color should earn it. I don’t care what color you are, as long as you can do the best job.
To the left, everything is racism.
It’s scary that someone as racist against whites as IM2 has anything to do with Human Resources at all.

His choice:

1) A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from an excellent school who, while only in her 20s, had already won National competitions in her field and devised programs that saved her employer millions of dollars while bringing in exceptional results.

2) An average student who dropped out of a no-name college, and never did anything remarkable in the 10 years since.

Who does IM2 pick? Whichever one is black.
Trump’s pick for surgeon general went to a Caribbean medical school.

Don’t pretend you guys support meritocracy.
You’ve repeated that ONE message 100 times now. If it weren’t such a rarity, you’d have lots more examoles.

After two generations of black favoritism, it’s time to select college students and job hires based on who is the most qualified - NOT on whose skin is darker.
I have never seen "black favoritism" in this country in my whole life.
I have never seen "black favoritism" in this country in my whole life.
What do you think DEI is? How did Kamala get her job of VP? How did Karine Jean Pierre become Press Secretary? How did that idiot GA prosecutor end up in that role? How did Justice Jackson get into Harvard when thousands of valedictorians weren’t even accepted? How do blacks with a GPA of 3.3 get into med school when whites with a 3.6 don’t stand a chance?

You’ve been seeing black favoritism your entire adult life. But it’s finally going to stop, and people will be measured on merit.
What do you think DEI is? How did Kamala get her job of VP? How did Karine Jean Pierre become Press Secretary? How did that idiot GA prosecutor end up in that role? How did Justice Jackson get into Harvard when thousands of valedictorians weren’t even accepted? How do blacks with a GPA of 3.3 get into med school when whites with a 3.6 don’t stand a chance?

You’ve been seeing black favoritism your entire adult life. But it’s finally going to stop, and people will be measured on merit.
So, famous successful black people only got ahead because whitey let them? Color me amused.
So, famous successful black people only got ahead because whitey let them? Color me amused.
In many cases, yes. How can you doubt that? Biden himself said he was limiting his choice to a female black. And his choice of KJP was obviously for the same reason. Both are incompetent and only got ahead due to liberals’ excluding whites, and there are tons of examples like that.

In many cases, yes. How can you doubt that? Biden himself said he was limiting his choice to a female black. And his choice of KJP was obviously for the same reason. Both are incompetent and only got ahead due to liberals’ excluding whites, and there are tons of examples like that.

Well gosh golly gee whiz. What forever shall we do? Were the tons of examples something that I missed?
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