The Moscow Times- There will be War in Ukraine


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Interesting perspective from the russian press. There likely is no way out for Obama at this point or for Putin for that matter.


By Sergei MarkovMar. 06 2014

The current crisis is not about Crimea. It is about the rights of Russian-speakers throughout Ukraine whom the Kremlin wants to protect from violence and discrimination. Russia does not want a military intervention in Crimea and does not want to take Crimea from Ukraine.

There is a political solution to this crisis. First, create a coalition government in Kiev composed of all parties, including those from the east and south of the country. The current government is dominated by anti-Russian extremists from western Ukraine.

The article in full is here:
Just like the Nazi press in 1930s Germany spreading the PR for the scumbags.

So what about invading Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, etc....they all have "Russians" living there too.

Hell Soho in London has Russian scum....
isnt it interesting that the other side is always the nazis...
The Russians are acting like the Nazis invading weaker neighbors in the name of "liberating oppressed countrymen." Also, blocking outside media while feeding their people bullshit that the Russian military isn't in Crimea and that the US and Ukraine are trying to kill ethnic Russians in Ukraine...I'd say that is Nazi-esque behavior, especially when the attacks on non-Russians is going on away from TV cameras.

isnt it interesting that the other side is always the nazis...
OP- Aren't they saying there WON'T be

Um.. my wiring computes this snip from the article differently


Will there be war in Ukraine? I am afraid so. After all, the extremists who seized power in Kiev want to see a bloodbath.
The US and the EU want to impose western style lack of freedom on a people who prefer the lack of freedom offered by the Russians. The west cannot accept that self determination. That's why they deposed the elected president and installed a trustworthy IMF banker instead. In this case , sad to say , we are the bad guys.
Just like how the Nazis wanted to "protect" the "rights" of German speakers around Europe.

I don't think this will go beyond Crimea. Though Putin may be insane and act in an insane way to more EU coordination by Ukraine.

However, Ukraine is not a member of NATO so we have no mutual-defense obligations with them.

But we would be wise to beef up all NATO forces in Poland and the Baltics.

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