The Looting Begins : Media Silent on Cost of Lock-Down


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Shops are being boarded up in California, Philadelphia and across the country as America anticipates widespread social unrest, as the coronavirus lock-down strangles the economy and emboldens sociopathic elements, a little at time. Criminal gangs understand well that police response is slowed or stopped, and can see the street empty of normally vibrant small shop life with normal people milling about and being the eyes and ears of the street.





As always local news affiliates are picking up the slack that national networks will not report.

CBS Philly

Burglaries are exploding. Not hard to see the writing on the wall.

Seattle burglary explodes 87% downtown after coronavirus policy, crisis
Seattle coronavirus crime concerns have become fully realized. Burglary cases have exploded in Seattle’s west precinct since the coronavirus stay-at-home order and a county policy prohibiting most misdemeanor jail bookings went into effect. These cases are also up significantly citywide. A little over a week ago, officers argued the booking policy would result in a criminal “free for all.”

In Fresno.

Looters in broad daylight in California, and that was weeks ago:

Santa Cruz


In a viral video from Italy a man explains he is out of food. Even with government help many will fall through the "cracks" of the informal economy.

Many people are not taking their meds. Many people have spent their savings. And some, not many, but a dangerous few, are ready to take full advantage of the situation.

What now, Fauci? Trump can still stop the massive outbreaks. By announcing next week we are back in business.
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Put out shoot on sight orders on the bastards like they have in past disasters. It made them think twice anyway.

These type of thugs are the worst of the worst. Preying on people already suffering and probably in more ways than one. Fuck those punks.
Shops are being boarded up in California, Philadelphia and across the country as America anticipates widespread social unrest, as the coronavirus lock-down strangles the economy and emboldens sociopathic elements, a little at time. Criminal gangs understand well that police response is slowed or stopped, and can see the street empty of normally vibrant small shop life with normal people milling about and being the eyes and ears of the street.





As always local news affiliates are picking up the slack that national networks will not report.

CBS Philly

Burglaries are exploding. Not hard to see the writing on the wall.

Seattle burglary explodes 87% downtown after coronavirus policy, crisis
Seattle coronavirus crime concerns have become fully realized. Burglary cases have exploded in Seattle’s west precinct since the coronavirus stay-at-home order and a county policy prohibiting most misdemeanor jail bookings went into effect. These cases are also up significantly citywide. A little over a week ago, officers argued the booking policy would result in a criminal “free for all.”

Looters in broad daylight in California, and that was weeks ago:

Santa Cruz


In a viral video from Italy a man explains he is out of food. Even with government help many will fall through the "cracks" of the informal economy.

Many people are not taking their meds. Many people have spent their savings. And some, not many, but a dangerous few, are ready to take full advantage of the situation.

What now, Fauci?

Is it any shock that the Native Sicilians in Palermo have no moneys to buy food and are being on order of the filthy Traitor Mayor Leoluca Orlando are being stopped by police for attempting to feed their family?

That Sky News video features the filthy Traitor Mayor Leoluca Orlando, a Leftist piece of filth who declare last year that ALL Muh Refugees and ALL Muh Economic Migrants as SOON as he allows them to invade Sicily are automatically Sicilian, a DIRECT VIOLATION of EXISTING EU Laws I add. The Mafia need to do the decent thing and deal with this human scum, although from what several men in that video say they are already planning a revolution and everyone should hope for the over throwof the Traitor Leoluca Orlando:


They have guns already, see below:


Perhaps if Leoluca Orlando actually gave a SHIT about Native Sicilians he would have PUT THEM FIRST, INSTEAD of spending his time sucking the dicks of Muh Refugees and Muh Economic Migrants and GIVING THEM Gibs Me Dat and STEALING the moneys off the Sicilians to GIVE to the filthy Third World Shit Holers he ACTIVELY assists in helping INVADE beautiful Sicily.

On 12 February the Traitor Leoluca Orlando in a ceremony bestowed honorary Sicilian citizenship on other Traitors from the human SCUM that are NGOs, these other self-hating Italians who's literal MISSION is to destroy beautiful Italy and Sicily by flooding with unlimited amounts of filthy scum from Third World Shit Holes, like the below Useless Eaters that BELONG BACK in their African Shit Holes and NOT in Sicily, the below Useless Eaters probably NOW have EVERYTHING during this COVID-19 situation when as we see from the video in the OP the Native Sicilians are fucking starving and have no moneys because the below ilk have been given Gibs Me Dat by the Traitor Leoluca Orlando:





^^^^ "Out of respect for human rights" WHAT about the HUMAN RIGHTS of the peoples of Sicily you disgusting POS?

Put out shoot on sight orders on the bastards like they have in past disasters. It made them think twice anyway.

These type of thugs are the worst of the worst. Preying on people already suffering and probably in more ways than one. Fuck those punks.

"Put out shoot on sight orders"

You do not know about the situation already in Palermo, see my post # 4 about the Traitor Mayor Leoluca Orlando. The Native Sicilians have had their money reduced already in December 2019 so that POS Traitor Leoluca Orlando could GIVE that moneys to the filthy Third World Shit Holer's he has allowed to infest Sicily. IF ANYONE should be shot it's HIM and ALL the Third World Shit Holers also.

Sicily for the Sicilians. The Sicilians should come FIRST always. Fuck Muh Refugees let them starve.
Shops are being boarded up in California, Philadelphia and across the country as America anticipates widespread social unrest, as the coronavirus lock-down strangles the economy and emboldens sociopathic elements, a little at time. Criminal gangs understand well that police response is slowed or stopped, and can see the street empty of normally vibrant small shop life with normal people milling about and being the eyes and ears of the street.





As always local news affiliates are picking up the slack that national networks will not report.

CBS Philly

Burglaries are exploding. Not hard to see the writing on the wall.

Seattle burglary explodes 87% downtown after coronavirus policy, crisis
Seattle coronavirus crime concerns have become fully realized. Burglary cases have exploded in Seattle’s west precinct since the coronavirus stay-at-home order and a county policy prohibiting most misdemeanor jail bookings went into effect. These cases are also up significantly citywide. A little over a week ago, officers argued the booking policy would result in a criminal “free for all.”

In Fresno.

Looters in broad daylight in California, and that was weeks ago:

Santa Cruz


In a viral video from Italy a man explains he is out of food. Even with government help many will fall through the "cracks" of the informal economy.

Many people are not taking their meds. Many people have spent their savings. And some, not many, but a dangerous few, are ready to take full advantage of the situation.

What now, Fauci? Trump can still stop the massive outbreaks. By announcing next week we are back in business.

If this were happening the LSM would be having a field day blaming Trump for every store looted. Iguess this on belongs deep in the cellar.
Shops are being boarded up in California, Philadelphia and across the country as America anticipates widespread social unrest, as the coronavirus lock-down strangles the economy and emboldens sociopathic elements, a little at time. Criminal gangs understand well that police response is slowed or stopped, and can see the street empty of normally vibrant small shop life with normal people milling about and being the eyes and ears of the street.
Just remember that the Left wanted this, they wanted more of it and sooner and they wanted to hang Trump for not starting it in January while he was being impeached!
No one in the stores, no one on the streets, police hampered, people desperate, just remember how good all this is for the country. The Tards have said so.
And when billions of damage and lost goods are stolen, they'll blame that too on Trump saying he should have had the National Guard in every City, every street. You know, Trump's in charge.
The Left can't wait for riots and looting because you know . . . . they'll be the one's out doing it.
Shops are being boarded up in California, Philadelphia and across the country as America anticipates widespread social unrest, as the coronavirus lock-down strangles the economy and emboldens sociopathic elements, a little at time. Criminal gangs understand well that police response is slowed or stopped, and can see the street empty of normally vibrant small shop life with normal people milling about and being the eyes and ears of the street.





As always local news affiliates are picking up the slack that national networks will not report.

CBS Philly

Burglaries are exploding. Not hard to see the writing on the wall.

Seattle burglary explodes 87% downtown after coronavirus policy, crisis
Seattle coronavirus crime concerns have become fully realized. Burglary cases have exploded in Seattle’s west precinct since the coronavirus stay-at-home order and a county policy prohibiting most misdemeanor jail bookings went into effect. These cases are also up significantly citywide. A little over a week ago, officers argued the booking policy would result in a criminal “free for all.”

In Fresno.

Looters in broad daylight in California, and that was weeks ago:

Santa Cruz


In a viral video from Italy a man explains he is out of food. Even with government help many will fall through the "cracks" of the informal economy.

Many people are not taking their meds. Many people have spent their savings. And some, not many, but a dangerous few, are ready to take full advantage of the situation.

What now, Fauci? Trump can still stop the massive outbreaks. By announcing next week we are back in business.

According to the lib news media crime is down

how could even dumb journalists get it so wrong?
Shops are being boarded up in California, Philadelphia and across the country as America anticipates widespread social unrest, as the coronavirus lock-down strangles the economy and emboldens sociopathic elements, a little at time. Criminal gangs understand well that police response is slowed or stopped, and can see the street empty of normally vibrant small shop life with normal people milling about and being the eyes and ears of the street.





As always local news affiliates are picking up the slack that national networks will not report.

CBS Philly

Burglaries are exploding. Not hard to see the writing on the wall.

Seattle burglary explodes 87% downtown after coronavirus policy, crisis
Seattle coronavirus crime concerns have become fully realized. Burglary cases have exploded in Seattle’s west precinct since the coronavirus stay-at-home order and a county policy prohibiting most misdemeanor jail bookings went into effect. These cases are also up significantly citywide. A little over a week ago, officers argued the booking policy would result in a criminal “free for all.”

In Fresno.

Looters in broad daylight in California, and that was weeks ago:

Santa Cruz


In a viral video from Italy a man explains he is out of food. Even with government help many will fall through the "cracks" of the informal economy.

Many people are not taking their meds. Many people have spent their savings. And some, not many, but a dangerous few, are ready to take full advantage of the situation.

What now, Fauci? Trump can still stop the massive outbreaks. By announcing next week we are back in business.

If ever there was a case to be made for Beta C mags . . .
Put out shoot on sight orders on the bastards like they have in past disasters. It made them think twice anyway.

These type of thugs are the worst of the worst. Preying on people already suffering and probably in more ways than one. Fuck those punks.

^^^^ Very sad that so many Rightists Liked the above post advocated SHOOTING Native Sicilians and only two peoples Liked my post that correctly say that it's the fucking Third World Invaders that SHOULD be shot. I suppose ALL the Rightists who SUPPORT shooting the Native Sicilians are now ALL about Muh Feelings for Third World Invaders.

Hmmm wonder if those Rightists would SUPPORT shooting Americans who are starving because their moneys was cut so Mexicans and Somalians for example could be give more Gibs Me Dat at the EXPENSE of American taxpayers. Well WOULD you support SHOOTING starving Amercians to PROTECT filthy Third World Shit Holer Invaders?

Are you who LIKED a post advocating SHOOTING the Native Sicilians DEVOID of reading comprehension now? Can you not read what I posted in my post # 4 in this thread? Wanting to SHOOT Native Sicilians, oh but but but PROTECT filthy Third World Invaders who have been GIVEN EVERYTHING by a Traitor Mayor Leoluca Orlando.

WHY should NOT the Native Sicilians get ANGRY? That is THEIR Island, that is THEIR food, THEY have PAID for EVERYTHING by WORKING and paying TAXES and NOW during this crisis they are PREVENTED from working because of COVID-19 and they have NO money and they NEED to eat....yet the filthy human scum from the Third World who have INVADED and been PROTECTED by filthy Leftist TRAITORS like Leoluca Orlando get EVERYTHING they NEED ant the EXPENSE of the Sicilians and SIX Rightists in THIS thread LIKE a post saying to SHOOT the Native Sicilians? Disgusting.
Time to call the rooftop Koreans.


Yes but NOT for the Native Sicilians, do it for Muh Invaders.

^^^^ Don't think I do not notice that ONLY ONE Liked the above post. This again illustrates that those 6 Rightists who disgustingly Liked post # 3 did so because they SUPPORT having Native Sicilians shot and this also means that those 6 Rightists SUPPORT the Third World Invaders.

Hypocrites then because you DON'T SUPPORT the Third World Invaders who have been Imported into America DO you? WHY am I NOT shocked though considering EVERY thread EVER at this forum that has been posted about Third World Invaders on MY Continent the MAJORITY of Rightists have been CHEERLEADING the Invasion because let us face it YOU fucking HATE my Continent AND you HATE our peoples. So you can HATE me then as WELL.

Why not just lift the lock-down, isolate the vulnerable, and let us reach herd immunity?

No what you should do the MOST important thing is that ALL Illegal Immigrants are PROTECTED, also open your BORDER so MORE can get in. When the food riots come, what happens then is that ALL the Illegal Immigrants COME FIRST, Americans will just have to COME LAST and if it comes to it Americans will just have to be shot if they break into a food store because you know the Illegal Immigrants are the most important during this time.
You quit cowering in fear. Thats how.
Individuals who spread a deadly virus are risking their own lives and the lives of others.

Where's the heroism in that?

Where's the heroism in a country in ice age depression? There was never a need for an either/or proposition in regards to shutting down the economy. It never should have fully shutdown. Whats happening right now is beyond ludicrous.
You quit cowering in fear. Thats how.
Individuals who spread a deadly virus are risking their own lives and the lives of others.

Where's the heroism in that?

Even though it is the WRONG action to take I would now advise that ALL Americans GO OUT, go for Herd Immunity. The ONLY ones who should be Isolated and THIS is to PROTECT them are the Illegal Immigrants, they should be Isolated because you know THEY are the Replacement for the Americans aka Population Replacement and so THEY are IMPORTANT and need protecting. If anything happens like, oh I don't know, food riots or whatever, well of course the Americans should just be shot because at ALL COSTS the Illegal Immigrants MUST be protected and GIVEN EVERYTHING the Americans have WORKED for, oh and at this time also that California Governor should OPEN the BORDER with Mexico so MORE Illegals get in. What about the New York Governor, if he wants it CAN be arranged for Charter Flights where we can put ALL the Muh Refugees trapped on the Greece-Turkey Border we can arrange HUNDREDS of Charter Flights that can bring ALL of Muh Refugees to America, we will give them ALL to New York and then you can spread them around America.

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