The MAIN source of Trump's accusations against Obama


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
LONDON — A former British legislator, Louise Mensch, is at the heart of the Trump administration’s explosive allegation that President Barack Obama was spying on him during the 2016 campaign.

Mensch's article, published on the right-leaning, libertarian website Heat Street, did not create much of a stir at the time. But it has come under the spotlight after Trump, in a tweet-storm over the weekend, accused Obama of wiretapping his offices during the election campaign. Trump compared the alleged bugging to the Watergate scandal, but he has not offered any evidence to back up his claims.

In tweets on Monday, Mensch emphasized that her reporting does not back up Trump’s wiretapping claim, even though the White House cited her article to justify the allegation.

Over the weekend, the White House cited reports “from BBC, Heat Street, New York Times, Fox News, among others” to justify the claims. Former Obama administration officials and aides have denied the accusation.

After combing through these news reports, The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler concluded that the piece by Mensch in Heat Street was “the most important” of the lot.

This former British lawmaker is at the heart of the Trump wiretap allegations

Bear in mind that for the Trumpster these two Brits are:

Louise Mensch= Very Credible
Christopher Steele= Fake news
And what is Clapper to you, FAKE NEWS, or CREDIBLE SOURCE?

The main source of the accusation was The Flynn Wire Tap at Trump Tower.
Exactly how did The Washington Post get a verbatim transcript of a private phone conversation with a Russian diplomat congratulating Flynn on his nomination?

Do you believe Obama's Intelligence Chief (Clapper) when he says,

"There was no evidence found of The Trump Team working with Russia to impact US Elections?"

Do you believe Clapper when he says,

"There was no wire tapping that occurred at Trump Tower?"

Do you believe Clapper?

And why are you starting so many threads about the same subject over and over again?

Trump doesn't have to offer one shred of evidence.

The Post did that for him when they posted the transcript of The Wire Tap.

Geez you people are stupid.

Why hasn't Obama Bin Lying came out and made a public statement on this?

Why is he in hiding?
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The main source is obie. His past actions and things we're hearing sound just like his MO.
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Facts are a real bitch for right wingers......but that's OK. We need idiots as examples for our kids to remain in school. LOL
Clapper also claimed the NSA was not spying on millions of Americans in 2013...until it was revealed the NSA WAS spying on millions of Americans without warrants. Clapper almost faced Perjury charges but was allowed to 'amend' his testimony.

Yeah, he's credible alright. If Clapper is in anyway involved / connected and he says it did NOT happen, you can bet the spying / wire-tapping did take place.
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Clapper also claimed the NSA was not spying on millions of Americans in 2013...until it was revealed the NSA WAS spying on millions of Americans without warrants. Clapper almost faced Perjury charges but was allowed to 'amend' his testimony.

Yeah, he's credible alright. If Clapper is in anyway involved / connected and he says it did NOT happen, you can bet the spying / wire-tapping did take place.

So, in your fucked up half brain, this thread is about Clapper, and NOT about the deranged orange clown???
Facts are a real bitch for right wingers......but that's OK. We need idiots as examples for our kids to remain in school. LOL
Obama has disappeared off the RADAR after the accusation.

Josh Earnest, ex WH Press Secretary, refused to answer the question about wire-tapping.

The NYT reported Trump was being investigated during the election, which means he WAS being watched / listened to.

Clapper, who spied on millions of Americans running the NSA and lied about it, says the wire-tapping of Trump didn't happen, almost guaranteeing it did.

Obama spied on reporters - like Rosen, the media, Americans, and even Congress as President.

I posted yesterday a link to an article pointing out the 13 times Obama was caught spying / wire-tapping people during his Presidency.

Obama used the IRS to target Americans.

You said right-wingers can't handle facts; yet you ignore these like a vampire avoids sunlight.

The FBI has already cleared Trump, declaring there was no link between him and Putin / Russia; yet, snowflakes keep making the false accusation without offering up proof.

Where are the facts, snowflake - where is the evidence?

Snowflakes claim:

The Russians 'hacked the election' - NO proof ever presented

Trump was connected to Putin / Russians - NO evidence and cleared by the FBI

Flynn engaged in unethical / illegal contact with Russia - No evidence, both proved FALSE

Sessions broke the law, had inappropriate contact with Russians - No proof, both proved False

This was all a false narrative / lie campaign to attack Trump and distract from the fact that leaked DNC e-mails exposed them as racists, sexist, homophobes, and anti-Semites. If it was more than that snowflakes would have provided the 1st shred of evidence so far...but there is none.

It is not RWers who fear / avoid facts, snowflake....
For the sake of making a point which you Pinheads fail to notice...lets say Trump's claims are baseless.

The Liars in the Media and you Bolsheviks (Democrats) are pissed off about such claims because it is taking air time away from the equally baseless claims of a fraudulent treasonous co-conspiracy by the Trump Campaign with the Russians....which has been ongoing for months now...without a whiff of evidence. Even Obama's people have said they have no evidence....yet you and people like you have persisted and pounded it every day....until Trump matched your Bullshit with his own.

I recall that the goofy bitch from California....Feinstein...was out a week or two ago wailing repeatedly about "what's good for the goose is good for the gander".

It is damn inconvenient that you assholes (including all the leaders of the Democratic Party) have to take time out from calling good men like Jeff Sessions a TRAITOR---with NO evidence whine about Trump not having any evidence for his claims....but...."What's good for the goose is good for the gander!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck all Democrats...everyone of them have turned into Bolsheviks...there ain't an honest or reasonable man or woman left in what's left of the dying Democratic Party.
Facts are a real bitch for right wingers......but that's OK. We need idiots as examples for our kids to remain in school. LOL

FACTS, like the Fact you refuse to answer the question I have repeatedly asked of you?

Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence when he said

"There was no evidence whatsoever of Russian Collusion with The Trump Team to impact US Elections,"

and do you believe Obama's Chief Intelligence Officer (Clapper) when he said

"There was no wire tapping at Trump Tower?"

Do you believe Clapper?
Facts are a real bitch for right wingers......but that's OK. We need idiots as examples for our kids to remain in school. LOL

Facts are a real bitch for right wingers......

They seem to be tearing you a new asshole

We need idiots as examples for our kids to remain in school. LOL

I understand they're replacing the presidents pictures in schools with yours.
Can't think of a better example
So, in your fucked up half brain, this thread is about Clapper, and NOT about the deranged orange clown???

No...however, part of the snowflake defense that there was no wire-tapping of Trump involves an ex-Obama head of the NSA who illegally spied on millions of Americans and lied about it under oath....claiming now that no wire-tapping of Trump occurred...



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Facts are a real bitch for right wingers......but that's OK. We need idiots as examples for our kids to remain in school. LOL
Obama has disappeared off the RADAR after the accusation.

Josh Earnest, ex WH Press Secretary, refused to answer the question about wire-tapping.

The NYT reported Trump was being investigated during the election, which means he WAS being watched / listened to.

Clapper, who spied on millions of Americans running the NSA and lied about it, says the wire-tapping of Trump didn't happen, almost guaranteeing it did.

Obama spied on reporters - like Rosen, the media, Americans, and even Congress as President.

I posted yesterday a link to an article pointing out the 13 times Obama was caught spying / wire-tapping people during his Presidency.

Obama used the IRS to target Americans.

You said right-wingers can't handle facts; yet you ignore these like a vampire avoids sunlight.

The FBI has already cleared Trump, declaring there was no link between him and Putin / Russia; yet, snowflakes keep making the false accusation without offering up proof.

Where are the facts, snowflake - where is the evidence?

Snowflakes claim:

The Russians 'hacked the election' - NO proof ever presented

Trump was connected to Putin / Russians - NO evidence and cleared by the FBI

Flynn engaged in unethical / illegal contact with Russia - No evidence, both proved FALSE

Sessions broke the law, had inappropriate contact with Russians - No proof, both proved False

This was all a false narrative / lie campaign to attack Trump and distract from the fact that leaked DNC e-mails exposed them as racists, sexist, homophobes, and anti-Semites. If it was more than that snowflakes would have provided the 1st shred of evidence so far...but there is none.

It is not RWers who fear / avoid facts, snowflake....

TRUTH that no DEM will hear. They cannot hear TRUTH or see TRUTH.....because TRUTH is not in them.
They are rotting carcasses of compromised morality.
Nat, doesn't it bother you that Obama and the NSA was spying on millions of Americans without warrants and that the man in charge of the agency that was doing it lied under oath to defend the illegal practice?

And do you REALLY consider the man who did all this and still lied under oath to be a 'credible source'? REALLY?
equally baseless claims of a fraudulent treasonous co-conspiracy by the Trump Campaign with the Russians....

American Intelligence unanimously finds that Russia hacked DNC and Pedesta to influence election.
CIA, FBI,Congress is investigating Russian means, connections and influence.
Flynn is gone for lying about Russian contacts,
Sessions recused himself from investigation for misleading about Russian contacts during confirmation.

I simply LOVE right wingers fucked up spinning.........

Here, deal with this scenario......

If Trump LIED about being wiretapped, he's toast

If Trump is CORRECT about being wiretapped, THEN the reasons why a judge granted a warrant, will ALSO make him toast.

Either way...........I hope you right wingers like orangy crow....LOL
And do you REALLY consider the man who did all this and still lied under oath to be a 'credible source'?

Again, moron.....why are you making this thread about Clapper? Re-read the title or get someone to read it for you.
Do you believe Obama's Chief of Intelligence when he said

"There was no evidence whatsoever of Russian Collusion with The Trump Team to impact US Elections,"

Original IDIOT.......Clapper NEVER stated the above.....NEVER......Go back to bed....LOL
American Intelligence unanimously finds that Russia hacked DNC and Pedesta to influence election.

Please provide the links / evidence to support this claim.

Flynn is gone for lying about Russian contacts
YOU LIE --- Flynn was not found guilty of anything illegal or unethical. His contacts with the Russians were found to be within the scope of his job. He resigned because he failed to tell the VP about having had those conversations, not because of naything illegal.

Sessions recused himself from investigation for misleading about Russian contacts during confirmation.
YOU LIE --- Sessions was not found guilty of anything. The accusation coming from the Democrats amounted to nothing more than 'he said-she said' nonsense. The Snowflakes' attempt to execute the same type of political assassination against Sessions as they carried out against Flynn failed. Sessions agreed to recuse himself to appease the libs who were making much about nothing. Had there been something Sessions would have been fired or charged with a crime.

At least TRY to be honest in your rantings.

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