The Modern Dungeon: Napster/Dianetics


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a discussion between two American celebrities (Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks), an Internet-blogger named Ajay (modelled after myself!), and Satan (the adversary of ethics) regarding 'modernism intelligence' (e.g., NASDAQ culture).

Signing off,



CRUISE: The modern age is all about management evaluation.
AJAY: Yes to Internal Affairs, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Security Council!
HANKS: Networking and mercantilism (i.e., Wall Street) requires imagination.
SATAN: There is so much 'low-brow' chatter on the Internet.

CRUISE: Internet chat-rooms have become dens for colloquial conversation.
AJAY: Even politics is pedestrian...we've elected our 2nd celebrity-president.
HANKS: Our last celeb-prez gave us Reaganomics...
SATAN: There are multiple cartoons now geared for more mature audiences.

CRUISE: When networking/communications create laissez-faire etiquette, censorship looms.
AJAY: That's interesting; every 'developed' civilization has wrestled with free-speech issues.
HANKS: Talk-shows such as The Jerry Springer Show entreat the public's demand for 'gossip.'
SATAN: Maybe 'convenience-culture' (e.g., eBay, makes labor childish!

CRUISE: The 'tools-of-the-trade' become vital signposts for 'sophistication-grading.'
AJAY: Yes, Facebook, Home Depot, eTrade, Nokia, Ninja Blenders are new age 'trophies.'
HANKS: Ingenuity that makes life 'easy' reveals a human interest in shared comforts!
SATAN: Maybe humanity is become 'arrogant' about sweat...

CRUISE: Americans love horror-films, and maybe it's because multiculturalism is 'strange.'
AJAY: The people want artistic expressions of the profundities of daily life and culture!
HANKS: Television has replaced religion (arguably).
SATAN: Should politicians directly address the impact of Al Jazeera?

CRUISE: I think public fitness centers/gyms are the new Roman bath-houses.
AJAY: Fitness centers symbolize a modern social investment in 'shared vitality.'
HANKS: There's less reason to purchase dumbbell sets for private use!
SATAN: You see so many vigilantism-themed comic book films since Americans sweat!

CRUISE: Curfew policies and parental-controls on media represent 'governance machina.'
AJAY: Online access to medical records/information will be honored...
HANKS: Intellectual property theft and Internet hackers will be seriously addressed.
SATAN: American women (Melania Trump) will appreciate FaceTime...



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