The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
I thought this would be a thread about Donald Trump. What a bummer.
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Most successful ASSHOLE of the USMB has spoken
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Screw Bin Laden. Shamir was the real problem:cuckoo:
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Most successful ASSHOLE of the USMB has spoken
"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Was Yitzhak an asshole for lying to the rest of the world about Israel's real intentions in Palestine?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
I was torn between Yitzhak and Dick...

Perhaps you should check Roudy's posts about Israel's contributions and there might be a cure for someone who is torn between a dick and something else.
Israel's modern "contributions" began in 1948 when one-third of the population of Mandate Palestine inflicted a Jewish state on the majority by force of arms. Apparently this was done in celebration of the ancient Hebrews ethnic cleansing of the Canaanites. It's hardly surprising that dicks like Cheney found ways of making money from Israel's "contributions."
The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Yasser. Stole billions and died of AIDS.
Surprisingly, he didn't get it from screwing over the "Palestinians".
Yasser died from polonium poisoning thanks to another prominent Israeli terrorist, and your good bud, Ariel Sharon. How's that old war whore doing these days?

"For me, there was no surprise. From the very first day, I was convinced that Yasser Arafat had been poisoned by Ariel Sharon. I even wrote about it several times.

"It was a simple logical conclusion.

"First, a thorough medical examination in the French military hospital where he died did not find any cause for his sudden collapse and death. No traces of any life-threatening disease were found.

"The rumors distributed by the Israeli propaganda machine that Arafat had AIDS were blatant lies. They were a continuation of the rumors spread by the same machine that he was gay – all part of the relentless demonization of the Palestinian leader, which went on daily for decades."

If you didn't have lies, what would you write about?

Poisoning Arafat » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Screw Bin Laden. Shamir was the real problem:cuckoo:
Compared to Adolph and Avraham...

"In the summer of 1940 the Irgun split. One of the commanders, Avraham Stern, founded the organization known to the British as the 'Stern Gang'. (Eventually it was called LEHI, acronym for Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.)

"Stern was a logical person. The aim was to set up a Jewish state in all of Palestine. The enemy was the British Empire. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Therefore we must cooperate with the Nazis.

"He sent several emissaries to contact the Germans. Some were intercepted by the British, the others were ignored by the Nazis.

"I could not accept this atrocious logic and did not join, though the temptation was there. Shamir did."

What would you've done?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Yitzhak Shamir died two weeks ago and was buried in the cemetery of the “Great of the Nation” in Jerusalem. He was 97 years old and had been vegetating for years in a state of dementia. Most Israelis did not know that he was still alive.

"When I (Uri Avnery) described him on TV as 'the most successful terrorist of the 20th century', the interviewer raised his eyebrows. But it was an accurate description.

"Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable.

"He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

Shame the old terrorist didn't live long enough to see it.
Perhaps Ehud and Bibi will?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Screw Bin Laden. Shamir was the real problem:cuckoo:
Compared to Adolph and Avraham...

"In the summer of 1940 the Irgun split. One of the commanders, Avraham Stern, founded the organization known to the British as the 'Stern Gang'. (Eventually it was called LEHI, acronym for Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.)

"Stern was a logical person. The aim was to set up a Jewish state in all of Palestine. The enemy was the British Empire. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Therefore we must cooperate with the Nazis.

"He sent several emissaries to contact the Germans. Some were intercepted by the British, the others were ignored by the Nazis.

"I could not accept this atrocious logic and did not join, though the temptation was there. Shamir did."

What would you've done?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Pre 1948 the Britians oppressed the Jews of Israel. It is only natural they wanted the people out of our homeland. However, they didn't cooperate with the Nazi, and those who were, were arrested.
George has a lot of seething anger in connection with Jews and Israel but I think the trophy prize awarded for the most successful terrorist has to go the fortunately deceased Arafat.

He effectively assembled a terrorist syndicate that raked in billions of dollars, substantial portions of which made Arafat and a select few of his cronies wealthy men.
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Screw Bin Laden. Shamir was the real problem:cuckoo:
Compared to Adolph and Avraham...

"In the summer of 1940 the Irgun split. One of the commanders, Avraham Stern, founded the organization known to the British as the 'Stern Gang'. (Eventually it was called LEHI, acronym for Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.)

"Stern was a logical person. The aim was to set up a Jewish state in all of Palestine. The enemy was the British Empire. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Therefore we must cooperate with the Nazis.

"He sent several emissaries to contact the Germans. Some were intercepted by the British, the others were ignored by the Nazis.

"I could not accept this atrocious logic and did not join, though the temptation was there. Shamir did."

What would you've done?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Pre 1948 the Britians oppressed the Jews of Israel. It is only natural they wanted the people out of our homeland. However, they didn't cooperate with the Nazi, and those who were, were arrested.
What are the borders of your "homeland?"
Why are Jews unique among all the world's displaced people in that they are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?
Are you really that arrogant...
Compared to Adolph and Avraham...

"In the summer of 1940 the Irgun split. One of the commanders, Avraham Stern, founded the organization known to the British as the 'Stern Gang'. (Eventually it was called LEHI, acronym for Fighters for the Freedom of Israel.)

"Stern was a logical person. The aim was to set up a Jewish state in all of Palestine. The enemy was the British Empire. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"Therefore we must cooperate with the Nazis.

"He sent several emissaries to contact the Germans. Some were intercepted by the British, the others were ignored by the Nazis.

"I could not accept this atrocious logic and did not join, though the temptation was there. Shamir did."

What would you've done?

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Pre 1948 the Britians oppressed the Jews of Israel. It is only natural they wanted the people out of our homeland. However, they didn't cooperate with the Nazi, and those who were, were arrested.
What are the borders of your "homeland?"
Why are Jews unique among all the world's displaced people in that they are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?
Are you really that arrogant...
What do borders and tenure have to do with the thread subject. You're just being provocative and wifty.
The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Yasser. Stole billions and died of AIDS.
Surprisingly, he didn't get it from screwing over the "Palestinians".
Yasser died from polonium poisoning thanks to another prominent Israeli terrorist, and your good bud, Ariel Sharon. How's that old war whore doing these days?

"For me, there was no surprise. From the very first day, I was convinced that Yasser Arafat had been poisoned by Ariel Sharon. I even wrote about it several times.

"It was a simple logical conclusion.

"First, a thorough medical examination in the French military hospital where he died did not find any cause for his sudden collapse and death. No traces of any life-threatening disease were found.

"The rumors distributed by the Israeli propaganda machine that Arafat had AIDS were blatant lies. They were a continuation of the rumors spread by the same machine that he was gay – all part of the relentless demonization of the Palestinian leader, which went on daily for decades."

If you didn't have lies, what would you write about?

Poisoning Arafat » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Yasser died from taking it up the ass.
The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Yasser. Stole billions and died of AIDS.
Surprisingly, he didn't get it from screwing over the "Palestinians".
Yasser died from polonium poisoning thanks to another prominent Israeli terrorist, and your good bud, Ariel Sharon. How's that old war whore doing these days?

"For me, there was no surprise. From the very first day, I was convinced that Yasser Arafat had been poisoned by Ariel Sharon. I even wrote about it several times.

"It was a simple logical conclusion.

"First, a thorough medical examination in the French military hospital where he died did not find any cause for his sudden collapse and death. No traces of any life-threatening disease were found.

"The rumors distributed by the Israeli propaganda machine that Arafat had AIDS were blatant lies. They were a continuation of the rumors spread by the same machine that he was gay – all part of the relentless demonization of the Palestinian leader, which went on daily for decades."

If you didn't have lies, what would you write about?

Poisoning Arafat » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Time to renew, George.
The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th/21st Century: without a shadow of a doubt, GW Bush. He bagged 2 whole countries and killed how many hundreds of thousands? And then destroyed the US economy.
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I was torn between Yitzhak and Dick...

Perhaps you should check Roudy's posts about Israel's contributions and there might be a cure for someone who is torn between a dick and something else.
Israel's modern "contributions" began in 1948 when one-third of the population of Mandate Palestine inflicted a Jewish state on the majority by force of arms. Apparently this was done in celebration of the ancient Hebrews ethnic cleansing of the Canaanites. It's hardly surprising that dicks like Cheney found ways of making money from Israel's "contributions."
Hebrews ARE the Canaanites, you fucking moron. Or at least the closest thing to it. Hebrews are entitled for the same reason that Persians, Italians, Greeks, and Egyptians are living in the land of their ancestors.
Hebrews murdered the Canaanites, Moses, except for the children they gang raped.
I'm sure you take a lot of pride in that.
What makes Jews entitled to land their ancestors murdered and pillaged for?
Even someone as blind as you must have noticed how the Balfour Declaration occurred at the same time the Royal Navy was converting from coal to oil to power its fleets.
What does that tell you about the "little, loyal Jewish Ulster?"
In short, are just not that fucking special.
You're merely pliable in the hands of Great Powers.

BTW, Mo, the Persians, Greeks, and Italians didn't cut and run when the Romans, Muslims, and Christians came to visit.

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