The Media is the biggest enemy our nation faces

There are more people working in America now that ever in our history, the unemployment rate has not been this low since the 1940s, and we just had the highest wage growth since 2008 (none during the Obama years).

That is HUGE news and no, the media is not covering it. Instead theY merely foment more hatred towards our elected President, saying anything possible including lies and twisted truths to make him look as stupid, biased and dishonest as possible. The American people are the losers in this act, and the mainstream media is the enemy of truth.

It is TRULY sad - which is why it is so important to VOTE - EVERY REPUBLICAN MUST VOTE!
Trump has lowered unemployment by 1%. Obama lowered it 6%.
Deny, deny, deny....that is the progressives and their platform... How much money did you get to borrow when QE gave out 0% interest money? Liberal elites borrowed billions and got 3% to 7% returns, while your bank account paid you less than .1% on your money...You are one stupid mother fucker...
True or false - Trump has lowered unemployment by ~1%. Obama lowered it ~6%.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
I always believed growing up we could never become controlled by a dictator because of free speech
or become a socialistic nation. Our constitution has always worked. Also I thought our free press would
insure that the people always kept the people abreast of what was going on. The Soviet Union controlled
there press & the thinking of the people.

Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.


And something else.
You are being controlled by a dictator.
His name is Donald Trump.
And the thing that's tricky about dictators is they suck your brain out before you even know it's gone.
They don't take the podium and tell you they are authoritarian despots.
They take the podium and tell you how great they are while they are stealing your money.
Check how the deficit has ballooned under Trump.
Thanks for putting a dictator in office.
Obama was as close to a dictator as it gets, and thank God he is gone along with his screwed up ideology. Go Trump.

Anybody who buys into Trump's bullshit about the press being the enemy needs to pull their head out of their ass and realize Trump is just trying to COVER HIS ASS.
He's got a lot to hide and it's the duty of the press to NOT BE NICE TO HIM.
That's a sure way to an authoritarian state and a state-run press.
The O/P is a fucking blithering idiot.
If you think Trump wants an authoritarian state, then you are the one drinking the coolaid. The left is fighting Trump because they are the ones needing the authoritarian state in order to fundementally transform this nation into a seriously screwed up nation.

Why don't you do some research and check out other leaders who told their people that the press was their enemy?
And post them here. Go ahead. I dare you, chickenshit.
And it's spelled Kool-Aid. And you're drunk on it.
I know you're too lazy to look this up yourself, so here's a key:

"Twentieth-century dictators—notably, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—had all denounced their critics, especially the press, as “enemies of the people.” Their goal was to delegitimize the work of the press as “fake news” and create confusion in the public mind about what’s real and what isn’t; what can be trusted and what can’t be."""
Brookings Institute
Enemy of the People
There are more people working in America now that ever in our history, the unemployment rate has not been this low since the 1940s, and we just had the highest wage growth since 2008 (none during the Obama years).

That is HUGE news and no, the media is not covering it. Instead theY merely foment more hatred towards our elected President, saying anything possible including lies and twisted truths to make him look as stupid, biased and dishonest as possible. The American people are the losers in this act, and the mainstream media is the enemy of truth.

It is TRULY sad - which is why it is so important to VOTE - EVERY REPUBLICAN MUST VOTE!
Trump has lowered unemployment by 1%. Obama lowered it 6%.
Deny, deny, deny....that is the progressives and their platform... How much money did you get to borrow when QE gave out 0% interest money? Liberal elites borrowed billions and got 3% to 7% returns, while your bank account paid you less than .1% on your money...You are one stupid mother fucker...
True or false - Trump has lowered unemployment by ~1%. Obama lowered it ~6%.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump road in on nothing but hardship and hatred from the left, and their melt down made Trump look like a saint compared to what the leftist are in this country now.

Anybody who buys into Trump's bullshit about the press being the enemy needs to pull their head out of their ass and realize Trump is just trying to COVER HIS ASS.
He's got a lot to hide and it's the duty of the press to NOT BE NICE TO HIM.
That's a sure way to an authoritarian state and a state-run press.
The O/P is a fucking blithering idiot.
If you think Trump wants an authoritarian state, then you are the one drinking the coolaid. The left is fighting Trump because they are the ones needing the authoritarian state in order to fundementally transform this nation into a seriously screwed up nation.

Why don't you do some research and check out other leaders who told their people that the press was their enemy?
And post them here. Go ahead. I dare you, chickenshit.
And it's spelled Kool-Aid. And you're drunk on it.
I know you're too lazy to look this up yourself, so here's a key:

"Twentieth-century dictators—notably, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao—had all denounced their critics, especially the press, as “enemies of the people.” Their goal was to delegitimize the work of the press as “fake news” and create confusion in the public mind about what’s real and what isn’t; what can be trusted and what can’t be."""

Brookings Institute
Enemy of the People
Comparing a U.S. president/American citizen to dictators in the world is as desperate as it gets, but everyone see's the leftist game today.
Trump has lowered unemployment by 1%. Obama lowered it 6%.
Deny, deny, deny....that is the progressives and their platform... How much money did you get to borrow when QE gave out 0% interest money? Liberal elites borrowed billions and got 3% to 7% returns, while your bank account paid you less than .1% on your money...You are one stupid mother fucker...
True or false - Trump has lowered unemployment by ~1%. Obama lowered it ~6%.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump road in on nothing but hardship and hatred from the left, and their melt down made Trump look like a saint compared to what the leftist are in this country now.

Psycho babble .....such desperation.
You're one of Trump's beloved under-educated.
It's spelled "rode" in. Not road.
GO watch Fox and get your nightly brain rinse.
Deny, deny, deny....that is the progressives and their platform... How much money did you get to borrow when QE gave out 0% interest money? Liberal elites borrowed billions and got 3% to 7% returns, while your bank account paid you less than .1% on your money...You are one stupid mother fucker...
True or false - Trump has lowered unemployment by ~1%. Obama lowered it ~6%.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump road in on nothing but hardship and hatred from the left, and their melt down made Trump look like a saint compared to what the leftist are in this country now.

Psycho babble .....such desperation.
You're one of Trump's beloved under-educated.
It's spelled "rode" in. Not road.
GO watch Fox and get your nightly brain rinse.
LOL.... Google changing my spelling is aggravating, but I'm not sweating the small things. You know I'm right on the issue, and you are the one showing your desperation.
Deny, deny, deny....that is the progressives and their platform... How much money did you get to borrow when QE gave out 0% interest money? Liberal elites borrowed billions and got 3% to 7% returns, while your bank account paid you less than .1% on your money...You are one stupid mother fucker...
True or false - Trump has lowered unemployment by ~1%. Obama lowered it ~6%.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump road in on nothing but hardship and hatred from the left, and their melt down made Trump look like a saint compared to what the leftist are in this country now.

Psycho babble .....such desperation.
You're one of Trump's beloved under-educated.
It's spelled "rode" in. Not road.
GO watch Fox and get your nightly brain rinse.
I’m thinking you’ll eventually realize how fucked up you are.
So we get threads like this screaming that the press is the enemy of the people...and we have Trump calling them that and celebrating a Republican legislator

We have the idiot OP screaming about "socialist" Democrats

And we have BOMBS being sent to media offices.

Is anyone surprised?

This shit needs to stop and the ONLY way we can curb it is to VOTE the creeps out.

CHANGE things. Change the conversation.

Make a statement with your VOTE
So we get threads like this screaming that the press is the enemy of the people...and we have Trump calling them that and celebrating a Republican legislator

We have the idiot OP screaming about "socialist" Democrats

And we have BOMBS being sent to media offices.

Is anyone surprised?

This shit needs to stop and the ONLY way we can curb it is to VOTE the creeps out.

CHANGE things. Change the conversation.

Make a statement with your VOTE
Keep voting republican!!

It’s the only way democrats will learn.
So we get threads like this screaming that the press is the enemy of the people...and we have Trump calling them that and celebrating a Republican legislator

We have the idiot OP screaming about "socialist" Democrats

And we have BOMBS being sent to media offices.

Is anyone surprised?

This shit needs to stop and the ONLY way we can curb it is to VOTE the creeps out.

CHANGE things. Change the conversation.

Make a statement with your VOTE
Yeah, vote the Demon-crats out I agree.
Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.



Don't be ridiculous...of course they reported it.

The US economy added 250,000 jobs in October - CNN
Job market bounces back in final pre-election report
WRAPUP 5-U.S. job growth soars; annual wage gain largest since 2009
U.S. economy added 250,000 jobs in October; unemployment stays low
Video: US economy adds 250,000 jobs in October

And the unemployment rate did not 'fell to 3.7%'. It remained at 3.7%.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
True or false - Trump has lowered unemployment by ~1%. Obama lowered it ~6%.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump road in on nothing but hardship and hatred from the left, and their melt down made Trump look like a saint compared to what the leftist are in this country now.

Psycho babble .....such desperation.
You're one of Trump's beloved under-educated.
It's spelled "rode" in. Not road.
GO watch Fox and get your nightly brain rinse.
LOL.... Google changing my spelling is aggravating, but I'm not sweating the small things. You know I'm right on the issue, and you are the one showing your desperation.
Traitor scum relish spelling errors. Makes them feel like real people.
Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.



Don't be ridiculous...of course they reported it.

The US economy added 250,000 jobs in October - CNN
Job market bounces back in final pre-election report
WRAPUP 5-U.S. job growth soars; annual wage gain largest since 2009
U.S. economy added 250,000 jobs in October; unemployment stays low
Video: US economy adds 250,000 jobs in October

And the unemployment rate did not 'fell to 3.7%'. It remained at 3.7%.

Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Fake news, all BS.
True or false you are troll scum - true

How about facts?

Unemployment as at 10% in October 2009. It was at 4.7% when Obama left office.
Updated as of Nov. 2: Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Did any of you right wing biased idiots give him credit like you are Trump?
Trump rode in on some good coat tails.
But now he's going to fuck it up with his trade wars and exploding deficit.

He's going to fuck this country the same way he took $413,000,000 from his daddy and manage to file bankruptcy SIX times.
Trump road in on nothing but hardship and hatred from the left, and their melt down made Trump look like a saint compared to what the leftist are in this country now.

Psycho babble .....such desperation.
You're one of Trump's beloved under-educated.
It's spelled "rode" in. Not road.
GO watch Fox and get your nightly brain rinse.
LOL.... Google changing my spelling is aggravating, but I'm not sweating the small things. You know I'm right on the issue, and you are the one showing your desperation.
Traitor scum relish spelling errors. Makes them feel like real people.
It's when there's nothing left... :abgg2q.jpg:
Hate will consume the left in the end. Trump is campaigning on building America & the left is campaigning on sheer HATE.
Very SAD!
I always believed growing up we could never become controlled by a dictator because of free speech
or become a socialistic nation. Our constitution has always worked. Also I thought our free press would
insure that the people always kept the people abreast of what was going on. The Soviet Union controlled
there press & the thinking of the people.

Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.

I always believed growing up we could never become controlled by a dictator because of free speech
or become a socialistic nation. Our constitution has always worked. Also I thought our free press would
insure that the people always kept the people abreast of what was going on. The Soviet Union controlled
there press & the thinking of the people.

Never did I think our press being a free press could ever control the thinking of our people as a whole.
But the Main stream media has become the extension of the Socialistic Democrat party. Just to day
it was reported on Fox news there were 250,000 job created in Oct, & unemployment fell to 3.7%. Did
any of the main stream media report that. No just more Trump hatred. No country in the world news media
spreads the Hate for there leader as ours does. No wonder this nation is divided. And the democrat left
is responsible for what THERE Media reports from Washington.

Ignorant nonsense.
By how much did Obama EVER raise the average wage of the American worker? (Trump, +3% this last quarter) -

None, because they were all on unemployment. The only raise Obama ever gave was free food stamps.

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