The Myth of Racial/Ethnic/Religious Superiority.


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
Speaking as a person born in Arkansas before the Civil Right Movement (1952), and having witnessed first hand the idea that having a certain skin color somehow makes you superior to another all I can say is bullshit.

Skin Color means nothing. All Hominids originated in Africa. Homoerectus, Homo Sapiens, Australopithecus, even the Neanderthals have one central place of origin. Africa.

Humans migrated out of Africa. We all started with the same skin color. Black.

The idea of the color of a person's skin makes them better than another person is at best ridiculous and at worst racist. Hiding yourself behind a sheet does not make you anything but a gutless, low life, scum sucking, belly crawling coward.

Using your religion to say your better than someone else is bullshit as well.

Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

Chrisians Kill, Jews Kill, Muslim Kill.

Each has radical, violent elements that are more than willing to use force to put forward their ideas.

Each believes theirs is the one true religion, which it is not because if there was just one true religion, then there would be no others...but nope, fools like to believe their version of their god is the only god there is.

Using religion as a weapon is not new, the Spanish Inquisition killed thousands of Jews because they did not believe in a Christian form of god. Muslim Kill Christians. Jews Kill Muslims. Christians Kill Muslims....a never ending cycle of death. Each is sure the reason for their murder of other people of a different religion is fine, well, right and good. Each believes god is on their side.

Just like Skin Color gives people to right to shoot people, killing in the name of god is right because the person doing the shooting believes it.

I am Caucasin Male, born in Arkansas and raised Methodist.

I am married to former Cistercian Nun.

Neither one of us believes the color of our skin makes us better.

Neither one of us believes that god really gives a shit one way or the other who another person loves. The human heart will love whom it wants.

Your Right to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness does not in any way, shape and/or form give you the Right to deny those same Rights (Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness) to anyone else. All Men Are Created Equal, not just a few based on the color of their skin how certain people, of their own free will choose to worship their version of their god.

It does not matter if you do not like the color of their skin.

It does not matter if you do not like their religion.

It does not matter if you do not like their ethnic background.

It does not matter if you do not like who they want to marry or why they want to marry.

All Men Are Created, Life, Liberty and Pursuit are Rights given to All Men an All Women.

You can delude yourself all you want.

Many of you do.

But those of you who do so, do it knowing that your hypocrites.

Your Skin Color don't mean shit.

Your Version of Your god don't meant shit.

Your Ethnic Backgrund don't mean shit.

Your Sexuality is only important to you.

And that is a fact.
Speaking as a person born in Arkansas before the Civil Right Movement (1952), and having witnessed first hand the idea that having a certain skin color somehow makes you superior to another all I can say is bullshit.

Skin Color means nothing. All Hominids originated in Africa. Homoerectus, Homo Sapiens, Australopithecus, even the Neanderthals have one central place of origin. Africa.

Humans migrated out of Africa. We all started with the same skin color. Black.

The idea of the color of a person's skin makes them better than another person is at best ridiculous and at worst racist. Hiding yourself behind a sheet does not make you anything but a gutless, low life, scum sucking, belly crawling coward.

Using your religion to say your better than someone else is bullshit as well.

Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

Chrisians Kill, Jews Kill, Muslim Kill.

Each has radical, violent elements that are more than willing to use force to put forward their ideas.

Each believes theirs is the one true religion, which it is not because if there was just one true religion, then there would be no others...but nope, fools like to believe their version of their god is the only god there is.

Using religion as a weapon is not new, the Spanish Inquisition killed thousands of Jews because they did not believe in a Christian form of god. Muslim Kill Christians. Jews Kill Muslims. Christians Kill Muslims....a never ending cycle of death. Each is sure the reason for their murder of other people of a different religion is fine, well, right and good. Each believes god is on their side.

Just like Skin Color gives people to right to shoot people, killing in the name of god is right because the person doing the shooting believes it.

I am Caucasin Male, born in Arkansas and raised Methodist.

I am married to former Cistercian Nun.

Neither one of us believes the color of our skin makes us better.

Neither one of us believes that god really gives a shit one way or the other who another person loves. The human heart will love whom it wants.

Your Right to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness does not in any way, shape and/or form give you the Right to deny those same Rights (Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness) to anyone else. All Men Are Created Equal, not just a few based on the color of their skin how certain people, of their own free will choose to worship their version of their god.

It does not matter if you do not like the color of their skin.

It does not matter if you do not like their religion.

It does not matter if you do not like their ethnic background.

It does not matter if you do not like who they want to marry or why they want to marry.

All Men Are Created, Life, Liberty and Pursuit are Rights given to All Men an All Women.

You can delude yourself all you want.

Many of you do.

But those of you who do so, do it knowing that your hypocrites.

Your Skin Color don't mean shit.

Your Version of Your god don't meant shit.

Your Ethnic Backgrund don't mean shit.

Your Sexuality is only important to you.

And that is a fact.
Thank you.
Good post.

Thank you for telling a universal truth - we are all members of one race. The human race. We are all in this together, citizens of one planet, all just trying to live our lives the best way we know how.

I started to agree with you... then I stopped myself.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I never once thought my skin color made me superior to anyone. This is quite the pharisaical assertion from you. You make one giant assumption that all other white people other than yourself think their skin color entitles them to think they are superior to the rest of the human race. It doesn't. Where do you get this idea? Yes, you lived in the Civil Rights Era South, but it doesn't make your reasoning about racial issues superior to anyone else's.

My grandmother lived through the desegregation of the south. In Georgia. She had to slog through race riots by car in her hometown to get home from work when MLK was assassinated. But not once did she think her skin color entitled her to some special sense of superiority. She mourned when she got word of his assassination.

Also, if you're going to invoke the name of God, and then in the same reply say "the human heart will love whom it wants" then your beliefs are at conflict with one another. It is GOD who made the human heart. Through the rebellion fomented in the of man, through the reasoning that "the human heart will love/hate/do who it wants" Adam and Eve damned all of mankind with their rebellion against God. The human heart belongs to God, not to man. It is to love God above all others. Through his Word, he made it clear whom one should love.

I am a Caucasian Male born in Georgia and raised Baptist.

I am an avid gamer.

I play games with millions of other players around the world, and I don't consider their skin color when the party invites go out, or when we go on a dungeon raid. Simply by playing a run of the mill RPG I can demonstrate how easily your argument falls flat. I have gay friends, Muslim friends, and black friends. I consider myself equal to them, not a step above them. My religion does not make me superior to gays. My whiteness doesn't make me superior to blacks or Asians.

But to hear other liberals, when Governor Mike O'Malley said "all lives matter" he was booed by protesters at an event and was forced to recant. It appears there that only #BlackLivesMatter. That indicates that (according to liberals) minority status grants black people some sort of sense of superiority over their white counterparts. Yet I see no reaction out of individuals such as yourself.

This post is one giant value based judgement. You're wrong. I resent the presumption.
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Your Version of Your god don't meant shit.

Neither does yours, then. What makes your view of God superior to mine? But wait, you don't believe in God, do you? So what right do you have judging my views of God?

You can delude yourself all you want.

Many of you do. But those of you who do so, do it knowing that your hypocrites.

Yet you espouse to ideals and worldviews that are practiced by the Democratic Party, who do exactly what you're preaching against.
Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

You don't have to believe in any of them. But you don't get to tell anyone what religion they should worship. I happen to find certain types of Atheists extremely obnoxious, and intolerant of people of faith. I do believe I found one.

This assertion destroys your entire argument.

You're sitting there assuming your lack of belief in any religion grants you a form of superiority over those who do. You hypocrite.
Speaking as a person born in Arkansas before the Civil Right Movement (1952), and having witnessed first hand the idea that having a certain skin color somehow makes you superior to another all I can say is bullshit.

Skin Color means nothing. All Hominids originated in Africa. Homoerectus, Homo Sapiens, Australopithecus, even the Neanderthals have one central place of origin. Africa.

Humans migrated out of Africa. We all started with the same skin color. Black.

The idea of the color of a person's skin makes them better than another person is at best ridiculous and at worst racist. Hiding yourself behind a sheet does not make you anything but a gutless, low life, scum sucking, belly crawling coward.

Using your religion to say your better than someone else is bullshit as well.

Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

Chrisians Kill, Jews Kill, Muslim Kill.

Each has radical, violent elements that are more than willing to use force to put forward their ideas.

Each believes theirs is the one true religion, which it is not because if there was just one true religion, then there would be no others...but nope, fools like to believe their version of their god is the only god there is.

Using religion as a weapon is not new, the Spanish Inquisition killed thousands of Jews because they did not believe in a Christian form of god. Muslim Kill Christians. Jews Kill Muslims. Christians Kill Muslims....a never ending cycle of death. Each is sure the reason for their murder of other people of a different religion is fine, well, right and good. Each believes god is on their side.

Just like Skin Color gives people to right to shoot people, killing in the name of god is right because the person doing the shooting believes it.

I am Caucasin Male, born in Arkansas and raised Methodist.

I am married to former Cistercian Nun.

Neither one of us believes the color of our skin makes us better.

Neither one of us believes that god really gives a shit one way or the other who another person loves. The human heart will love whom it wants.

Your Right to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness does not in any way, shape and/or form give you the Right to deny those same Rights (Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness) to anyone else. All Men Are Created Equal, not just a few based on the color of their skin how certain people, of their own free will choose to worship their version of their god.

It does not matter if you do not like the color of their skin.

It does not matter if you do not like their religion.

It does not matter if you do not like their ethnic background.

It does not matter if you do not like who they want to marry or why they want to marry.

All Men Are Created, Life, Liberty and Pursuit are Rights given to All Men an All Women.

You can delude yourself all you want.

Many of you do.

But those of you who do so, do it knowing that your hypocrites.

Your Skin Color don't mean shit.

Your Version of Your god don't meant shit.

Your Ethnic Backgrund don't mean shit.

Your Sexuality is only important to you.

And that is a fact.
Thank you.

I've seen so much hate posted at this forum. People proud of hating a Man or a Woman because of the color of their skin or how that person or persons chooses to worship their version of their god.

I know that these people have an overwhelming need to feel superior to someone, anyone for whatever reason they think they have.

I grew hearing "I'm a proud White Christian", guess what Jesus was NOT White and Jesus was NOT a Christian.

Hiding yourself under yesterday's dirty sheet only means your ashamed of who and what you are and what your doing. If your so damn proud of killing a Black Man, or a Black Woman or bombing a Black Church and killing Black Children do hide yourself under a sheet, take it off show the world how proud you of your murdering people.

I do not care what your church you attend, and I really don't give two hot holy shits one way or the other that you do attend church. Attending church does NOT make you a pious person, living the ethics and beliefs you are preached to about does. Loving your version of your god means nothing if you do not live the values that you claim you believe in.

I've seen more simple human kindness in Homeless People than I've read here. I saw a severely PTSD afflicted Man take the last two quarters in his pocket and give that money to Nun and telling "For the children", it's called giving from your own poverty.

That opposed to the outright hate I see from people at this forum who claim to Christian while at the same time wanting to deny Health Care to Millions of People. Did Jeus charge to make the lame to walk, the blind to see and the deaf to hear?

Hate is not Christian Value, but whole bunches of folks here post their hate everyday.

Many claim to be Christian.


Your not.
Speaking as a person born in Arkansas before the Civil Right Movement (1952), and having witnessed first hand the idea that having a certain skin color somehow makes you superior to another all I can say is bullshit.

Skin Color means nothing. All Hominids originated in Africa. Homoerectus, Homo Sapiens, Australopithecus, even the Neanderthals have one central place of origin. Africa.

Humans migrated out of Africa. We all started with the same skin color. Black.

The idea of the color of a person's skin makes them better than another person is at best ridiculous and at worst racist. Hiding yourself behind a sheet does not make you anything but a gutless, low life, scum sucking, belly crawling coward.

Using your religion to say your better than someone else is bullshit as well.

Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

I don't know bravo. SOunds like you are claiming that some religious beliefs are superior to others.

Specifically either NOT "monotheistic male godhead worship" OR simply "None".

This of course completely contradicts your point.

You are guilty of what you posted the OP to rail against.

I await your post thanking me for helping you grow.


I don't know bravo. SOunds like you are claiming that some religious beliefs are superior to others.

Specifically either NOT "monotheistic male godhead worship" OR simply "None".

This of course completely contradicts your point.

You are guilty of what you posted the OP to rail against.

I await your post thanking me for helping you grow.

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Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

You don't have to believe in any of them. But you don't get to tell anyone what religion they should worship. I happen to find certain types of Atheists extremely obnoxious, and intolerant of people of faith. I do believe I found one.

This assertion destroys your entire argument.

You're sitting there assuming your lack of belief in any religion grants you a form of superiority over those who do. You hypocrite.

And you sit there defending hate. I do not need any form of Religious belieft to live a life of ethics. A life based on service to others (18-Years in San Francisco Tenderloin District).

I do not want, need, desire, request or require any form of Organized Religion to have love and respect for others in my heart.

For the record I am diest . No, I am not a Christian, but nor am I a Jew or a Muslim. I do not believe that a god who created the Heavens and the Earth is completely and totally and to complete exclusing of all other life in the Universe is solely and completely interested in the life of just one small and insignificant planet in that Universe.

I see the hate of Gays/Lesbians and wonder why the hate?

I see the hate Blacks, Asians, Latinos and wonder why the hate?

You know what I hear?

Because God said I could.
All these haters defending their hate.

I never wrote I was superior to anyone. I wrote the truth.

If you believe in the Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness, then you cannot in pursuit of those Rights, deny those same Rights to another person or person based on the Color of Their Skin, the Church they choose to attend, their ethnic backgroud, their gender or gender indentity.

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Suit of Happiness are not for a select few, but all Americans.

You do not get to say your a superior based solely and completely on the Color of Your Skin, the Church You Choose Attend or Your Sexual Identity.

Every Human, of Every Hue and Color have only place of origin. Africa. We all started out Black. Skin Color don't mean shit.

How you choose to worship Your Verison of Your god does not make special or superior. It's the actions you take as you live the values put forth by Your Version of Your god that makes you the better person you claim you are.

You keep on defending your hate, it is after all the only thing you have left.
All these haters defending their hate.

I never wrote I was superior to anyone. I wrote the truth.

If you believe in the Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness, then you cannot in pursuit of those Rights, deny those same Rights to another person or person based on the Color of Their Skin, the Church they choose to attend, their ethnic backgroud, their gender or gender indentity.

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Suit of Happiness are not for a select few, but all Americans.

You do not get to say your a superior based solely and completely on the Color of Your Skin, the Church You Choose Attend or Your Sexual Identity.

Every Human, of Every Hue and Color have only place of origin. Africa. We all started out Black. Skin Color don't mean shit.

How you choose to worship Your Verison of Your god does not make special or superior. It's the actions you take as you live the values put forth by Your Version of Your god that makes you the better person you claim you are.

You keep on defending your hate, it is after all the only thing you have left.

The way you slammed Monotheists, you look to be angling to deprive them of their Rights.

Do you agree that, even though you disagree with them, that Monotheists have a right to publicly engage in the political debate on issues and to pursue their goals and agendas as much as any other group?
And you sit there defending hate.

I am? And you ignore the hate your party exudes on a daily basis? What about your sleights against people who profess a religion? Why are you defending hate? Your entire argument is basically an entire deck of of hate cards. I already told you. I don't hate anyone. You read emotions into my positions that aren't already there.
All these haters defending their hate.

I never wrote I was superior to anyone. I wrote the truth.

If you believe in the Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness, then you cannot in pursuit of those Rights, deny those same Rights to another person or person based on the Color of Their Skin, the Church they choose to attend, their ethnic backgroud, their gender or gender indentity.

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Suit of Happiness are not for a select few, but all Americans.

You do not get to say your a superior based solely and completely on the Color of Your Skin, the Church You Choose Attend or Your Sexual Identity.

Every Human, of Every Hue and Color have only place of origin. Africa. We all started out Black. Skin Color don't mean shit.

How you choose to worship Your Verison of Your god does not make special or superior. It's the actions you take as you live the values put forth by Your Version of Your god that makes you the better person you claim you are.

You keep on defending your hate, it is after all the only thing you have left.

The way you slammed Monotheists, you look to be angling to deprive them of their Rights.

Do you agree that, even though you disagree with them, that Monotheists have a right to publicly engage in the political debate on issues and to pursue their goals and agendas as much as any other group?

I am not "The Montheists", I do not accept, believe in Montheism. How any person or group of persons Worships their version of their god is totally up to them. They do not have Right, while in their worship or belief to deny other any other person or persons the self same rights that they, in their practice of Monotheism enjoy themself.

The Right to Worship does not mean licence to deny Rights to others.

I, by my own free will and personal choice do not attend any form of Organized Religious Worship or Institution. Nor do I want, need, desire, request or require any person or persons from any form of Religious Worship or Institution knocking on my door, calling me on phone or hectoring me as I wait for my bus.

I fought for the Right to Freedom of Religion.

George Bush (43) did not.

Dick Cheney did not.

Newt Gingrich did not.

Donald Trump did not.

I did.

I am more than willing to defend Freedom of Religion again.

Your Right to Your Religious Belief is protected by law.

You do not have the right, in the pursuit of your Religious Belief or Practice to demand that I or anyone else adhere that Religious Belief or Practice. Nor do you have the Right in the pursuit of your Religious Belief or Practice to say that based solely on the sexuality of others persons, what Rights those persons have. Including the Right of Marriage. Your private Religious Belief or Practice cannot be used as weapon to Rights to others that you yourself have.
All these haters defending their hate.

I never wrote I was superior to anyone. I wrote the truth.

If you believe in the Right To Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness, then you cannot in pursuit of those Rights, deny those same Rights to another person or person based on the Color of Their Skin, the Church they choose to attend, their ethnic backgroud, their gender or gender indentity.

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit Suit of Happiness are not for a select few, but all Americans.

You do not get to say your a superior based solely and completely on the Color of Your Skin, the Church You Choose Attend or Your Sexual Identity.

Every Human, of Every Hue and Color have only place of origin. Africa. We all started out Black. Skin Color don't mean shit.

How you choose to worship Your Verison of Your god does not make special or superior. It's the actions you take as you live the values put forth by Your Version of Your god that makes you the better person you claim you are.

You keep on defending your hate, it is after all the only thing you have left.

The way you slammed Monotheists, you look to be angling to deprive them of their Rights.

Do you agree that, even though you disagree with them, that Monotheists have a right to publicly engage in the political debate on issues and to pursue their goals and agendas as much as any other group?

I am not "The Montheists", I do not accept, believe in Montheism. How any person or group of persons Worships their version of their god is totally up to them. They do not have Right, while in their worship or belief to deny other any other person or persons the self same rights that they, in their practice of Monotheism enjoy themself.

The Right to Worship does not mean licence to deny Rights to others.

I, by my own free will and personal choice do not attend any form of Organized Religious Worship or Institution. Nor do I want, need, desire, request or require any person or persons from any form of Religious Worship or Institution knocking on my door, calling me on phone or hectoring me as I wait for my bus.

I fought for the Right to Freedom of Religion.

George Bush (43) did not.

Dick Cheney did not.

Newt Gingrich did not.

Donald Trump did not.

I did.

I am more than willing to defend Freedom of Religion again.

Your Right to Your Religious Belief is protected by law.

You do not have the right, in the pursuit of your Religious Belief or Practice to demand that I or anyone else adhere that Religious Belief or Practice. Nor do you have the Right in the pursuit of your Religious Belief or Practice to say that based solely on the sexuality of others persons, what Rights those persons have. Including the Right of Marriage. Your private Religious Belief or Practice cannot be used as weapon to Rights to others that you yourself have.

Very wordy.

But you neglect to mention that plenty of secular people actively push agendas and policies that deprive people of their rights.

And you want to prevent "The Montheists" from being allowed to do the same.

YOu are discriminating based on religion, as I expected.
I never said I wanted to deprive, deny, limit or prevent a person or persons who believe in a Monotheistic God from practicing their choice of religion.

Your choosing to believe that I wrote that, but it is not true.

As stated prior.

I fought for the Freedom of Religion and Respect the Freedom of Religion.

Freedom of Religion does not give power to deny rights to others.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are NOT limited Rights, specfic to a certain few.

Having a Monotheistic based belief does not grant Rights only to those who practice that belief.

Rights are for all, not just a few.
I never said I wanted to deprive, deny, limit or prevent a person or persons who believe in a Monotheistic God from practicing their choice of religion.

Your choosing to believe that I wrote that, but it is not true.

As stated prior.

I fought for the Freedom of Religion and Respect the Freedom of Religion.

Freedom of Religion does not give power to deny rights to others.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are NOT limited Rights, specfic to a certain few.

Having a Monotheistic based belief does not grant Rights only to those who practice that belief.

Rights are for all, not just a few.

Anti-gun groups want to deny Americans their second amendment rights.

THey have the right to organize and to pursue that agenda.

By stating that you believe that "Monotheistic believers" do not have the right to deny rights to others you are claiming they are second class citizens and discriminating based on religion.
Speaking as a person born in Arkansas before the Civil Right Movement (1952), and having witnessed first hand the idea that having a certain skin color somehow makes you superior to another all I can say is bullshit.

Skin Color means nothing. All Hominids originated in Africa. Homoerectus, Homo Sapiens, Australopithecus, even the Neanderthals have one central place of origin. Africa.

Humans migrated out of Africa. We all started with the same skin color. Black.

The idea of the color of a person's skin makes them better than another person is at best ridiculous and at worst racist. Hiding yourself behind a sheet does not make you anything but a gutless, low life, scum sucking, belly crawling coward.

Using your religion to say your better than someone else is bullshit as well.

Any form of Montheistic Male Godhead Worship has no basis in reality and is in the a con being perpetrated upon people who have a need to find something other than their own existence to believe in.

It does not matter if your Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Each of them are based on lies, half truths and myths designed to separate a fool from his wallet.

Chrisians Kill, Jews Kill, Muslim Kill.

Each has radical, violent elements that are more than willing to use force to put forward their ideas.

Each believes theirs is the one true religion, which it is not because if there was just one true religion, then there would be no others...but nope, fools like to believe their version of their god is the only god there is.

Using religion as a weapon is not new, the Spanish Inquisition killed thousands of Jews because they did not believe in a Christian form of god. Muslim Kill Christians. Jews Kill Muslims. Christians Kill Muslims....a never ending cycle of death. Each is sure the reason for their murder of other people of a different religion is fine, well, right and good. Each believes god is on their side.

Just like Skin Color gives people to right to shoot people, killing in the name of god is right because the person doing the shooting believes it.

I am Caucasin Male, born in Arkansas and raised Methodist.

I am married to former Cistercian Nun.

Neither one of us believes the color of our skin makes us better.

Neither one of us believes that god really gives a shit one way or the other who another person loves. The human heart will love whom it wants.

Your Right to Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness does not in any way, shape and/or form give you the Right to deny those same Rights (Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness) to anyone else. All Men Are Created Equal, not just a few based on the color of their skin how certain people, of their own free will choose to worship their version of their god.

It does not matter if you do not like the color of their skin.

It does not matter if you do not like their religion.

It does not matter if you do not like their ethnic background.

It does not matter if you do not like who they want to marry or why they want to marry.

All Men Are Created, Life, Liberty and Pursuit are Rights given to All Men an All Women.

You can delude yourself all you want.

Many of you do.

But those of you who do so, do it knowing that your hypocrites.

Your Skin Color don't mean shit.

Your Version of Your god don't meant shit.

Your Ethnic Backgrund don't mean shit.

Your Sexuality is only important to you.

And that is a fact.
You're going to confuse people. They do not understand that polar bears are actually grizzly bears that acclimated to their climate. The same goes for the snow fox/red fox. Evolution is a marvelous subject everyone should learn. It's about acclimating and adapting. As far as all that killing stuff.. a bear will eat you.. and I doubt it will say grace beforehand.
I never said I wanted to deprive, deny, limit or prevent a person or persons who believe in a Monotheistic God from practicing their choice of religion.

Your choosing to believe that I wrote that, but it is not true.

As stated prior.

I fought for the Freedom of Religion and Respect the Freedom of Religion.

Freedom of Religion does not give power to deny rights to others.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are NOT limited Rights, specfic to a certain few.

Having a Monotheistic based belief does not grant Rights only to those who practice that belief.

Rights are for all, not just a few.

Anti-gun groups want to deny Americans their second amendment rights.

THey have the right to organize and to pursue that agenda.

By stating that you believe that "Monotheistic believers" do not have the right to deny rights to others you are claiming they are second class citizens and discriminating based on religion.

No, I am not.

Churches do not have the Right, indpendent of Federal, State or Local Law to decided unto themselves Rights for other individuals.

Marriage is Right, which under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th., granted all, not just a few.

Churches cannot grant a Right or deny a Right that they do not have the power to grant or deny in the first place.

Rights are all people, not just a select few, which you seem to want to ignore.

I, as a private home owner (mortgage is paid off in full) have the Right to deny access to any person I do not want in my home as long I am not breaking the law.

If you, as a believer in a Monotheistic God, knock on my door and attempt to tell about your belief, I have the Right to say NO, and I do as the need arises.

I, as a non believer in a Monothesitic God do not have the Right to walk into one of the many churches in my neighborhood and tell the cogreagation because I do not believe that they should shut up, turn out the lights and go home. Their Right to Freedom of Religion is protected and I respect that Right.

They are assembled in their house of prayer for the purpose of worship and that is their Right. I do not have the Right to tell they cannot worship.

Conversly, that same house of god does not have the Right to deny the Right of Marriage to a Same Sex Couple bases solely on the gender of the couple. Exemptions can be granted, but the Right of Marriage is a protected Right for all people in this country.

Member of a Congregation cannot go to a private wedding ceremony demand the service be stopped because they do not believe the marriage should go forward based solely on the Gender of the couple being married.

Rights granted to all cannot be denied because of Religious belief.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is Right for All Men and All Women.

I am not disminating, I am telling the truth.

You do not have to like that truth, but hey that's you and not me.
It is irrational to try and equate a church ceremony with a marriage contract. No one needs a church to be legally married, and a church can deny a religious ceremony to anyone it chooses.

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