The Models are Wrong = Climate Science is Wrong


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012

Global Warming Slowdown: The View from Space « Roy Spencer, PhD

Real world temperatures have completely diverged from the temperatures predicted by climate science and their flawed models based on a flat earth that doesn't rotate and is bathed in weak twilight 24 hours a day. The models have been wrong...climate science has been wrong....

The hypothesis was and remains wrong because the physics are wrong.

Some of the big rats are taking positions for a strategic exit from the sinking ship AGW while they still have career prospects intact...and even the idiot press is waking up to the fact that the alarmism and handwaving have been nothing but baseless hysterics.

When can we expect our resident warmists to start getting a clue?
Reality always trumps clinical studies and/or models of reality, that's for damned sure.

Global Warming Slowdown: The View from Space « Roy Spencer, PhD

Real world temperatures have completely diverged from the temperatures predicted by climate science and their flawed models based on a flat earth that doesn't rotate and is bathed in weak twilight 24 hours a day. The models have been wrong...climate science has been wrong....

The hypothesis was and remains wrong because the physics are wrong.

Some of the big rats are taking positions for a strategic exit from the sinking ship AGW while they still have career prospects intact...and even the idiot press is waking up to the fact that the alarmism and handwaving have been nothing but baseless hysterics.

When can we expect our resident warmists to start getting a clue?

Not any time soon I fear...

A couple years back I was taking my oldest around to college campuses. We got all kinds of info on various courses and fields. Most of them had "climate change" as an optional minor. One of the people were telling us its a very popular thing the last few years to get a major in business or journalism and a minor in climate change.. Make a business off it or become famous writing about it...

Now we aren't talking "climate science" we are talking "climate change". They have already decided no matter what happens, there is going to be people peddling this nonsense for years to come. Whatever the science says won't matter to them, they will eventually be the "fringe" culture like truthers or birthers of today. And then eventually they will die off, but not before this nonsense is taken out of the colleges curriculum.

Oldsocks I already explained to you before about graphs and charts regarding "anomalies" .. Seems you forgot again..

An anomaly is:

Anomaly - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of ANOMALY

: the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun
: deviation from the common rule : irregularity
: something anomalous : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified
See anomaly defined for English-language learners »
See anomaly defined for kids »
Examples of ANOMALY

We couldn't explain the anomalies in the test results.
<her C grade is an anomaly, as she's never made anything except A's and B's before>
In approximately 10% of patients, autism can be explained by genetic syndromes and known chromosomal anomalies (most of which have recognizable features in addition to autism) … —Lauren A. Weiss et al.,New England Journal of Medicine, 14 Feb. 2008

So when they put up a graph or chart tracking "anomalies" it means they aren't tracking temps,ice coverage or loss, or anything so specific. What they ARE tracking, monitoring or recording is any out of the ordinary readings or measurements... Get it? no? let me elaborate...

say i want to show something like your lack of intelligence over a 3 year period.. I don't know you outside of here and can't monitor you anywhere else so I use your posts here over the last 3 years as my data. So I gather all of your posts within that time frame, and browse through them and pick out the absolute dumbest ones I can find. the ones that really stand out as stupid as opposed to the rest that are just dumb.

I then take my findings and compile them in order by date and extrapolate a chart or graph showing how your intelligence has dropped off over that period of time.

Now what was my reference point to decide what was anomalous or extra stupid versus the normal dumb posts? Well it would depend on what I felt should be your average level of stupidity. I could get that average by pulling the assumption out of my butt. I would assume that such and such was an average level of dumb, because that's what I felt. And using that as a guideline I could call anything above or below that level "anomalous". How far above or below would be anomalous? Depends on my assumption doesn't it...

it's the same way the AGW alarmist fear peddling pseudo-scientists do their "anomalies' charts.. it means sqaut. its a PR scam to take a little bit of warm and make it seem like a whole lot of warm...

i hope this helps..
The "consensus" computer models are a crock.......its old news by now. Many, many links out there......Ive worn out my fingers posting them up over the last few years in here.

Of course, the biggest crock is the whole CO2 thing.

Oh.....too......this whole fantaqsy of "extreme weather" blown apart here.......

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black
The "consensus" computer models are a crock.......its old news by now. Many, many links out there......Ive worn out my fingers posting them up over the last few years in here.

Of course, the biggest crock is the whole CO2 thing.

Oh.....too......this whole fantaqsy of "extreme weather" blown apart here.......

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black

I never see this question answered, although billions have been spent studying temps.

What temperature would it be if Man had never walked on the planet?

Without the answer, all the billions spent is a complete waste of time and money.

Dreamers dream, and researchers search for grant money.

That's life
The "consensus" computer models are a crock.......its old news by now. Many, many links out there......Ive worn out my fingers posting them up over the last few years in here.

Of course, the biggest crock is the whole CO2 thing.

Oh.....too......this whole fantaqsy of "extreme weather" blown apart here.......

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black

I never see this question answered, although billions have been spent studying temps.

What temperature would it be if Man had never walked on the planet?

Without the answer, all the billions spent is a complete waste of time and money.

Dreamers dream, and researchers search for grant money.

That's life


Those types of questions are irrelevant to the committed climate OC.

on bogus climate models >>>>
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The "consensus" computer models are a crock.......its old news by now. Many, many links out there......Ive worn out my fingers posting them up over the last few years in here.

Of course, the biggest crock is the whole CO2 thing.

Oh.....too......this whole fantaqsy of "extreme weather" blown apart here.......

The Fantasy of Extreme Weather | Behind The Black

I never see this question answered, although billions have been spent studying temps.

What temperature would it be if Man had never walked on the planet?

Without the answer, all the billions spent is a complete waste of time and money.

Dreamers dream, and researchers search for grant money.

That's life


Those types of questions are irrelevant to the committed climate OC.

Should be easy. I see no reason why the answer is so hard?
Roy Spencer? The creationist? That's your scientific authority?

Well, good luck with that. Let us know how it turns out. Now you kids have a popsicle and run along, and stop bothering the grownups.
Roy Spencer? The creationist? That's your scientific authority?

Well, good luck with that. Let us know how it turns out. Now you kids have a popsicle and run along, and stop bothering the grownups.

Tell ya what admiral, we will as soon as you can use the big boy voice. The whiny little punk one you use is annoying.

So what was your rank again? Ensign, admiral, Cheif poopey officer? You were enlisted, you were commissioned what is it this time?
You know gslack, you are allowed to not respond to my posts. You're not required to stalk me. It's something you freely choose to do, and you can freely choose to stop.

I mean, don't you have a family, or a hobby? Apparently not, given how your life seems devoted to stalking me.
Scooter-ass Bill and SSTD are in another thread attacking climate science???

Man I wish I gave a shit about anything as much as they do about climate change on the internet :cool:

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