The Nazi Party is flourishing and the 4th estate is fast asleep, as usual.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
We had the government of Obama take over GM, forcing them to no longer make certain vehicles that were profitable. We the People lost 15 billion dollars on that deal, and the left looked the other way. Yet they call US fascists.
The Fascist Obama had the IRS target conservative individuals and groups who spoke against what he was doing, and was found out that Lois Lerner had indeed prevented some from being equal with liberal groups. Yet they call US fascists.
The Fascist Obama was supplying weapons to ISIS over in Libya and it was found out that Chris Stevens was going to spill the beans on the operation so was allowed to be executed by Al Qaeda to cover up the sleezy event, and 3 other US citizens were sacrificed to keep quiet. Yet they call US fascists.
The Fascist Obama, for the 1st time in US history through central planning FORCED up on US a healthcare system we could no longer CHOOSE to not have, and the Nazi's knew that it was broken from the start. Yet they call US fascists.
The Fascist Obama had Eric(the racist) Holder sell automatic and semi-automatic weapons to Mexican Drug Lords which ended up killing 10,000's of Mexican citizens and a border patrol agent. Yet they call US Fascists.
The Fascist Obama had Susan Rice, expose private citizens who worked for Donald J. Trump, in the hope that this would enable a crooked vagina candidate to win the presidency and now since SHE/HE/IT(HRC) didn't win, these events are going to bring down the bi-racial president and his admin, and they will see jail time. Yet they call US fascists.

There are many other Fascist attempts of the last bi-racial administration that the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog media, avoided, yet the US citizens woke up and stopped 4 more years of the Nazi's staying in power.
Obama’s fingerprints all over IRS Tea Party scandal
Exclusive: Obama authorizes secret help for Libya rebels
Ten Broken Obamacare Promises
The Susan Rice saga: Murky allegations and media reluctance

We had the government of Obama take over GM, forcing them to no longer make certain vehicles that were profitable.

Uh, dummy, if GM was "profitable", it wouldn't have needed a government bailout.

The Fascist Obama had the IRS target conservative individuals and groups who spoke against what he was doing, and was found out that Lois Lerner had indeed prevented some from being equal with liberal groups.

Well, yeah, you see when you lie to the IRS about being a "Social Welfare Agency" and try to hide your donors, that's going to raise some red flags.

The Fascist Obama had Susan Rice, expose private citizens who worked for Donald J. Trump, in the hope that this would enable a crooked vagina candidate to win the presidency and now since SHE/HE/IT(HRC) didn't win, these events are going to bring down the bi-racial president and his admin, and they will see jail time. Yet they call US fascists.

Except that the unmasking never went beyond her office, and she was the person who had the authority to see the information. I would hope that if you had an unnamed American conspiring with the Russians, someone would ask, "Hey, who is that guy?"

And now we all know.
The Fascist Obama had Eric(the racist) Holder sell automatic and semi-automatic weapons to Mexican Drug Lords which ended up killing 10,000's of Mexican citizens and a border patrol agent. Yet they call US Fascists.

Um, dummy, 250,000 guns cross the border every year because the NRA thinks the Militia Amendment is about unrestricted gun sales.

to whine about a handful of guns that the government failed to track is kind of silly. It's like whining a couple of joints got smoked during a drug investigation.
^^^ Alt Right neo-fascist turnspeak above, the baddies accusing the press and good Americans of being a sleeping press and bad Americans.

The press, Congress, and Americans generally are focusing on the criminal Trump administration and moving forward to remove it and jail those responsible.

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