The Message That Gets Through

No they weren't.

ballots rejected by machines were later altered by election workers to count

... marks for candidates like Trump were sometimes removed so ballots could count for Biden.

A Dominion Voting machine had rejected the ballot on election night because the voter had filled in boxes for both Trump and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, an error known as an "overvote." The machine determined neither candidate should get a tally, and the ballot was referred for human review.

The image of the ballot, obtained by Just the News, shows the voter messily scribbled a large blob in the box to select Trump as president while also putting a thinner check mark next to Biden's name. "

“Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN …examined the final vote counts in all 50 states compared to the estimated numbers based on changing state dynamics and trends to come up with his estimated voter fraud in each state.

“… an independent election audit team poured through ballot images in Fulton County, Georgia and found numerous examples of fraudulent ballots double-counted in the election. The forensic auditing team found double-counted ballots from the 2020 election and showed them in a video release. “At least 36 batches of mail-in ballots from the November election were double-counted in Fulton County, that is a total of at least 4,000 votes,” he said.”

“Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden A team of data scientists testifying before a state Senate panel in Georgia earlier this week said thousands of votes were switched from President Donald Trump to his Democratic challenger Joe Biden during balloting last month.” Data scientists testified nearly 18,000 electronic votes in Georgia switched from Trump to Biden

Georgia Recount Worker Describes “Pristine” Batch of Ballots – 98% for Joe Biden!

Extremely suspicious.


7 hours ago


Nov 22, 2020


Richard Moorhead

Top of Form​
A Fulton County, Georgia woman is describing handling a “pristine” batch of ballots that were marked “98%” of the time for Joe Biden in election recount duties, describing the suspicious phenomenon in a sworn affidavit.

Susan Voyles identifies herself as a participant in Georgia’s post-election recount in the affidavit, filed in litigation against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger by Trump campaign attorney Lin Wood.

Voyles describes seeing ballots that differed considerably from the other ballots she was entrusted to count in the remix.

Voyles describes the batch of ballots as unusual in their texture and level of handling, and that she estimates 98% of them were cast for Joe Biden. Voyles even speculates that these ballots could’ve been processed through a ballot-marking device!

Voyles earlier described election recount supervisors as tasking them to process ballots in a “selective” fashion. Boxes of absentee ballots were signed by no one, without markings one might expect the Georgia Secretary of State to outfit absentee ballots with.

Another witness describes viewing election workers count 500 straight ballots for Joe Biden, all of which were marked with perfect black bubbles.”

Did everyone see this whistle blower who saw the machinations in Democrat Detroit?

Ballots altered, Republican poll watchers kept out....

This lady was an IT employee of Dominion voting machines.

When she saw what was going on, she notified her boss, who didn't want to hear it.

Sworn affidavits are considered as evidence.

"Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged
Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center

By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle
on 5th November 2020 @ 7.00pm

© press
The widows were covered in opaque cardboard by election officials
Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of the ballot counting room, blocking poll watchers from witnessing the vote count."

Detroit Officials Cover-Up Windows During Ballot Count, Voters Outraged

Poll watchers blocked from witnessing vote count at TCF Center - Chaos has erupted at the TCF Center in Detroit after election officials covered-up the windows of... | NEON NETTLE

"New evidence suggests potentially enough fraudulent votes to prove Trump won in Georgia

According to a new report there were potentially enough fraudulent votes cast in Georgia, from people who voted in counties they had already moved out of, to take away the 12,670 vote lead that Biden won by last November:

FEDERALIST – New evidence indicates that more than 10,300 illegal votes were cast in Georgia in the November 2020 general election — a number that will continue to rise over the next several months, potentially exceeding the 12,670 votes that separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Under Georgia law, residents must vote in the county in which they reside, unless they changed their residence within 30 days of the election. As Jake Evans, a well-known Atlanta election lawyer, told me, outside of the 30-day grace period, if people vote in a county in which they no longer reside, “Their vote in that county would be illegal.”

Soon after the November general election, Mark Davis, the president of Data Productions Inc. and an expert in voter data analytics and residency issues, obtained data from the National Change of Address (NCOA) database that identified Georgia residents who had confirmed moves with the U.S. Postal Service. After excluding moves with effective dates within 30 days of the general election, and by using data available from the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office, Davis identified nearly 35,000 Georgia voters who indicated they had moved from one Georgia county to another, but then voted in the 2020 general election in the county from which they had moved.

Some of those moves could have been temporary, involving students or members of the military, Davis stressed, adding that under Georgia law temporary relocations do not alter citizens’ residency status or render their votes illegal. But, given the margin separating the two presidential candidates, approximately one-third of the votes at issue could have altered the outcome of the election. Yet the media, the courts, and the Secretary of State’s Office ignored or downplayed the issue.
“It was disconcerting to see the media and the courts largely ignore serious issues like these, especially since the data I was seeing showed very legitimate issues,” Davis said. “In fact, I heard members of the Secretary of State’s team admit some votes were cast with residency issues, but then claimed there weren’t enough of them to cast the outcome of the election in doubt,” Davis added. “That was not at all what I was seeing, and as far as I am aware the Secretary of State’s Office has never put an actual number on the ones they did see.”

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New evidence suggests potentially enough fraudulent votes to prove Trump won in Georgia

According to a new report there were potentially enough fraudulent votes cast in Georgia, from people who voted in counties they had already moved out of, to take away the 12,670 vote lead that Bid…

Try listening to people who actually run elections like Georgia Republicans who voted for Trump instead of deranged conspiracy theorists.

You have actually no idea what the hell you're talking about. It's a shame.
You voted for him for the same reason the other Good Germans never resisted: you've incorporated the need to follow orders.
That’s not true. I have the ability to consider nuanced positions. Have you considered that your message that democrats are bent on the evil destruction of the US has you dishing out so much false information and illogical leaps of fact that you have no credibility?

I generally want to error on the side of environment vs business, like a heavier burden on those who can pay, believe in a safety net worthy of the richest nation to ever exist, and strongly believe in individual liberty when it comes to choosing how you live. That makes me a Biden supporter.
That’s not true. I have the ability to consider nuanced positions. Have you considered that your message that democrats are bent on the evil destruction of the US has you dishing out so much false information and illogical leaps of fact that you have no credibility?

I generally want to error on the side of environment vs business, like a heavier burden on those who can pay, believe in a safety net worthy of the richest nation to ever exist, and strongly believe in individual liberty when it comes to choosing how you live. That makes me a Biden supporter.

There are actually fools claiming, even now, that Biden is a successful President, in the face of Afghanistan, huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda.

Raise your paw.
Oh look, the big lie - how clever. Usually I have to find a three year old to come up with "Nuhn Uhn yooooo"

democrats in 1840 were big government goons who infringed the property rights of the middle class and promoted absolute rule by the Oligarchs - exactly like the democrats today.

democrats, democrats never change.
You celebrate their symbols and their heritage. You fly their flags and build them statues. Seems like mental illness to me.
There are actually fools claiming, even now, that Biden is a successful President, in the face of Afghanistan, huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda.

Raise your paw.
You expect Biden to fix four years of Trump screw ups
There are actually fools claiming, even now, that Biden is a successful President, in the face of Afghanistan, huge spending bills, inflation, the border, mandates, gasoline prices, socialism, and impending radical policies on his agenda.

Raise your paw.
Happily raising my paw & giving the finger to halwits like you who think Trump won & will be reinstated sometime this month.

Date TBA once you're updated on your Ouija board, I'm sure.
You expect Biden to fix four years of Trump screw ups

Happily raising my paw & giving the finger to halwits like you who think Trump won & will be reinstated sometime this month.

Date TBA once you're updated on your Ouija board, I'm sure.

"You expect Biden to fix four years of Trump screw ups."

The only screw-up is your lack of education and integrity.

Here ya' go, Quirky.

Trump achievements.

“Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy,” the statement begins, noting the administration achieved an “unprecedented economic boom.”

In addition to 7 million new jobs — “more than three times government experts’ projections” — the administration said that annual income for middle-class families grew by nearly $6,000, or “more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.”

Weeks before state and local governments began shutting down their economies, the U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, “the lowest in a half-century,” the administration said.

In fact, in March 2019, CBS News reported that there were a million more jobs available in the U.S. than unemployed workers — a fact noted by the administration, which said it “achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job hirings.”

Nearly 160 million Americans were employed pre-pandemic, another record, as “jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low,” the White House said.

As incomes gained “in every single metro area” in the country for the first time in almost 30 years, the number of people “claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record,” the administration said.

The list of accomplishments also noted an oft-repeated point — that during Trump’s term, blacks and Hispanics, as well as Asian-Americans and Native Americans all achieved record low unemployment rates. So, too, did Americans with disabilities and workers without a high school diploma, the administration said.

“The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth,” said the administration, adding: “Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase.”

Meanwhile, “African American homeownership increased from 41.7 percent to 46.4 percent,” the White House noted.

More than 1.2 million factory and construction jobs were created, as the president enacted “policies to bring back supply chains from overseas,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the meteoric growth in the various U.S. stock indices, which have been good for businesses as well as average Americans’ retirement accounts tied to the markets.

One of President Trump’s 2016 campaign pledges that went unfulfilled was the passage of a massive infrastructure rebuilding project to repair and replace aging, crumbling bridges, roads, sewers, and water systems. But the administration did manage to invest “over $1.3 billion through the Agriculture Department’s ReConnect Program to bring high-speed broadband infrastructure to rural America,” the list notes.

The administration also touted the president’s COVID-19 policies that included a rejection of “blanket lockdowns” as vital to the economic rebound seen in recent months.

“During the third quarter of 2020,” the White House said, “the economy grew at a rate of 33.1 percent — the most rapid GDP growth ever recorded.”

“Since coronavirus lockdowns ended, the economy has added back over 12 million jobs, more than half the jobs lost,” says the White House. “Jobs have been recovered 23 times faster than the previous administration’s recovery.”

The White House said that under President Barack Obama, “it took 49 months for the unemployment rate to fall from 10 percent” following the Great Recession” to under 7 percent compared to just 3 months for the Trump Administration” following the mass joblessness created by mandated business closures and the pandemic.

At the same time, “80 percent of small businesses are now up, up from just 53 percent in April.”

Additional accomplishments noted by the administration include:

— The creation of more than 9,000 “Opportunity Zones” to attract business investment and create jobs;

— Tax relief for corporations, businesses, and the vast majority of American workers;

— The elimination of reams of regulations, which has added to the country’s economic growth;

— Pursued “fair and reciprocal trade” agreements that put the United States first, including withdrawal “from the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership” and replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA);

— “Historic support for American farmers”;

— Making the U.S. “a net energy exporter” for the first time in seven decades;

— Approved the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines;

— Increased access to the country’s “abundant natural resource in order to achieve energy independence”;

— Built more than 450 miles of new border wall and secured agreements with countries to house migrants there instead of in the U.S.;

— “Fully enforced the immigration laws” of the country;

— Got NATO countries to significantly increase their contributions to the alliance, as per their initial agreement;

— Strengthened and rebuilt the U.S. military;

— Reduced U.S. troop presence in war zones overseas;

— Brokered several historic peace deals between long-time enemies in eastern Europe and the Middle East;

— Moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem, though the three previous presidents pledged to do so;

— Defeated ISIS

— Sped development of two new vaccines for the COVID-19 pandemic in record time.

'Unprecedented': White House releases exhaustive list of achievements for Trump presidency

The Trump Administration has released an exhaustive list of accomplishments achieved over the past four years, many of which have largely gone unreported

Now, let's see what Democrats voted for.



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There are those of us way too intelligent to vote for trump or Biden. I feel soooo vindicated and proud of that.

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