The most ancient culture on earth?

The question is poorly written, of course. "Culture" and "civilization" are not the same thing. Humans have had culture since Homo erectus if not earlier. Homo neandertalensis had culture. I presume what is meant is civilization---societies with towns, trade networks, specialization of labor, etc., in which case the oldest were the Neolithic civilizations of Anatolia and Europe. Also possibly the Saharan society of Africa qualifies as civilized, equally old.

It is disturbing to read so much nonsense from people about prehistory and archaeology. For one thing, "Aryans"? smh
I hate hearing lay people try to talk about archaeology and pre-history. Y'all really have few clues.

"ancient Aryan cities"? Do you actually believe in Hitler's "Aryan race"? Absurd.
You really don’t sound like much of an expert yourself, grandma.
I hate hearing lay people try to talk about archaeology and pre-history. Y'all really have few clues.

"ancient Aryan cities"? Do you actually believe in Hitler's "Aryan race"? Absurd.

^^^^ Stupid uninformed faggot pipes in with, well, stupid shit. Probably thinks Russians are Germans.

I would have guessed the Egyptians. I don't understand why they're rated 9th instead of 7th? According to the article it's older than both #5 and #8.
Just to make my answer more respectable, I'm filing a protest,

9. The Ancient Egyptian Civilization​

Period: 3150 B.C. – 30 B.C.

8. The Norte Chico Civilization​

Period: 3,000 B.C. – 1,800 B.C.

5. The Indus Valley Civilization​

Period: 2600 B.C. – 1900 B.C.
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The Neanderthal
I would have guessed the Egyptians. I don't understand why they're rated 9th instead of 7th? According to the article it's older than both #5 and #8.
Just to make my answer more respectable, I'm filing a protest,

9. The Ancient Egyptian Civilization​

Period: 3150 B.C. – 30 B.C.

8. The Norte Chico Civilization​

Period: 3,000 B.C. – 1,800 B.C.

5. The Indus Valley Civilization​

Period: 2600 B.C. – 1900 B.C.
Y'all are way out of date. There were civilizations older than Egypt, in various places.
1. Balkans
2. Anatolia
3. Sahara
4. India
5. Peru, probably
...and other possibilities.

At one time the largest city on earth was in the Cucuteni civilization. Look it up.
Y'all are way out of date. There were civilizations older than Egypt, in various places.
1. Balkans
2. Anatolia
3. Sahara
4. India
5. Peru, probably
...and other possibilities.

At one time the largest city on earth was in the Cucuteni civilization. Look it up.
Earth base one. Look THAT up.
Thank you for recognizing the Australian Aborigines as number one. Their culture remained relatively unchanged for 30,000 years before the white man showed up. Like so many native peoples, It was devastating to their culture.
I thought there were some ruins found in Russia that were remains of the ancient Aryan cities and culture which would pre-date the Indian cultures. Don't know about the Chinese, but I would guess they're the oldest real civilization to come along and actually do something significant.
after 1991, the so-called "Academy of Liars" or "Funny Alternative Science" has existed on the territory of the countries of the former USSR ..
They make up all sorts of nonsense to make money and make people laugh.
For example, some of their "discoveries":
- The Great Wall of China was built by the Russians 7 thousand years ago
to defend against China.
- Genghis Khan was a Russian prince, so there was no Mongol invasion, but there was a civil war
-Ancient Ukrainians dug the Black Sea, the Cossacks discovered America
- The Roman Empire was strong because the Roman soldiers ate Ukrainian sausage ...

- on the Kola Peninsula, the deepest mine ... It reaches Hell, because in 1991 terrible creatures flew out from there. Therefore, the Government decided to close the mine.
Most of those are defunct. Read the op question again. I know you MAGATS don't read well...

The oldest culture on earth is likely that of the Khoisan.
How about YOU read the OP question, Herr Doktor Professor, then the title of my link.
after 1991, the so-called "Academy of Liars" or "Funny Alternative Science" has existed on the territory of the countries of the former USSR ..
They make up all sorts of nonsense to make money and make people laugh.
For example, some of their "discoveries":
- The Great Wall of China was built by the Russians 7 thousand years ago
to defend against China.
- Genghis Khan was a Russian prince, so there was no Mongol invasion, but there was a civil war
-Ancient Ukrainians dug the Black Sea, the Cossacks discovered America
- The Roman Empire was strong because the Roman soldiers ate Ukrainian sausage ...

- on the Kola Peninsula, the deepest mine ... It reaches Hell, because in 1991 terrible creatures flew out from there. Therefore, the Government decided to close the mine.

So this the discoveries are made up? I've never been there so I wouldn't know first hand. I do know several major Indo-European and Middle East linguistic families started in a region northeast of Mesopotamia, and the Kurgan culture was fairly widespread in that and surrounding regions soon after the Aryans were supposedly absorbed in northern India.

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