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The 'Messiah' Exposed: 'Think Obama Administration Wasn't Corrupt? Think Again'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Obama Scandal: Former President Obama and his political supporters have repeatedly stated that his administration was scandal-free, unlike administrations before and after. "We're probably the first administration in modern history that hasn't had a major scandal in the White House," Obama himself said. A new book puts the lie to that statement.

Never mind that the left-leaning big media basically ignored major scandals during the Obama years, ranging from the IRS targeting scandal and the VA's deadly waiting lists for veterans to Hillary Clinton's illegal use of an unsecured, hackable home-brew server for her official duties as secretary of state and the Fast and Furious gunwalking program.

These and others were epic scandals that the media simply ignored or downplayed."


"Obama and his administration would deem industries either destructive to the environment or exploitative for the financial and professional gain of his friends, including industries such as coal mining, offshore drilling, cash advance companies, and for-profit colleges"

Obama acted to regulate certain industries in such a way that the regulations lowered the value of some of the companies...These actions let two family friends to profit handsomely on deals through their own investment firm.

Here's how it worked: Obama buddies Marty Nesbitt and Harreld Kirkpatrick III formed a private equity investment firm called Vistria, right around the time Obama was re-elected in 2012.

Nothing wrong with that, except, as Schweizer notes in his book, "A curious pattern began to emerge. Obama and his administration would attack industries with government power, which led to substantially lower valuations for these companies. Nesbitt and Vistria, or others close to Obama, could then acquire those assets for pennies on the dollar."

"That's just one example. There are others."

This explains why Obama did not need George Soros anymore after he won the Presidency as well. Barry no longer needed Soros' money - with the (abused) power of the US Govt and the help of Nesbit and Kirkpatrick they were making their own money hand over fist, f*ing American companies, college students...whoever. It didn't matter.

Think Obama Administration Wasn't Corrupt? Think Again | Investor's Business Daily
Odd....none of those qualify as scandals

Just because you disagree with a policy does not make it a scandal.

Think illegal activity
If you're still under any delusions that the meat puppet faggot's regime wasn't corrupt as hell, you're not capable of thinking.

Or you've only recently had your head pulled out of your ass and you're still digging shit out of your ears.

When the Media is working for you, nothing you do is wrong. You can ship automatic weapons to the Mexican Cartel, you can be MIA as Commander-In-Chief during an active attack on Americans, you can give a half billion dollar loan to a solar company that goes bankrupt, you can ship a billion in cash to Iran, you can inflame race riots, vilify the Police.....
One thing the Lying Cocksucker in Chief gave us.....??

Something we would never have had without him/it??


Thanks dimocrap scum. You did something I never thought would happen....

You exposed yourselves to ALL of America for the scum you are.

You can stop now.

Okay, that's enough. Time to quit it.

Okay, just stop already. We get the message

When the Media is working for you, nothing you do is wrong. You can ship automatic weapons to the Mexican Cartel, you can be MIA as Commander-In-Chief during an active attack on Americans, you can give a half billion dollar loan to a solar company that goes bankrupt, you can ship a billion in cash to Iran, you can inflame race riots, vilify the Police.....

None are scandals, most are not even true
Odd....none of those qualify as scandals

Just because you disagree with a policy does not make it a scandal.

Think illegal activity

Then you obviously missed:
The IRS targeting Scandal
The Benghazi Scandal
The Associated Press Scandal
The Rosengate Scandal
The Holder perjury Scandal
The Fast and Furious Scandal
The Holder perjury II Scandal
The Sebelius Scandal
The Pigford scandal
The GSA gone wild Scandal
The Veterans Affairs Scandal
The Sebelius violates the Hatch Act Scandal
The Solyndra Scandal
The Lisa Jackson Scandal
The New Black Panthers Scandal
The Waging war all by myself Scandal
The Biden bullying Scandal
The AKPD not A-OK Scandal
The Sestak Scandal
The I'll pass my own laws Scandal, and my favorite,

The Clinton E-mail Coverup Scandal (which includes The Loretta Lynch Tarmak Scandal).
Odd....none of those qualify as scandals

Just because you disagree with a policy does not make it a scandal.

Think illegal activity

Then you obviously missed:
The IRS targeting Scandal
The Benghazi Scandal
The Associated Press Scandal
The Rosengate Scandal
The Holder perjury Scandal
The Fast and Furious Scandal
The Holder perjury II Scandal
The Sebelius Scandal
The Pigford scandal
The GSA gone wild Scandal
The Veterans Affairs Scandal
The Sebelius violates the Hatch Act Scandal
The Solyndra Scandal
The Lisa Jackson Scandal
The New Black Panthers Scandal
The Waging war all by myself Scandal
The Biden bullying Scandal
The AKPD not A-OK Scandal
The Sestak Scandal
The I'll pass my own laws Scandal, and my favorite,

The Clinton E-mail Coverup Scandal (which includes The Loretta Lynch Tarmak Scandal).

upload_2018-7-18_11-10-41.jpeg [URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreadshirt.com%2Fimage-server%2Fv1%2Fmp%2Fdesigns%2F1014803171%2Cwidth%3D178%2Cheight%3D178%2Fwinner-winner-chicken-dinner.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreadshirt.com%2Fwinner%2Bwinner%2Bchicken%2Bdinner%2Bmen-s%2Bpremium%2Bt-shirt-D5a6a92e1aa0c6d7d32604ff4&docid=A_IDnrsePzmFSM&tbnid=4YZcpbmqkDaVvM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjAuq6_96jcAhXDrFMKHQNZDeQQMwh4KCMwIw..i&w=178&h=178&bih=821&biw=1104&q=winner%20winner%20chicken%20dinner&ved=0ahUKEwjAuq6_96jcAhXDrFMKHQNZDeQQMwh4KCMwIw&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreadshirt.com%2Fimage-server%2Fv1%2Fmp%2Fdesigns%2F1014803171%2Cwidth%3D178%2Cheight%3D178%2Fwinner-winner-chicken-dinner.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreadshirt.com%2Fwinner%2Bwinner%2Bchicken%2Bdinner%2Bmen-s%2Bpremium%2Bt-shirt-D5a6a92e1aa0c6d7d32604ff4&docid=A_IDnrsePzmFSM&tbnid=4YZcpbmqkDaVvM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjAuq6_96jcAhXDrFMKHQNZDeQQMwh4KCMwIw..i&w=178&h=178&bih=821&biw=1104&q=winner%20winner%20chicken%20dinner&ved=0ahUKEwjAuq6_96jcAhXDrFMKHQNZDeQQMwh4KCMwIw&iact=mrc&uact=8']
Who thought that they were scandal free?

The IRS scandal was one of the biggest ever...

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