The New Ice Age Has Begun, The Glaciers Are Growing.

Sir John Houghton: Global Warming: The Complete Briefing
JE Hansen - Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 1998 - Springer
... There are longer descriptions of climate mod- els, climate simulations and potential impacts of
climate change. I particularly appreciate the space devoted in the latter half of the book to
uncertainties in the global warming story as well as the discussion of actions that can be ...
Cited by 1582 Related articles All 15 versions Cite SaveSaving...Try again? More

[/B] [URL='']Acceleration of [B]global warming [/B]due to carbon-cycle feedbacks in a coupled [B]climate [/B]model[/URL]
[URL=''][U]PM Cox[/U][/URL], [URL=''][U]RA Betts[/U][/URL], CD Jones, SA Spall, IJ Totterdell - Nature, 2000 -
[B]...[/B] 4a). This is driven purely by [B]climate[/B] [B]change[/B], as can be seen by comparing the fully coupled
run (red lines) to the run without [B]global[/B] [B]warming[/B] (blue lines). The effects of anthropogenic
deforestation on landcover are neglected in both cases. [B]...[/B]
[URL=',38&sciodt=0,38&hl=en']Cited by 2988[/URL] [URL=',38']Related articles[/URL] [URL=',38']All 16 versions[/URL] [URL='']Cite[/URL] [URL='']Save[/URL]Saving...[URL='']Try again?[/URL] [URL='']More[/URL]

[SIZE=4][B][URL=''][B]Global Warming [/B]and [B]Climate Change[/B][/URL][/B][/SIZE]
B Markner-Jäger - Technical English for Geosciences, 2008 - Springer
First, sunlight shines onto the Earth's surface, where it is absorbed and then radiates back 
into the atmosphere as heat. In the atmosphere,„greenhouse “gases trap some of this heat, 
and the rest escapes into space. The more greenhouse gases are in the atmosphere, the ...
[URL=',38']All 2 versions[/URL] [URL='']Cite[/URL] [URL='']Save[/URL]

[B]Warming [/B]and Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Conceptual Framework for Analysis Ecosystem responses to [B]global warming [/B]will be complex and varied. Ecosystem [B]warming [/B] …
[URL=''][U]GR Shaver[/U][/URL], [URL=''][U]J Canadell[/U][/URL], FS Chapin… - …, 2000 -
Projections of [B]global warming [/B]from General Circulation Models (GCMs) are now familiar to 
both scientists and nonscientists. Knowing, however, that the mean [B]global [/B]temperature will 
increase by 1.0–3.5 C tells us little about how temperatures will [B]change [/B]in a particular [B] ...[/B]
[URL=',38&sciodt=0,38&hl=en']Cited by 560[/URL] [URL=',38']Related articles[/URL] [URL=',38']All 16 versions[/URL] [URL='']Cite[/URL] [URL='']Save[/URL]Saving...[URL='']Try again?[/URL] [URL='']More[/URL]

[SIZE=4][B][URL='']Fingerprints of [B]global warming [/B]on wild animals and plants[/URL][/B][/SIZE]
TL Root, [URL=''][U]JT Price[/U][/URL], KR Hall, SH Schneider… - Nature, 2003 -
[B]...[/B] [B]change[/B], specifically temperature increases, is possible because we expect the trends created
by the large-scale pressure of [B]global[/B] [B]warming[/B] to show [B]...[/B] [B]Climate[/B] [B]change[/B] is only one of a long list
of pressures that influence the distributions and health of populations, as well as traits [B]...[/B]
[URL=',38&sciodt=0,38&hl=en']Cited by 3536[/URL] [URL=',38']Related articles[/URL] [URL=',38']All 11 versions[/URL] [URL=',38#']Cite[/URL] [URL=',38#']Save[/URL]

[B]Now Ms. Elektra that is just a few authors and their articles. Many, many more. Just go to Google Scholar, put in global warming, and you will find ample scientists and their articles on global warming. Not only that you will find very few articles disputing the existence of global warming.[/B]
Well now, I don't have to check you link on Mt. St. Helens. And the only glacier on Mt. St. Helens is the one within the glacier. And that glacier is shielded from the sun for most of the hours of the day.

Now as for the rest of the nonsense here, we are In no way headed for a new ice age, at least not for the few thousand years it takes to get the GHGs out of the atmosphere that we have put in.

2014, record warm year. 2015, another record, warmer yet. 2016, warmer than 2014 and 2015. Headed for an ice age? LOL

Liar, liar, liar [jesus, what a fucking CHILD], where is your proof, mine is outside, take a look, temperatures are dropping, Ice is growing at record rates. Across two different threads Old Crock, you have not produced a thing that disagrees with the facts. Ice is growing at record rates. Old Crock, you even gave a link that agreed the Ice is growing at a record rate.

You can lie all you want Old Crock, but you posted a link that said the Ice is growing at a record rate.






Well now, I don't have to check you link on Mt. St. Helens. And the only glacier on Mt. St. Helens is the one within the glacier. And that glacier is shielded from the sun for most of the hours of the day.

Now as for the rest of the nonsense here, we are In no way headed for a new ice age, at least not for the few thousand years it takes to get the GHGs out of the atmosphere that we have put in.

2014, record warm year. 2015, another record, warmer yet. 2016, warmer than 2014 and 2015. Headed for an ice age? LOL

Liar, liar, liar [jesus, what a fucking CHILD], where is your proof, mine is outside, take a look, temperatures are dropping, Ice is growing at record rates. Across two different threads Old Crock, you have not produced a thing that disagrees with the facts. Ice is growing at record rates. Old Crock, you even gave a link that agreed the Ice is growing at a record rate.

You can lie all you want Old Crock, but you posted a link that said the Ice is growing at a record rate.






And now, in a show of dazzling colors, Crick demonstrates that without crayons, Liberal Democrats have no Science. Glaciers are growing, and all Crick can do is present pretty colored drawings. How appropriate.
Well now, I don't have to check you link on Mt. St. Helens. And the only glacier on Mt. St. Helens is the one within the glacier. And that glacier is shielded from the sun for most of the hours of the day.

Now as for the rest of the nonsense here, we are In no way headed for a new ice age, at least not for the few thousand years it takes to get the GHGs out of the atmosphere that we have put in.

2014, record warm year. 2015, another record, warmer yet. 2016, warmer than 2014 and 2015. Headed for an ice age? LOL

Liar, liar, liar [jesus, what a fucking CHILD], where is your proof, mine is outside, take a look, temperatures are dropping, Ice is growing at record rates. Across two different threads Old Crock, you have not produced a thing that disagrees with the facts. Ice is growing at record rates. Old Crock, you even gave a link that agreed the Ice is growing at a record rate.

You can lie all you want Old Crock, but you posted a link that said the Ice is growing at a record rate.






And now, in a show of dazzling colors, Crick demonstrates that without crayons, Liberal Democrats have no Science. Glaciers are growing, and all Crick can do is present pretty colored drawings. How appropriate.
Links, lying little bitch, links.
Well now, I don't have to check you link on Mt. St. Helens. And the only glacier on Mt. St. Helens is the one within the glacier. And that glacier is shielded from the sun for most of the hours of the day.

Now as for the rest of the nonsense here, we are In no way headed for a new ice age, at least not for the few thousand years it takes to get the GHGs out of the atmosphere that we have put in.

2014, record warm year. 2015, another record, warmer yet. 2016, warmer than 2014 and 2015. Headed for an ice age? LOL

Liar, liar, liar [jesus, what a fucking CHILD], where is your proof, mine is outside, take a look, temperatures are dropping, Ice is growing at record rates. Across two different threads Old Crock, you have not produced a thing that disagrees with the facts. Ice is growing at record rates. Old Crock, you even gave a link that agreed the Ice is growing at a record rate.

You can lie all you want Old Crock, but you posted a link that said the Ice is growing at a record rate.






And now, in a show of dazzling colors, Crick demonstrates that without crayons, Liberal Democrats have no Science. Glaciers are growing, and all Crick can do is present pretty colored drawings. How appropriate.

Don't forget you said temperatures were dropping.

You are, like, stupider than stupid.
Global warming is a widely accepted theory bordering on fact as it relies on nothing but observations and is accepted by over 99% of all scientists. You're a fool to even suggest otherwise. AGW is slightly less widely accepted: >97% of climate scientists and probably >90% of all scientists. It would be YOUR position that has failed to rise above hypothesis. And that is has the status of hypothesis is simply because there are no qualifications at all for such a state. That the moon is made of green cheese is a perfectly qualified hypothesis.

AGW is a piss poor hypothesis not supported by the first bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence...
Go back to your smart photons, SSDD. The global temperature is being measured by several agencies of several governments. And they all show the temperature rising. The Arctic Sea Ice is melting, the alpine glaciers are rapidly retreating worldwide, the sea level is rising, and the sea is becoming more acidic. And all you have is unsupported twaddle.
Go back to your smart photons, SSDD. The global temperature is being measured by several agencies of several governments. And they all show the temperature rising. The Arctic Sea Ice is melting, the alpine glaciers are rapidly retreating worldwide, the sea level is rising, and the sea is becoming more acidic. And all you have is unsupported twaddle.

More logical fallacies that really all you have?...

If you feel like you have some observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting the claim that mankind is altering the global climate with his so called greenhouse gas emissions, by all means lets see is always entertaining to see what passes for actual evidence in the minds of you goobers...

Or you can simply make the same old dishonest claim that you have already posted what doesn't exist and perhaps slide in another logical fallacy to go with it.
The absorption spectra of the GHGs has been presented many times here, by myself and many others. That you are incapable of understanding that simple science is simply evidence of your shortcomings in the mental department, not evidence of the the scientists failure to present the evidence.
The absorption spectra of the GHGs has been presented many times here, by myself and many others. That you are incapable of understanding that simple science is simply evidence of your shortcomings in the mental department, not evidence of the the scientists failure to present the evidence.

Why yes it has...but that certainly doesn't support the claim that man is altering the global climate with his emissions of so called greenhouse any observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that absorption and emission (you always leave out the fact of emission) equals warming out in the atmosphere?...The fact of absorption was never in question...the question is whether absorption and emission equals any observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence to support that idea...if you do, then perhaps you have something...othewise, all you have is an observation, and an assumption to tack on to the end of it.

the fact that you believe that absorption spectra alone prove man made global warming only shows that you are a dupe and don't have the slightest clue of what actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting the A in AGW might look like...which is in large part what makes you a dupe.
Here we have multiple nations measuring and publishing their results, the decline of the Arctic Ice. The physics of how GHGs work is well understood. The fact that you are intellectually incapable of understanding what the scientists are showing you.
Here we have multiple nations measuring and publishing their results, the decline of the Arctic Ice. The physics of how GHGs work is well understood. The fact that you are intellectually incapable of understanding what the scientists are showing you.

C'mon.....the artic ice play is past its prime by about 10 years. Nobody cares about this anymore except those deep in the religion. :deal:

Norgaard observed that the phenomenon of climate change was “invisible in social or political life”.

Why melting Arctic ice leaves us cold! - Arctic and Ice - Ice-Blog - DW.COM

Its like somebody posting up that "the hula hoop fad is huge!!" C'mon now!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Here we have multiple nations measuring and publishing their results, the decline of the Arctic Ice.

One would expect a decline of ice when exiting an ice age....and you think that is proof that man is causing warming? Laughable...and tragically sad at the same time.

The physics of how GHGs work is well understood.[/quopte]

And yet, not the first bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence exists in support of that " understanding"...the correct term for our "understanding" of the GHE is actually assumption.

The fact that you are intellectually incapable of understanding what the scientists are showing you.

Scientists aren't "showing" anything...again, you don't have the first inkling of what actual observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence is...which is something that can, in fact, be shown...and which in the case of the greenhouse effect hypothesis and associated AGW hypothesis, does not exist...Climate science "shows" correlation and claims that it represents causation...I am afraid that it doesn't...unfortunate that so many people lack critical thinking skills and are duped by such claims...but then side show hucksters have to make a living like the rest of us...and they rely on a steady stream of dupes...they appreciate you.
So you wish to go even FURTHER to demonstrate your ignorance. I can produce over a dozen studies, surveys and polls, all of which collect and accurately characterize observational DATA from which conclusions are drawn. If you think those are some sort of worthless opinions, you are REALLY going out of your way to demonstrate you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea how real science actually works.
okay, produce over a dozen studies smart ass, in their entirety. I will ve surprised if you come up with two, let alone one. And remember idiot, an abstract is not the study.
Egad, Elektra, you continue to amaze as to how dumb of a fuck you truly are. And abstract is a summation of the study or article. LOL
Egad, Elektra, you continue to amaze as to how dumb of a fuck you truly are. And abstract is a summation of the study or article. LOL
tell us again old crock, how you stated hydrogen is not a neutron absorber. Certainly being completly wrong about the simple shows how stupid you are old crock. Easy as PIE.

We've been trending downward again.. Region 3-4..

When the polar jet shifts Old Crock is going to get a rude awakening...
When the polar jet shifts Old Crock is going to get a rude awakening...
Every awakening is rude for someone as dumb as old crock, who's vanity is so great they refuse to buy Depends, a ryde wet awakening old crock has nightly.
Q: Billy Bob, you old weatherman you, why is the polar jet going to shift and what effect will that have on global temperatures?

A: Because the poles are growing warm with respect to the equator and NONE.

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