The memos that comey admitted he leaded to a friend to give to the press, are part of Mueller's ....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
the memos that comey leaked....are actually a part of Mueller's investigation...which means that comey could have comitted a felony by leaking them to the press...

Comey Admits to Leaking: I Had a Friend Give My Memos To a Reporter

The memos have been turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who was appointed by Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last month to lead an independent investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

According to George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley, the leak raises serious questions.

From Johnathen Turley tweet....

The memos could be viewed as gov't material and potential evidence . Leaking to a friend for disclosure can raise serious questions.
No, that is not what it means.

You TDS symps are having a terrible day.

You were told this would happen.
The memos were leaked before a special prosecutor was appointed. Comey and Mueller also apparently had a meeting before he testified. I would assume how much he could say publicly was discussed.

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