The Muslim who gave up his life for Mosul’s Christians


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is what you call a righteous person. This Muslim man lost his life trying to do the right thing. May he rest in peace.

The Muslim who gave up his life for Mosul’s Christians

Chaldean website says a university professor was killed after speaking out against anti-Christian persecution. Meanwhile, the Islamic State has set the jizyah at 450 dollars

He refused to keep silent about the violence agaist Mosul’s Christians who are forced to choose between converting to the Muslim faith, paying thejizyah (the Islamic tax for non-Muslims) or fleeing. Professor Mahmoud Al ‘Asali, a law professor who lectures on pedagogy at the University of Mosul, had the courage to make a stand against this brutal duress which he believes go against the Muslim commandments. But he paid for this gesture with his life: he was killed by ISIS militants in Mosul yesterday.

Chaldean website - one of the news sources that offers the promptest updates on the inferno Christians are experiencing in Iraq – announced the news. Amidst the ocean of tragedies currently being witnessed in the Middle Eastern country, the website did not want to let this act of great courage go unnoticed. Professor Ali ‘Asali knew what he was risking: everyone in Mosul knows that in Raqqa - the Syrian city which the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant seized last year –there are many human rights activists who have paid for their opposition to ISIS’ acts of intolerance with their own lives. But Al ‘Asali was nevertheless unable to stand by in silence.

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The Muslim who gave up his life for Mosul?s Christians - Vatican Insider
For the record-----the extortion and oppression of non muslims which includes the jizya head tax on
all those who resist conversion to the stink of islam ----is VERY MUCH consistent with Islamic theology
as it exists today. Of course islam could reform itself-----but so far, it has not

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