The Media is the biggest enemy our nation faces

Hate will consume the left in the end. Trump is campaigning on building America & the left is campaigning on sheer HATE.
Very SAD!
Ignorance, fear, hate, stupidity, bigotry, racism, and lies all consumed the right long ago – this thread’s premise is further proof of that.
Replace the word right in your post with the word left, and you will be spot on then. Your welcome.
Trump's gift to the rest of the world----

Nigeria copies Trumpism--
Nigeria's army cites Trump to justify shooting Shia protesters

The Nigerian army has cited a video of US President Donald Trump, in which he says soldiers should respond with force to migrants throwing stones, to justify opening fire on a Shia group this week.

"When they throw rocks... consider it as a rifle," Mr Trump says in the clip.

Nigerian police have arrested 400 members of a Shia Muslim sect after days of deadly protests in the capital.

Amnesty International has criticised Nigeria's army for the killings, saying the Shia protesters were peaceful.

But a spokesman for the Nigerian army says their decision to fire live rounds at protesters in Abuja was justified because they were armed, telling the BBC "this is what [Mr] Trump was talking about".

Nigeria cites Trump on shooting protesters
Trump's gift to the rest of the world----

Nigeria copies Trumpism--
Nigeria's army cites Trump to justify shooting Shia protesters

The Nigerian army has cited a video of US President Donald Trump, in which he says soldiers should respond with force to migrants throwing stones, to justify opening fire on a Shia group this week.

"When they throw rocks... consider it as a rifle," Mr Trump says in the clip.

Nigerian police have arrested 400 members of a Shia Muslim sect after days of deadly protests in the capital.

Amnesty International has criticised Nigeria's army for the killings, saying the Shia protesters were peaceful.

But a spokesman for the Nigerian army says their decision to fire live rounds at protesters in Abuja was justified because they were armed, telling the BBC "this is what [Mr] Trump was talking about".

Nigeria cites Trump on shooting protesters
All these poor armies and nations were nothing until Trump came along eh ???? Good grief.

If Trump said for them all to go jump in a lake, would they just do it ??? Don't think so, but if they can fool their enemies by using a firm unwavering stance while blaming Trump for it, then what's a despot to do but blame Trump for what they wanted to do in the first place ??

Trump best learn how to defend himself against all who are crying Trump these days.
I always believed growing up we could never become controlled by a dictator because of free speech
or become a socialistic nation. Our constitution has always worked. Also I thought our free press would
insure that the people always kept the people abreast of what was going on. The Soviet Union controlled
there press & the thinking of the people.

Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.

"The Media ARE …"

Not "is".

The Media are plural.

The singular is "medium".

And you must have gone to public skools.
The media is almost completely subjugated. Trump is a congenital liar and the press still holds interviews with this blob as if he can be believed.
I always believed growing up we could never become controlled by a dictator because of free speech
or become a socialistic nation. Our constitution has always worked. Also I thought our free press would
insure that the people always kept the people abreast of what was going on. The Soviet Union controlled
there press & the thinking of the people.

Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.

Ignorant nonsense.

If the point was that the press is essentially a prop in a show at this point; the OP is correct. I regularly get more information from Twitter than watching a news cast.
I always believed growing up we could never become controlled by a dictator because of free speech
or become a socialistic nation. Our constitution has always worked. Also I thought our free press would
insure that the people always kept the people abreast of what was going on. The Soviet Union controlled
there press & the thinking of the people.

Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.

Ignorant nonsense.

If the point was that the press is essentially a prop in a show at this point; the OP is correct. I regularly get more information from Twitter than watching a news cast.
Because your "news" cast has idiots like Don Lemon.

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