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The Logistics of Deporting 11,000,000 people...help please.

There is no one so penurious as a leftist suddenly confronted with the possibility of a) following the law, and b) benefitting the best interests of the United States. It is particularly amusing since there is no other occasion on which leftists can even be persuaded to consider financial costs on the taxpayers' dime, let alone view them as important.

yeah, track down, arrest, lock up, then deport 11 million people ... shit like that is FREE to taxpayers.

view that.

Keeping them here ain't free, either. Amazing how I'd rather spend that money enforcing the law than rewarding people for breaking it. Well, amazing to leftists, anyway.
At a hundred illegals per bus, we could do it in a mere 110,000 bus loads.

Or we could jam them in at 200 per bus and be rid of them in only 55,00 bus loads.

The question remains once we get them out of here is who is going to do the work they once did?

Americans? Fat chance.

Americans would ultimately, do it, yes, because the market wage for those jobs would have to increase in order to attract the labor. This is one of the hypocrisies of the left on this issue. You people scream about others not making a "living" wage, yet you have no problem lowering the bar for foreign brown people.

You people honestly believe that Americans are going to pick lettuce, clean hotel rooms, was cars, and mow lawns?

Get real.

You mean low wage American workers doing housekeeping in hotels and businesses? Yes. You mean landscaping? Yes. The reason that Americans do not pick lettuce is because it is a seasonal job and we don't live in a world where migrant children stand a chance in hell. There is no shot at stability.
rQUOTE="Cecilie1200, post: 10236801, member: 14617"]

There is no one so penurious as a leftist suddenly confronted with the possibility of a) following the law, and b) benefitting the best interests of the United States. It is particularly amusing since there is no other occasion on which leftists can even be persuaded to consider financial costs on the taxpayers' dime, let alone view them as important.

yeah, track down, arrest, lock up, then deport 11 million people ... shit like that is FREE to taxpayers.

view that.

Keeping them here ain't free, either. Amazing how I'd rather spend that money enforcing the law than rewarding people for breaking it. Well, amazing to leftists, anyway.[/QUOTE]

I'm no Liberal, so you're preaching to the choir. I'm all for a border as secure as we can get it and ENFORCING THE LAW ON THE BOOKS .... I just don't yammer constantly spouting half truths about immigration or this admin, so back off sister.
Cecilie 1200:
Keeping them here ain't free, either. Amazing how I'd rather spend that money enforcing the law than rewarding people for breaking it. Well, amazing to leftists, anyway.[/QUOTE]

Absolutely true.

There is no one so penurious as a leftist suddenly confronted with the possibility of a) following the law, and b) benefitting the best interests of the United States. It is particularly amusing since there is no other occasion on which leftists can even be persuaded to consider financial costs on the taxpayers' dime, let alone view them as important.

yeah, track down, arrest, lock up, then deport 11 million people ... shit like that is FREE to taxpayers.

view that.

Pretty silly rhetoric ....

The problem is handled simply ... when illegals come to the attention of authorities, they are deported .... period. If they don't DUI, they don't rob somebody, they don't get into fights at the local bar, they probably won't have a problem. But, if they are less than exemplary ... they're outta here!
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I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.

Easy... set up 150 sub-centers around the nation, each feeding into 75 primary centers, which file to 4 deportation centers which are immediately adjacent to international airports... Flights and semi-trucks pulling cattle cars loaded leaving every 15 minutes every day, for as long as it takes... .

These are fed by the use of the millions of municipalities to round up their respective aliens, each loading their respective aliens into their respective sub-centers.

150 sub-centers. Okay. What do they do?
75 primary centers. Okay. What do they do?
4 deportation centers. Then you load people onto planes, trucks, and "cattle" cars and then what?

Fly where?
Drive where?

Mexico City? The border?

You act like there aren't current deportations going on right now, or that people have not been deported in the past. Why the process is so difficult to grasp by you is a mystery?

The scale (mentioned in the title of the OP) is the X factor. If you wish to continue the current level of deportations along with the current level of crossings (both legal and illegal), nothing will change since we have explained the status quo.

If you wish to ramp up the number of deportations, the infrastructure comes into question; just like if you add 4 million people to a city, the current highways aren't going to be able to handle it.

Hence the question, the logistics of doing it.

Easy to say that you just put them on the first flight out of the country...what if the receiving country doesn't want them--contests their identity?

Why you think getting rid of 11,000,000 people will be the same as the revolving door we have now is a mystery.

But I've seen no one that has suggested that everyone gets deported at once, or by a certain time. I think people have repeatedly said that the border issue needs to be addressed first, or starting any kind of accelerated deportation model is a huge waste of time and money. You seem entirely concerned about the logistics of it as if we haven't done this in the past by asking how we physically move them, or where we drop them off, etc... which seem like minor issues at best in the larger scheme of things.


Let me say this about that. Forty percent of people who are here are here because they overstayed their visa. In other words, they walked across the border (figuratively) and we said, stay here for 6 months. Six years later they are still here. Tallest fence in the world wouldn't have stopped them. Stationing every Marine in the country wouldn't have either. That being said...

We still need to build a fortified fence from Texas to Cali to stop people from driving across/carrying across items that could go boom.

As for what people are suggesting I've seen everything suggested.

If I seem to wish to stress the logistics of it...uhhh yeah; hence the title of the thread. I was trying to get the group who says, "Round them up, ship them back" to elaborate on it. So far, I haven't seen the elaboration except one who wants to open up about 200 facilities. Not sure that is going to do much.
I have run a business. EVERY employer is already required to fill out an I-9 form for every employee.

The laws are in place. Simply enforce them.


However the fact is that I-9's are "filed" with the employer and there is no checking to actually determine if the person is who they say they are. The employer is basically required to accept the documents presented at fact value. The employer can actually get in trouble if (s)he treats employees differently when it comes to document procurement requirements for verifying some types of employees but not others.


Then those I-9's should be checked. I mean, if they aren't why have them?

I have run a business. EVERY employer is already required to fill out an I-9 form for every employee.

The laws are in place. Simply enforce them.


However the fact is that I-9's are "filed" with the employer and there is no checking to actually determine if the person is who they say they are. The employer is basically required to accept the documents presented at fact value. The employer can actually get in trouble if (s)he treats employees differently when it comes to document procurement requirements for verifying some types of employees but not others.

Perhaps it's time to require an ID for everyone, and to require certification of citizenship during the course of obtaining such IDs, and to embed citizenship status onto the face (and electronics?) of such IDs? We've been avoiding this for years, with good reason. But circumstances (outside immigration pressure) may be forcing us into that very solution. I dunno.

Sad isn't it, that because our government has to give away free stuff, that our right to privacy has to be jeopardized because of it.

There is no way in hell that you are going to get a rational answer to this question. Your basic conservative feels like he should just lean out of his window and yell, "Get off of my lawn", and the problem will be solved.

I and others have given you the answers. You just don't like them.


Actually, you haven't. The only way to deport them is to do so in a way that does not comport with the due process the law requires.
"Immigration proceedings, although not subject to the full range of constitutional protections, must conform to the Fifth Amendment’s requirement of due process." Salgado-Diaz v. Gonzales, 395 F.3d 1158, 1162 (9th Cir. 2005) (as amended); see also Gonzaga-Ortega v. Holder, No. 07-74361, --- F.3d ---, 2013 WL 5198549, at *8 (9th Cir. June 7, 2013) (as amended); Vilchez v. Holder, 682 F.3d 1195, 1199 (9th Cir. 2012); United Sates v. Reyes-Bonilla, 671 F.3d 1036, 1045 (9th Cir. 2012), cert denied by 133 S. Ct. 322 (2012); Pangilinan v. Holder, 568 F.3d 708, 709 (9th Cir. 2009) (order). "A full and fair hearing is one of the due process rights afforded to aliens in deportation proceedings. … A court will grant a petition on due process grounds only if the proceeding was so fundamentally unfair that the alien was prevented from reasonably presenting his case." Gutierrez v. Holder, 662 F.3d 1083, 1091 (9th Cir. 2011) (citations and quotation marks omitted); see also Cano-Merida v. INS, 311 F.3d 960, 964 (9th Cir. 2002); Colmenar v. INS, 210 F.3d 967, 971 (9th Cir. 2000) ("[A]n alien who faces deportation is entitled to a full and fair hearing of his claims and a reasonable opportunity to present evidence on his behalf."). Removing an alien from the United States without any procedural safeguards of a formal hearing may result in a due process violation. See Salgado-Diaz, 395 F.3d at 1162-63 ("[F]ailing to afford petitioner an evidentiary hearing on his serious allegations of having been unlawfully stopped and expelled from the United States, aborting his pending immigration proceedings and the relief available to him at the time, violated his right to due process of law.").

What you and others have done is opine they don't like the law.

Nope. I don't care about deporting anyone. Like I stated before, make it impossible for them to live here and they will leave on their own.

I have run a business. EVERY employer is already required to fill out an I-9 form for every employee.

The laws are in place. Simply enforce them.


However the fact is that I-9's are "filed" with the employer and there is no checking to actually determine if the person is who they say they are. The employer is basically required to accept the documents presented at fact value. The employer can actually get in trouble if (s)he treats employees differently when it comes to document procurement requirements for verifying some types of employees but not others.

Perhaps it's time to require an ID for everyone, and to require certification of citizenship during the course of obtaining such IDs, and to embed citizenship status onto the face (and electronics?) of such IDs? We've been avoiding this for years, with good reason. But circumstances (outside immigration pressure) may be forcing us into that very solution. I dunno.

Sad isn't it, that because our government has to give away free stuff, that our right to privacy has to be jeopardized because of it.

rQUOTE="Cecilie1200, post: 10236801, member: 14617"]

There is no one so penurious as a leftist suddenly confronted with the possibility of a) following the law, and b) benefitting the best interests of the United States. It is particularly amusing since there is no other occasion on which leftists can even be persuaded to consider financial costs on the taxpayers' dime, let alone view them as important.

yeah, track down, arrest, lock up, then deport 11 million people ... shit like that is FREE to taxpayers.

view that.

Keeping them here ain't free, either. Amazing how I'd rather spend that money enforcing the law than rewarding people for breaking it. Well, amazing to leftists, anyway.

I'm no Liberal, so you're preaching to the choir. I'm all for a border as secure as we can get it and ENFORCING THE LAW ON THE BOOKS .... I just don't yammer constantly spouting half truths about immigration or this admin, so back off sister.[/QUOTE]

You yammer constantly. You just flatter yourself that you're saying something meaningful. And I don't take orders, so I guess you'll just have to butch up and stop crying, pantyboy. Anytime a smart, opinionated woman is too scary for you to handle, feel free stick your fingers in your ears and run away crying.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.
Self deportation. Take away all help they receive like free healthcare, welfare. Do not allow them to work. Arrest employers and bulldoze their home if they hire illegals.

Illegals will flee like rats on a sinking ship.
rQUOTE="Cecilie1200, post: 10236801, member: 14617"]

There is no one so penurious as a leftist suddenly confronted with the possibility of a) following the law, and b) benefitting the best interests of the United States. It is particularly amusing since there is no other occasion on which leftists can even be persuaded to consider financial costs on the taxpayers' dime, let alone view them as important.

yeah, track down, arrest, lock up, then deport 11 million people ... shit like that is FREE to taxpayers.

view that.

Keeping them here ain't free, either. Amazing how I'd rather spend that money enforcing the law than rewarding people for breaking it. Well, amazing to leftists, anyway.

I'm no Liberal, so you're preaching to the choir. I'm all for a border as secure as we can get it and ENFORCING THE LAW ON THE BOOKS .... I just don't yammer constantly spouting half truths about immigration or this admin, so back off sister.

You yammer constantly. You just flatter yourself that you're saying something meaningful. And I don't take orders, so I guess you'll just have to butch up and stop crying, pantyboy. Anytime a smart, opinionated woman is too scary for you to handle, feel free stick your fingers in your ears and run away crying.[/QUOTE]

anytime a pretentious asshole flatters themselves an a message board I leave LMAO ... my janitor is smarter than you.
I often hear about the conservative plans to deport the illegal aliens who are here.

I was hoping to get the logistics solved. If you believe the figure of 11,000,0000 illegals being here, how would you go about such a feat? What if the illegal alien had a child while he or she was here; would you separate the family since the baby is a citizen?

Sounds pretty impractical to me.
Self deportation. Take away all help they receive like free healthcare, welfare. Do not allow them to work. Arrest employers and bulldoze their home if they hire illegals.

Illegals will flee like rats on a sinking ship.

Don't you think that many employers would shy away from hiring anyone named Rodrigurez or Sanchez if the penalty was to bulldoze their homes?

In one breath, you say it will cost tens and tens and tens and tens of billions to deport millions, and then you say Obama has deported millions.

You really aren't thinking when you write, are you.

The milestone is significant because it means Obama's administration has deported more people than any other president's.

What's more, it took Obama's administration just over five years to exceed the 2 million deportations that took place under all eight years of President George W. Bush's administration, which set the previous record after ramping up deportations following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. ...The 2 million deportation milestone was actually reached months ago. As of March 8, [2014], the Obama administration had deported 2,087,456 people since fiscal 2009, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics.

All I know is what I read and its true that I did not witness the loading of every bus.
Bullshit statistics on obama deportatiopns. They changed the metrics. They count those they catch entering illegally as a deportation. Catch at the border and return is not deporting. Reality is that Obama's deportation record is asbismal. So quit spouting his record on deporting. It's a damn lie.
As long as immigration laws are not enforced and illegal immigrants are given free stuff for being here, illegal immigration will continue to be a problem. One thing that definitely needs to be changed is the problem of anchor babies. If mom is in the country illegally, then her baby should not be automatically granted Citizenship for being born here. Even if it takes a constitutional amendment to make this happen, it should be done.

In one breath, you say it will cost tens and tens and tens and tens of billions to deport millions, and then you say Obama has deported millions.

You really aren't thinking when you write, are you.

The milestone is significant because it means Obama's administration has deported more people than any other president's.

What's more, it took Obama's administration just over five years to exceed the 2 million deportations that took place under all eight years of President George W. Bush's administration, which set the previous record after ramping up deportations following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. ...The 2 million deportation milestone was actually reached months ago. As of March 8, [2014], the Obama administration had deported 2,087,456 people since fiscal 2009, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement statistics.

All I know is what I read and its true that I did not witness the loading of every bus.
They count those they catch entering illegally as a deportation. Catch at the border and return is not deporting. .
It actually is the definition of a deportation.

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