The Lie that MAGA is DEI for White People
The fantastical idea that the West’s survival depends on replacing itself with the rest of the world contorts reality.
15 Jan 2025 ~~ By Matt Boose
Donald Trump’s pledge to deport millions of illegal aliens has been dismissed as unrealistic, but to his core supporters, this position is not up for negotiation. The MAGA base has experienced and is reacting to the most dramatic demographic shift of modern times. In the mid-20th century, as the Baby Boomers were coming of age, America was still a country inhabited by people of predominantly European extraction—where most practiced some form of Christianity, and social cohesion, outside of troubled communities undergoing court-ordered racial integration, was high. Today, whites are approaching minority status in America for the first time, and they are marginalized in every conceivable way, culturally, socially, and politically.
Many harbor regrets about this unbidden transformation and what it portends for them and their descendants. The ceaseless haranguing of ungrateful anti-American newcomers and their political pressure groups does little to allay the anxiety of so-called “nativists,” who share, despite differences of national origin, a common interest with besieged Europeans in stopping an influx of barbarous peoples, like the Pakistani men responsible for the horrific rape gangs in the formerly great Great Britain.
The suggestion that there is a concept of “DEI for whites” is almost fantastical. The only countries that consistently fail to provide even modest preference for their indigenous inhabitants are in Western Europe and its former colonies.
This has certainly been the case in America, where the foreign-born population, after four years of Joe Biden’s open border, stands at an all-time high, anti-white policies have already made it illegal to recruit the “best and brightest” who were born here, and mass immigration makes it unprofitable to do the same. Third World immigrants are reaping the benefits, encouraged to retain their ethnic attachments, and generally behave in as rude and brutish a manner as they wish towards their hosts.
The core Trump base does not care if their displacement comes with the government’s explicit permission, or if it is through the government’s failure to enforce the laws. The result will be the same, and it is distasteful either way.
History is on their side, as it happens. The Immigration Nationality Act of 1965 quietly opened our borders, by an act of Congress, to a flood that literally remade the face of the nation. Americans living then never truly consented to this process, which President Lyndon Johnson sold as a limited reform. But now that the change is complete, those on the losing end are told that America will cease to be America unless they accept millions more newcomers every year from the global south. Third World chauvinists would have us believe that America was never great before the civil rights era, when America began to embrace its true destiny as a multi-racial “nation of immigrants.”
The shaming of the West has worked so well, that even critics of mass immigration downplay its effects.
Notwithstanding the tensions within it, President Trump’s MAGA movement is filling a deep void. The desire for a political homeland is the most natural thing in the world, and it will not be repressed forever.
DEI is “Didn’t Earn It”. To MAGA, the best people regardless of skin color should earn it. I don’t care what color you are, as long as you can do the best job.