USA is a failed garbage country???

Then get out. I hear North Korea welcome folks like you. You don't have to change your attitude at all, just use a different name for DearLeader.

That goes for all the Trump cultists. If you're not happy, head off to Russia or Somalia or Iran. You'd be happier, we'd be happier, everyone would win.
You can't collect Social Security retirement if you move to North Korea :)
Repeat after me.

I love the Flag.

Those that spit and shit on it can kiss my Rebel Ass.

The Dem party is the party of America sucks, perverts, and mentally ill people. They dont speak for us.

I love the 2nd Amendment, and if they dont like see kiss my Rebel ass again.

Now fly the flag. If it upsets these wankers ENJOY THE MOMENT.
Scott Ritter says that in a year or two a satellite image won't discern any difference in the North or the South, due to lights in the night sky..

He believes that Russia has broken all the forces that were holding N.K. back.
USA is 100 percent responsible for this war in Ukraine by overthrowing the Government and putting NATO on their border
Are we a failed worthless country?

Zero common language or culture
Zero borders
Fake Soviet Media
Leftist hack Judges
Destroyed Police Force
Most dangerous country on Earth
No freedom of speech, anymore
A destroyed military
Terrible HC
Illegals treated better than Vets
Propaganda educational system
Fake elections !!

You decide??
You forgot to include "Politically Devastated Farmers" but hey, farmers only produce the food for our fellow Americans to consume like affordable food no big deal, eh?

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