The Nation of Islam use to beat it's members


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2016
I heard Louis Farrakhan and others say that the Nation of Islam use to beat the members of it's group...that might be interesting to discuss for people interested in that group. If they no longer beat their members could they revert to beating them?
I heard Louis Farrakhan and others say that the Nation of Islam use to beat the members of it's group...that might be interesting to discuss for people interested in that group. If they no longer beat their members could they revert to beating them?

Didn't Malcolm X get "assassinated" as part of the early politics and struggle?
They've come a long way since the Black Power movement was much more violent
and even attacked by police as a militarized cult.

On the upside, the local Nation of Islam is behind the countermovement to address
Black on Black violence FIRST before expecting to change issues of police abuses.

I have to applaud them for this peaceful approach to NO MORE BLOODSHED
calling for peace and unity and not any more shooting and killings in Black neighborhoods
most distressed and affected by Black crime.

If you are going to look at the negative history of a group,
also be fair and look at the positive future, born of the most painful political lessons at the cost of lives lost.
Odd isn't it. How a ruling power structure can freely brutalize oppressed people and it's considered legal and accepted. But when the oppressed after exhausting all other avenues turn to resistance, THEY are "violent".
I heard Louis Farrakhan and others say that the Nation of Islam use to beat the members of it's group...that might be interesting to discuss for people interested in that group. If they no longer beat their members could they revert to beating them?

Didn't Malcolm X get "assassinated" as part of the early politics and struggle?
They've come a long way since the Black Power movement was much more violent
and even attacked by police as a militarized cult.

On the upside, the local Nation of Islam is behind the countermovement to address
Black on Black violence FIRST before expecting to change issues of police abuses.

I have to applaud them for this peaceful approach to NO MORE BLOODSHED
calling for peace and unity and not any more shooting and killings in Black neighborhoods
most distressed and affected by Black crime.

If you are going to look at the negative history of a group,
also be fair and look at the positive future, born of the most painful political lessons at the cost of lives lost.

Reversion to violence against it's own members is possible is interesting I think.

They use to even beat people for trying to apostatize from (or leave) the group according to film-maker Omar Shabazz. Could they revert to such behavior? Very interesting I think.
I heard Louis Farrakhan and others say that the Nation of Islam use to beat the members of it's group...that might be interesting to discuss for people interested in that group. If they no longer beat their members could they revert to beating them?
Yeah they do. Its no different from any white group that hazes.
I'd say the Nation of Islam lunatics beating their members is a very very good start.
I'd say the Nation of Islam lunatics beating their members is a very very good start.

Dear blastoff
Funny. But seriously what concerns me about the Islamic teachings
if that if you take the parts about "taking justice in your own hands"
OUT OF CONTEXT with the Bible Scriptures on obeying civil authority,
this becomes dangerous like the Jihadists who do that. They take
parts of Mohammad's teachings out of context with the rest of the
Jewish Torah and the Christian Scriptures that Muslims are also
called to follow and receive as sent by God (all the laws and prophets from God).

If all Muslims acted as believers and followers under Christian laws,
then these laws call for obedience and submission to civil authority,
even where there is injustice imposed and the faithful followers
are called to serve as witnesses to Kings and Judges on behalf of
Justice or Jesus. They are not to rebel and violate laws in protest.
They can follow the laws and rebuke and petition that way,
as witnesses to God's truth and justice that is the spirit of the laws.

Even when MLK was criticized for landing himself in jail protesting
unnatural segregation laws that actually violated Constitutional
precepts of equality and exercise of freedom (since people
weren't treated as equal citizens with equal access to these rights
and laws applying to them, as under natural laws), MLK complied
with the secular system that required him to go through the jails
and courts to serve as a witness. From Saul Alinsky In the real process of civil disobedience,
the protestors work out the issues and process in advance with civil authorities,
and spell out what will take place so everyone knows the participants intend to be compliant.
They are supposed to go through the entire civil process from beginning to end to
feed the issue through the system to protest and challenge it that way. So it leaves
a trail and is documents and challenged on record, and serves as a witness and legal
arguments that a law is unconstitutional.

Civil obedience is NOT supposed to mean you submit and take whatever govt gives you.
It's supposed to be used to challenge and change govt by civilly and peacefully
petitioning to redress grievances using the given democratic due process.

So if people are Christian and follow Scripture (see Matthew 18:15-20)
and/or Constitutionalist and follow Natural Laws these are based on
(as in the Bill of Rights on free speech and press, right to petition, and right to due process of laws)
then this is the CIVIL PEACEFUL way of establishing JUSTICE by resolving issues and
reaching AGREEMENT in truth.

The Muslims who ADHERE to the calling to follow all laws sent by God
would respect both the Christian Scriptures and the Natural Laws
the Founding Fathers built into the Constitution (and which are
also credited to the Native Americans and also Mohammad as teaching).

The Nation of Islam teachers leaders and followers who do respect
both church and state authority are following the true meaning of Islam,
and will respect due process and civil laws; and will not incite their
brothers or neighbors to anger or violence in violation of these laws.
I'd say the Nation of Islam lunatics beating their members is a very very good start.

Dear blastoff
Funny. But seriously what concerns me about the Islamic teachings
if that if you take the parts about "taking justice in your own hands"
OUT OF CONTEXT with the Bible Scriptures on obeying civil authority,
this becomes dangerous like the Jihadists who do that. They take
parts of Mohammad's teachings out of context with the rest of the
Jewish Torah and the Christian Scriptures that Muslims are also
called to follow and receive as sent by God (all the laws and prophets from God).

If all Muslims acted as believers and followers under Christian laws,
then these laws call for obedience and submission to civil authority,
even where there is injustice imposed and the faithful followers
are called to serve as witnesses to Kings and Judges on behalf of
Justice or Jesus. They are not to rebel and violate laws in protest.
They can follow the laws and rebuke and petition that way,
as witnesses to God's truth and justice that is the spirit of the laws.

Even when MLK was criticized for landing himself in jail protesting
unnatural segregation laws that actually violated Constitutional
precepts of equality and exercise of freedom (since people
weren't treated as equal citizens with equal access to these rights
and laws applying to them, as under natural laws), MLK complied
with the secular system that required him to go through the jails
and courts to serve as a witness. From Saul Alinsky In the real process of civil disobedience,
the protestors work out the issues and process in advance with civil authorities,
and spell out what will take place so everyone knows the participants intend to be compliant.
They are supposed to go through the entire civil process from beginning to end to
feed the issue through the system to protest and challenge it that way. So it leaves
a trail and is documents and challenged on record, and serves as a witness and legal
arguments that a law is unconstitutional.

Civil obedience is NOT supposed to mean you submit and take whatever govt gives you.
It's supposed to be used to challenge and change govt by civilly and peacefully
petitioning to redress grievances using the given democratic due process.

So if people are Christian and follow Scripture (see Matthew 18:15-20)
and/or Constitutionalist and follow Natural Laws these are based on
(as in the Bill of Rights on free speech and press, right to petition, and right to due process of laws)
then this is the CIVIL PEACEFUL way of establishing JUSTICE by resolving issues and
reaching AGREEMENT in truth.

The Muslims who ADHERE to the calling to follow all laws sent by God
would respect both the Christian Scriptures and the Natural Laws
the Founding Fathers built into the Constitution (and which are
also credited to the Native Americans and also Mohammad as teaching).

The Nation of Islam teachers leaders and followers who do respect
both church and state authority are following the true meaning of Islam,
and will respect due process and civil laws; and will not incite their
brothers or neighbors to anger or violence in violation of these laws.

Hi Ms./Mrs. Nghiem :)

Here's a video of Louis Farrakhan saying, "we (the Nation of Islam) don't give a damn about no white man law when you attack what we love," talking about how the Nation of Islam is willing to murder without regard for American law. To me this video arguably shows that the group can be considered a terrorist group:

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Funny how the Nation of Islam is talking "no more bloodshed" according to Emily but the video (in the previous post) shows them willing to murder people who attack them.

Backwards *ss idiots.

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