The myths of high cost healthcare

There is no competition between healthcare companies because they all raise their rates at the same time. There is not a big cost difference from one company to another.

well the Obama exchanges may help with this, but still as far as I know interestate competition will be illegal.
But then, you're the only country in the world where private, capitalist insurance companies have been running the show.

Once the mandate goes into effect, they'll certainly be running the show. With ACA, the insurance industry has made us an "offer" we can't refuse.

Dragon lady has no idea whatsoever that liberals made competition among health insurance companies illegal in 1946 or that China has been growing 7-10% a year for 30 years under capitalsim.

She is a typical liberals. Everything she feels is based on pure ignorance

Hey Edward, why don't you read your last 100 posts and see if you can discern a pattern. No hurry, we'll wait.
But then, you're the only country in the world where private, capitalist insurance companies have been running the show.

Once the mandate goes into effect, they'll certainly be running the show. With ACA, the insurance industry has made us an "offer" we can't refuse.

Dragon lady has no idea whatsoever that liberals made competition among health insurance companies illegal in 1946 or that China has been growing 7-10% a year for 30 years under capitalsim.

"The Communist Party of China (CPC) carefully directs the country’s growth. Buttressed by government subsidies, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) maintain a dominating presence in the domestic market — largely in the banking, transportation, telecommunication and energy sectors — and often prevent competition. In all, the public sector accounts for approximately 30% of China’s economy. Government presence in the market is apparent in its regulation of the RMB and reserve requirements for banks. Though regulations for the latter have been loosening steadily in an effort to encourage loan availability, SOEs usually receive preferential treatment."

They may have capitalist aspects to their economy. But they are still more regulated and much more draconian in their regulations than here in the US.

It's also important to remember that China has a debt problem not all that different from our own.

Fitch Lowers Rating on China Local-Currency Debt -
"The Communist Party of China (CPC) carefully directs the country’s growth. Buttressed by government subsidies, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) maintain a dominating presence in the domestic market — largely in the banking, transportation, telecommunication and energy sectors — and often prevent competition. In all, the public sector accounts for approximately 30% of China’s economy. Government presence in the market is apparent in its regulation of the RMB and reserve requirements for banks. Though regulations for the latter have been loosening steadily in an effort to encourage loan availability, SOEs usually receive preferential treatment."

They may have capitalist aspects to their economy. But they are still more regulated and much more draconian in their regulations than here in the US.

It's also important to remember that China has a debt problem not all that different from our own.

Fitch Lowers Rating on China Local-Currency Debt -

The Chinese are moving toward corporatism. Same as the US. We're just coming at it from different starting positions.
A friend of ours recently qualified for Social Security Disability, but under the current program his Medicare will not kick in until January, 2014. His COBRA, (insurance provided after being laid off by his employer for disability) ends in May, so he needs to pick up health coverage from May until January.

Buying a bridge policy is really difficult as The Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare is just starting to kick in), so our friend has been put in the State insurance pool based on his income. The problem is that for the time being pre-existing conditions, (such as his disability), will count against him. They will accept him, but he will pay more.

Ironically, our friend paid $200 a month for health insurance to his employer. $420 a month for his COBRA, and will pay $339 a month for his bridge policy, and $120 a month when he gets on Medicare. These rates are insane for someone on $1,200 a month Social Security.

However, depending upon how quickly the State implements the Affordable Care Act, our friend's payment for the bridge policy could go down to $169 a month. Obamacare looks real good to me, but Medicare looks even better. This changed my view of the Affordable Care Act, it looks a lot better than the media has described it. Yes, the Affordable Care Act is now law, and we are only getting a taste of its implementation. I for one am keeping a newly open mind to Obamacare.
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I for one am keeping a newly open mind to Obamacare.

me too, if it works maybe the government can take over all of our major industries. After all, only good folks work for the government and on top of being good they know exactly what to do too! In fact, I'll bet we could get some of the old Chinese and Soviet bureaucrats to help us get started! Many of them are probably unemployed thanks to the idiotic switch to capitalism!!
I for one am keeping a newly open mind to Obamacare.

me too, if it works maybe the government can take over all of our major industries. After all, only good folks work for the government and on top of being good they know exactly what to do too! In fact, I'll bet we could get some of the old Chinese and Soviet bureaucrats to help us get started! Many of them are probably unemployed thanks to the idiotic switch to capitalism!!

I feel sorry for your cynicism. Research has proven that Social Security is more cost effective than any privately owned insurance company. Frankly, I trust fewer people than I have fingers on one hand, but I trust the Government more than the Fortune 500 any day of the week. The Government will not put an unsafe product on the market simply to make a profit.
I feel sorry for your cynicism. Research has proven that Social Security is more cost effective than any privately owned insurance company.

sadly you're a lying liberal soviet idiot. SS steals 15% of your lifetime income. In a private account 15% would yield $1.4 million at retirement not the dog food money you get from SS!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!! MSSB is where liberals come to die! Do you have any liberal friends who might want to come here to experiene what you just did??? Send them over!!
sadly you're a lying liberal soviet idiot. SS steals 15% of your lifetime income. In a private account 15% would yield $1.4 million at retirement not the dog food money you get from SS!!

This may be true but 95% of people don't have any retirement savings at all, so the "dog food money" is a whole lot better than what they would have without SS.
There is no competition between healthcare companies because they all raise their rates at the same time. There is not a big cost difference from one company to another.

well the Obama exchanges may help with this, but still as far as I know interestate competition will be illegal.


of course if it was wrong you'd present your evidence. A liberal will lack the IQ to know that evidence is necessary

House revives bill to allow interstate health insurance sales ...
Jun 6, 2011 ... Senate Democrats and President Obama oppose the legislation, but ... lead
sponsor of the interstate insurance measure, known as the Health Care Choice
.... on a model written by the American Legislative Exchange Council, ...
House revives bill to allow interstate health insurance sales -
I feel sorry for your cynicism. Research has proven that Social Security is more cost effective than any privately owned insurance company.

sadly you're a lying liberal soviet idiot. SS steals 15% of your lifetime income. In a private account 15% would yield $1.4 million at retirement not the dog food money you get from SS!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!! MSSB is where liberals come to die! Do you have any liberal friends who might want to come here to experiene what you just did??? Send them over!!

As usual not a fact based link to support a word you say. But, I have one...........

I did not join this website to research for the ignorant. Here is a graph of Social Security Administrative costs which are less than 1% of their total cost. http:// Private Insurance companies run 12-17%. In the future please Google the facts before posting. Thank you.


And, by the way I am not a liberal, I am an independant. You use the word "liberal" like it is a dirty word. It is no more dirty than "conservative."
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I feel sorry for your cynicism. Research has proven that Social Security is more cost effective than any privately owned insurance company.

sadly you're a lying liberal soviet idiot. SS steals 15% of your lifetime income. In a private account 15% would yield $1.4 million at retirement not the dog food money you get from SS!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!! MSSB is where liberals come to die! Do you have any liberal friends who might want to come here to experiene what you just did??? Send them over!!

As usual not a fact based link to support a word you say. But, I have one...........

I did not join this website to research for the ignorant. Here is a graph of Social Security Administrative costs which are less than 1% of their total cost. http:// Private Insurance companies run 12-17%. In the future please Google the facts before posting. Thank you.


And, by the way I am not a liberal, I am an independant. You use the word "liberal" like it is a dirty word. It is no more dirty than "conservative."

dear do you have the IQ to figure out what an average American would retire with if he invested 15% of his lifetime income in a private account???
I for one am keeping a newly open mind to Obamacare.

me too, if it works maybe the government can take over all of our major industries. After all, only good folks work for the government and on top of being good they know exactly what to do too! In fact, I'll bet we could get some of the old Chinese and Soviet bureaucrats to help us get started! Many of them are probably unemployed thanks to the idiotic switch to capitalism!!

I feel sorry for your cynicism. Research has proven that Social Security is more cost effective than any privately owned insurance company. Frankly, I trust fewer people than I have fingers on one hand, but I trust the Government more than the Fortune 500 any day of the week. The Government will not put an unsafe product on the market simply to make a profit.

Dear BB:
Look at the way the prison system is run.
It puts the public at risk, even releases dangerous sick people without notification,
and keeps going as is just to keep contractors and bureaucrats paid and in control.

the school system has gone down where there is no check on spending and policy.
the public housing system was always run as a scam to profit off poverty
and give contracts/jobs/control to govt bureaucrats.

ask anyone who has suffering grievances from the mental health,
prison system or public housing/school system and got treated like a number.
jsut warehousing people for profit for those in charge
at expense of taxpayers and public health and safety

sorry to be so strong about this issue
the govt is like other collective institutions and needs to be directly checked
as with corporations and other organizations that can be abused and are.
I feel sorry for your cynicism. Research has proven that Social Security is more cost effective than any privately owned insurance company.

sadly you're a lying liberal soviet idiot. SS steals 15% of your lifetime income. In a private account 15% would yield $1.4 million at retirement not the dog food money you get from SS!!

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!! MSSB is where liberals come to die! Do you have any liberal friends who might want to come here to experiene what you just did??? Send them over!!

Dear EB and BB: to be fair I'm going toThank both your replies
because I appreciate you both for standing up for your views.
I think there is good in both your information/positions and
I don't want you to lose that by targeting each other personally.

May I challenge you both to review the lifetime financial planning strategies
taught and followed by the mentors with Lifestyles Unlimited Real Estate Investing Education and Mentoring | Lifestyles Unlimited
it is a professional real estate investment training network,
not a charity program, though I firmly believe all citizens and charities
should learn to do these same investment strategies to break the poverty
cycle and mentality and become productive business leaders or members
of teams contributing to economic helath and development by financial independence

the founders and members teach that you cannot retire
comfortably depending on 401K or SS and govt.

they compare the money invested if you pull it out of these other
accounts, including IRA and CD etc, and put into rental houses
that yield equity, cash flow, and tax deductions as business expenses.

they calculate deals in advance, and only choose to invest in set ups
that will yield 20-40% return, and they show you all th emath on
each case a member closes on that yields profits, monthly revenue
and equity captured that is used to leverage future financing on the next

can I ask you to review the cases posted on their webiste
and tell me honestly if that's not a better way to teach people
to invest their money to become independent of welfare? thanks.

if you want to do q&a the heads of the group answer questions
directly by email or by radio show streamed online or on air in different cities.
Del and Steve are both straightforward downtoearth wonderful guys,
who figured out a model that works and mentor others to retire as millionaires
within 5-10 years, so they love their work helping others to become financially independent for life.
I see both of you are intelligent and analytical, and care about what is
best for people and the country; so please do not waste words jumping on each other
when I see you have so much value and work in your background experience
and knowledge to share with others. please let me ecnourage and support you
both in sharing what you know so we can all benefit! thank you both!
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Frankly, I trust fewer people than I have fingers on one hand, but I trust the Government more than the Fortune 500 any day of the week. The Government will not put an unsafe product on the market simply to make a profit.

too stupid!!! like government people are less likely to be bought off than corporate people!!! Dont you read about the Chinese government bureaucrats who are executed for taking bribes and thus endangering the entire country!!

Without libturd regulators a company must have the safest best cheapest products in the entire world or go bankrupt! With libturd regulators everyone assumes things are safe because the government guarantees it!!

Under capitalism millions of consumers are the regulators, under liberalism a few libturd bureaucrats are the regulators!!

Over your head???

the real question for liberals is, "who will regulate the regulators"???
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As usual not a fact based link to support a word you say. But, I have one...........

I did not join this website to research for the ignorant. Here is a graph of Social Security Administrative costs which are less than 1% of their total cost. http:// Private Insurance companies run 12-17%. In the future please Google the facts before posting. Thank you.


And, by the way I am not a liberal, I am an independant. You use the word "liberal" like it is a dirty word. It is no more dirty than "conservative."

Dear BB Good for you for standing up for yourself and not getting bullied down.
BTW you can be both, independent and also more liberal in comparison with EB views.
I consider myself progressive, I sympathize with the liberal push for inclusion and equal representation of minority interests while on that token I include conservative views like prolife equally an interest to be included as prochoice. so i tend to stick to constitutional principles where everyone claims equal representation and protection for their views.

pls see my msg to both you and BB asking your opinion on other ways to invest
that help ppl become independent and not depend on govt welfare or even 401K
thinking that will cover their costs of retirement.

can you review that and tell me what you think
if teaching people to invest their money in teams directly into financial independent
business plans would be better than teaching dependence on govt for welfare? thanks!
can you review that and tell me what you think
if teaching people to invest their money in teams directly into financial independent
business plans would be better than teaching dependence on govt for welfare? thanks!

dear, people on welfare would have no idea where to invest and have no money to invest . Sorry

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