The Most Open Administration In History

It is interesting, isn't it?

The same party and administration that these nutters claim are ruthless politicians are also such terrible politicians that they would propose and pass a law that would force millions and millions of working Americans to lose their health care coverage.

It really rings true.

They've done just that, pull your head out of g's ass and actually pay attention to what's happening.
It is interesting, isn't it?

The same party and administration that these nutters claim are ruthless politicians are also such terrible politicians that they would propose and pass a law that would force millions and millions of working Americans to lose their health care coverage.

It really rings true.

They've done just that, pull your head out of g's ass and actually pay attention to what's happening.

Sure they have. Of their own volition. Willingly and knowingly. The plan all along was to throw working Americans out of the security of health insurance...because they just hate working people and they want to lose the next 50 election cycles.

You rock. You just rock.
It is interesting, isn't it?

The same party and administration that these nutters claim are ruthless politicians are also such terrible politicians that they would propose and pass a law that would force millions and millions of working Americans to lose their health care coverage.

It really rings true.

They've done just that, pull your head out of g's ass and actually pay attention to what's happening.

Sure they have. Of their own volition. Willingly and knowingly. The plan all along was to throw working Americans out of the security of health insurance...because they just hate working people and they want to lose the next 50 election cycles.

You rock. You just rock.

They didn't plan on losing the next 50 election cycles. But they'll probably lose this next one and the one after that.

They figure, rightly, that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will lie for them like they always do and run cover for them. They have been doing that and they will continue to do that.

Until the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM no longer has any clout in elections, they will continue to fellate everything dimocrap. Always have, always will. Even after they just don't matter anymore.

Having a gigantic propaganda machine in your hip pocket, running interference for you 24/7/365 is one HELL of an advantage for dimocrap scum. Which is why they're so arrogant.

They know that, no matter what they do, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will apologize and rationalize for them.

Only when there is NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE, like in the Lie Of The Year, will they call politics halfway fairly.

In fact, they could have awarded dimocrap scum the Top Ten Lies Of The Year with ease.

But they didn't, they softened it, they even sort of apologized for it.

Until we Republicans can break the bond between the socialist scumbags in the DISGUSTING FILTH of the LSM and the socialist scum in the dimocrap party, we're going to have problems.

We need to start calling them what they are. In public.

If we can find a Republican with the balls to do it, we can dominate again.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! It's da media! Da big bad media meanies have been making awl of our candidates look like crazy people! Dat's why Mitt wost! It wuz da media! Da media nebah sez anyting baad abowt that ugly black man! Waaaaaaaaaa!
As to Republicans and why we didn't try to fix the Health Care mess on our own?

We did try. We tried five times with brand new legislation and dozens of times with replacement legislation.

But dimocraps are such incredible lying scumbags, it's impossible to work with them. They killed them. All of them.

Check this article out. It is TOTALLY accurate....

Seriously? The Republicans Have No Health Plan? - Forbes

Read it. It explains what lying scumbags dimocraps are. It explains the many plans Republicans have offered, including some long before the lying scumbag-in-chief was even nominated to infest the office of the presidency.

Read it.

And here's another reminder of what happens to Republicans when we offer a fix to a Health Care problem......

Remember this ad by dimocrap scum....?


The problems we have today with our Health Care delivery system are totally, completely, absolutely and 100% caused by the dimocrap party.

ANYBODY that tries to tell you differently is a liar and an idiot..... IOW, a dimocrap.
It is interesting, isn't it?

The same party and administration that these nutters claim are ruthless politicians are also such terrible politicians that they would propose and pass a law that would force millions and millions of working Americans to lose their health care coverage.

It really rings true.

They've done just that, pull your head out of g's ass and actually pay attention to what's happening.

Sure they have. Of their own volition. Willingly and knowingly. The plan all along was to throw working Americans out of the security of health insurance...because they just hate working people and they want to lose the next 50 election cycles.

You rock. You just rock.

Poor lil LL, your only real alternative then is that they absolutely incompetent buffoons....because millions ARE and millions more WILL be losing their coverage...
Here's the underlying problem.

You weren't able to keep your plan, even before ObamaCare.

In the last 12 years, I've worked at two places.

In that time, my insurance plan changed six times.

Either the company went to a new provider, or they changed their plans on their own.

The real problem is, private insurance really doesn't work. ObamaCare tries to prop up the corpse like "Weekend at Bernie's".
Here's the underlying problem.

You weren't able to keep your plan, even before ObamaCare.

In the last 12 years, I've worked at two places.

In that time, my insurance plan changed six times.

Either the company went to a new provider, or they changed their plans on their own.

The real problem is, private insurance really doesn't work. ObamaCare tries to prop up the corpse like "Weekend at Bernie's".

If you were in a Group Plan, there were "No Loss No Gain" rules in effect. They had to take everybody on the old plan and continue to insure them with no interruptions and no exceptions.

Yes, private insurance DOES work. Switzerland has the best Health Care in the world and it is based solely on Private Health Insurance but is mandated through their National Government.

France is trying HARD to follow in Switzerland's footsteps. As is Belgium and Holland and most of the civilized world that has experienced the criminally inefficient chaos of gubmint run insurance.... Which DOES NOT WORK ANYWHERE.

Private Insurance works, gubmint run insurance does not.

Do not confuse Private Insurance with voluntary insurance.

It's got to be mandated. Otherwise the system breaks down.

And the only entity that can mandate anything and enforce it is the government.

You really should check into how other Countries run their Health Insurance. And don't get your information from dummieunderground or dailykooks.

Single Payer Insurance the world over is failing. The only people who refuse to acknowledge that fact are dyed in the wool socialist scum. Who, IMO, shoud be executed on sight. But that's another topic.

The time was ripe for cooperation on a National Health Care Bill in this Country.

But dimocrap scum got arrogant. As usual.

And forced one of the ----- Not 'one of'..... The absolute stupidest, most ignorant, most poorly thought out, half-assed, dumb-fuck bill in the history of this Country.... Maybe in the world, down our throats.

And now that we've shown the world what DUMB FUCKS you are, you're losing your minds.

Like you had one to lose in the first place.

And I'll tell you something....... One of the reasons I'm pissed off about this is that I, personally, am going through a life-changing scenario right now.

My wife is ready to retire. I already am and am on Medicare.

But she can't because we don't have the first fucking clue what is going to happen with this piece of fucking shit ACA that the dumbest cocksuckers on Earth -- You and your party, forced down our throats.

I'm thinking the whole thing is going to collapse.

Then what?

Do we go back to the way things were? I don't see how. I really don't.

Do we go to single-payer....? That ain't gonna happen, despite what scumbags like you want

Do we replace it and start over? What happens in the meantime?

No, what I see happening is the scum of the Earth -- dimocrap scum like you, are willing to sacrifice millions of people on the altar of socialism for the good of the Collective....

IOW, to achieve socialism through a single-payer Health Care program.

So you know what? I got 'skin in the game'. Unlike 99% of the people on this board.

And I'm pissed about this fucking mess that you and your fellow scumbag socialist/dimocraps have put me and this Country in.

And I'm not convinced you didn't do it on purpose....

Either way, incompetence and stupidity or part of a Grande Plan, it's on you and your people.

We could have done it right if you would have let us. But you're too stupid and too arrogant to listen
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Obama lied that "everyone" gets a $2500 savings in medical costs, get to keep their current doctor and medical insurance all the while uninsured people get covered too.

When some politician makes such grand claims, you know he is a lying sack of shit.
It's on video, stupid fuck.

He has said numerous times in sarcastic "town hall" speeches that "you get to keep your doctor and you get to keep your current plan."

The "only if your plan didn't change" bullshit came out after obamacare was put into effect. The fine print when he knew the entire time many policies "would change" because the law forced them to change.

Telling crowds the GOP was lying about "the rumors" when the rumors became true is typical of low rent stupid people like you.

Yeah....he never claimed that. Google it, bra.
It's on video, stupid fuck.

He has said numerous times in sarcastic "town hall" speeches that "you get to keep your doctor and you get to keep your current plan."

The "only if your plan didn't change" bullshit came out after obamacare was put into effect. The fine print when he knew the entire time many policies "would change" because the law forced them to change.

Telling crowds the GOP was lying about "the rumors" when the rumors became true is typical of low rent stupid people like you.

Yeah....he never claimed that. Google it, bra.

Idiot. I am talking aout the $2500. Pay attention.
It's on video, stupid fuck.

He has said numerous times in sarcastic "town hall" speeches that "you get to keep your doctor and you get to keep your current plan."

The "only if your plan didn't change" bullshit came out after obamacare was put into effect. The fine print when he knew the entire time many policies "would change" because the law forced them to change.

Telling crowds the GOP was lying about "the rumors" when the rumors became true is typical of low rent stupid people like you.

Yeah....he never claimed that. Google it, bra.

Idiot. I am talking aout the $2500. Pay attention.

He often said the typical family would save up to $2500 on premiums.

He sometimes said they would save an average of $2500 on premiums.

This has been posted multiple times.

Time to stop quibbling over how he phrased his savings promises and acknowledge that the typical family may be paying more, not saving at all.
Instead of plowing through your RABID stupidity, I'm just going to destroy this part of your argument and leave you completely discredited....

Okay, here's the stupidity.


Yes, private insurance DOES work. Switzerland has the best Health Care in the world and it is based solely on Private Health Insurance but is mandated through their National Government.

France is trying HARD to follow in Switzerland's footsteps. As is Belgium and Holland and most of the civilized world that has experienced the criminally inefficient chaos of gubmint run insurance.... Which DOES NOT WORK ANYWHERE.

And here's the HARSH REALITY...

Healthcare in Switzerland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swiss are required to purchase basic health insurance, which covers a range of treatments detailed in the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance ... It is therefore the same throughout the country and avoids double standards in healthcare. Insurers are required to offer this basic insurance to everyone, regardless of age or medical condition. They are not allowed to make a profit off this basic insurance, but can on supplemental plans.[2]

The insured person pays the insurance premium for the basic plan up to 8% of their personal income. If a premium is higher than this, the government gives the insured person a cash subsidy to pay for any additional premium.[2]

Now, did you get that Edgy...

1) Everyone HAS to buy insurance.
2) Everyone gets the SAME insurance.
3) No one is allowed to make a profit off basic insurance.
4) If you can't afford insurance, the government will provide it for you.

Jeezus H. Christ, if Obama had tried that in this country, you fuckwads would be screaming "COMMUNIST!!!!" from the rooftops.
The irony of the far left comparing the US to other nations like in Europe is proof positive that the US government should get out the health care business altogether and allow the states to do it.

So just know when you see such comparisons these far left Obama drones are really wanting the states to govern their own healthcare needs.
The irony of the far left comparing the US to other nations like in Europe is proof positive that the US government should get out the health care business altogether and allow the states to do it.

So just know when you see such comparisons these far left Obama drones are really wanting the states to govern their own healthcare needs.

Logically that makes no sense.

Hey, you know, once upon a time, there was this General who saw that the Europeans, particularly the Germans, had these awesome things called Autobahns, which made moving about the country really efficient.

Then this general got elected, and he had this wonderful idea that we needed to do that.

His name was Dwight D. Eisenhower. You might have heard of him. He was what Republicans looked like before the party became rich douchebags manipulating religious retards into voting against their own economic interests.
I can, when the employer mandate takes effect in 2015, dumbass. The cancellations will occur on the effective date. Had Obama not delayed the employer mandate, those 55 percent of cancellations would have occurred THIS YEAR.

Can you show me where 55% of companies won't cancel those plans in 2015? Didn't think so.

TK believes that tens of millions of working Americans....who are currently insured with employer sponsored plans....will be uncovered in 2015. It will be a nutter landslide!

TK doesn't know that the mandate is meant to force employers with 50 or more employees to provide insurance. And that only about 1-2% of said companies don't already offer it.

TK has absolutely zero understanding of the topic he is discussing.

It is full retard.

Exactly. They forget that all those employers who currently do not provide insurance will be required to provide it. That means MORE employees will be insured, not less.

AND idiots like you think there were 46 million "uninsured" before ACA was passed!
When in FACT
10 million were not citizens!
14 million are like 2 people I know, too lazy to sign up for Medicaid EVEN though they are at poverty level and QUALIFIED!
18 million THAT don't want or need as they are under 34 make over $50,000 a year and spend less then their contribution would have been with employers plans!
That leaves only 4 million people that wanted and needed health insurance... NOT the mythical 46 million!

If you have the intellectual integrity to research as I've done that:
Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data, nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.

The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) estimates that about 9 million of these individuals actually were enrolled in Medicaid during the year,
but were categorized as uninsured in the Census survey.
In the latest Census health insurance report, the Census Bureau acknowledges that the survey “…underreports Medicare and Medicaid coverage compared with enrollment and participation data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).” According to ARC, this “Medicaid undercount” leads to an over-assessment of the uninsured population and needs to be taken into consideration when developing uninsured estimates.
It is important that this issue be resolved so that targeted solutions for the uninsured can be developed based on the most accurate data possible.
Among uninsured individuals eligible for public programs, but not enrolled during the year:

14 million of the 46 million ARE QUALIFIED AND EVEN ARE covered but don't know iT!

10 million are not citizens that EVEN Obama states will not be covered by ACA.. so why is he using "46 million"?

18 million that don't want are being forced to buy something to cover WHO??? Themselves? 10 million illegals? 14 million that are already covered???

CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009 Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 --
over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.

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