The New Nationwide Crime Wave


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Questions: What is the cause. Who is effected the most. Who are the perpetrators and what can be done.

The New Nationwide Crime Wave - WSJ

The consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.

The nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years.

In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over the same period the previous year. Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%. “Crime is the worst I’ve ever seen it,” said St. Louis Alderman Joe Vacarro at a May 7 City Hall hearing.

Murders in Atlanta were up 32% as of mid-May. Shootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%. Shootings and other violent felonies in Los Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and gun violence 7%.

Those citywide statistics from law-enforcement officials mask even more startling neighborhood-level increases. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting victims are up 100%.
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Wow! You think that doing the large font, bold thing will make your post more meaningful?

These gun crimes have been there all along - just not being reported like they are now.

I think police are being smart. Stand back and let them kill each other off. And, when the feds step in, turn in their badges and let freedom in this country fly out the door.

Notice how sales of weapons and ammo are going through the roof?
No one cares, startling statistics are one thing but when it comes time to do something about it the money and the interest are just not there.
Wow! You think that doing the large font, bold thing will make your post more meaningful?

These gun crimes have been there all along - just not being reported like they are now.

I think police are being smart. Stand back and let them kill each other off. And, when the feds step in, turn in their badges and let freedom in this country fly out the door.

Notice how sales of weapons and ammo are going through the roof?

the bold was just the font on the cut and paste.

Why would crimes be reported now and not before?

Sales of weapons and ammo are going through the roof and reported crime is going up, any connection?
In arguably the most liberal city in the country San Francisco, black women make up 6% of the population but commit nearly 50% of female crime.
No one cares, startling statistics are one thing but when it comes time to do something about it the money and the interest are just not there.

Money to do what?
Exactly. Any ideas?

I always thought that the Earned Income Tax Credit was a good idea.

I think we should give incentive to companies for make shoes, and other low skilled products, in Harem instead of China.

No more free trade deals which are anything but free.

Restart something like the CCC in exchange for welfare.
In arguably the most liberal city in the country San Francisco, black women make up 6% of the population but commit nearly 50% of female crime.
Good luck having an honest conversation about that fact.


Its the elephant in the room they won't discuss. Another is the vast amount of crime illegals commit. Rape, robbery, murder, they took over meth trafficking and string out our young people on that crap, they ignore our laws, drive under the influence with no insurance maiming and killing our citizens. When was the last time you heard a politician on either side addressing this?
In arguably the most liberal city in the country San Francisco, black women make up 6% of the population but commit nearly 50% of female crime.
Good luck having an honest conversation about that fact.
Its the elephant in the room they won't discuss. Another is the vast amount of crime illegals commit. Rape, robbery, murder, they took over meth trafficking and string out our young people on that crap, they ignore our laws, drive under the influence with no insurance maiming and killing our citizens. When was the last time you heard a politician on either side addressing this?
They're terrified to. The Democrats don't want to annoy an important voting bloc and the Republicans are too intimidated by the threat of being called racists.

Our "leaders" have to lead on this, and they don't have the balls, they're more concerned with fundraising and re-election.

This is just another example of why term limits are needed.

No one cares, startling statistics are one thing but when it comes time to do something about it the money and the interest are just not there.

Money to do what?
For anything that specifically has to do with cleaning up urban centers of poverty. It does not matter what it is for, these places get less of it. Most just want to throw more cops and prisons at the problem but that is getting too expensive also. Cheaper just to ignore the whole mess as usual.
Questions: What is the cause. Who is effected the most. Who are the perpetrators and what can be done.

The consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.

The nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years.

In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over the same period the previous year. Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%. “Crime is the worst I’ve ever seen it,” said St. Louis Alderman Joe Vacarro at a May 7 City Hall hearing.

Murders in Atlanta were up 32% as of mid-May. Shootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%. Shootings and other violent felonies in Los Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and gun violence 7%.

Those citywide statistics from law-enforcement officials mask even more startling neighborhood-level increases. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting victims are up 100%.
Don't plagiarize. Provide a link.

But yeah. Crime is going to spike as race-baiters with the support of the Obama administration has opened a Pandora's box.
In arguably the most liberal city in the country San Francisco, black women make up 6% of the population but commit nearly 50% of female crime.
Good luck having an honest conversation about that fact.
Its the elephant in the room they won't discuss. Another is the vast amount of crime illegals commit. Rape, robbery, murder, they took over meth trafficking and string out our young people on that crap, they ignore our laws, drive under the influence with no insurance maiming and killing our citizens. When was the last time you heard a politician on either side addressing this?
They're terrified to. The Democrats don't want to annoy an important voting bloc and the Republicans are too intimidated by the threat of being called racists.

Our "leaders" have to lead on this, and they don't have the balls, they're more concerned with fundraising and re-election.

This is just another example of why term limits are needed.


How does term limits solve anything? What exactly do you think they should be doing instead of what is going on today?
Questions: What is the cause. Who is effected the most. Who are the perpetrators and what can be done.

The consequences of the ‘Ferguson effect’ are already appearing. The main victims of growing violence will be the inner-city poor.

The nation’s two-decades-long crime decline may be over. Gun violence in particular is spiraling upward in cities across America. In Baltimore, the most pressing question every morning is how many people were shot the previous night. Gun violence is up more than 60% compared with this time last year, according to Baltimore police, with 32 shootings over Memorial Day weekend. May has been the most violent month the city has seen in 15 years.

In Milwaukee, homicides were up 180% by May 17 over the same period the previous year. Through April, shootings in St. Louis were up 39%, robberies 43%, and homicides 25%. “Crime is the worst I’ve ever seen it,” said St. Louis Alderman Joe Vacarro at a May 7 City Hall hearing.

Murders in Atlanta were up 32% as of mid-May. Shootings in Chicago had increased 24% and homicides 17%. Shootings and other violent felonies in Los Angeles had spiked by 25%; in New York, murder was up nearly 13%, and gun violence 7%.

Those citywide statistics from law-enforcement officials mask even more startling neighborhood-level increases. Shooting incidents are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct compared with last year; in a South Central Los Angeles police division, shooting victims are up 100%.
Don't plagiarize. Provide a link.

But yeah. Crime is going to spike as race-baiters with the support of the Obama administration has opened a Pandora's box.

The New Nationwide Crime Wave - WSJ
In arguably the most liberal city in the country San Francisco, black women make up 6% of the population but commit nearly 50% of female crime.
Good luck having an honest conversation about that fact.
Its the elephant in the room they won't discuss. Another is the vast amount of crime illegals commit. Rape, robbery, murder, they took over meth trafficking and string out our young people on that crap, they ignore our laws, drive under the influence with no insurance maiming and killing our citizens. When was the last time you heard a politician on either side addressing this?
They're terrified to. The Democrats don't want to annoy an important voting bloc and the Republicans are too intimidated by the threat of being called racists.

Our "leaders" have to lead on this, and they don't have the balls, they're more concerned with fundraising and re-election.

This is just another example of why term limits are needed.

How does term limits solve anything? What exactly do you think they should be doing instead of what is going on today?
I just described how term limits might help in this situation - politicians wouldn't be afraid of saying/doing the wrong thing and not getting re-elected.

If some well-known politicians from both parties had the balls to stop pointing the finger at the other side and start admonishing theirs to clean their own houses, that might create the momentum that will be needed. And part of that momentum might be other "leaders", from entertainment to sports to clergy.

No one cares, startling statistics are one thing but when it comes time to do something about it the money and the interest are just not there.

Money to do what?
For anything that specifically has to do with cleaning up urban centers of poverty. It does not matter what it is for, these places get less of it. Most just want to throw more cops and prisons at the problem but that is getting too expensive also. Cheaper just to ignore the whole mess as usual.

I would like to see links where it proves that the inner cities get less money from the gov't. You have made statements that I believe are not true. Where do the welfare checks go? Innercities. Where does the money for education go? Inner cities. Where does the most of the police protection go (or used to...)? The inner cities. Just where do fewer people work and pay taxes than others is the inner cities.

I worry that most citizens who chose to live in the cities will just opt out and go to the suburbs where it is a safer place to live. Obama,Holder and Sharpton with their biases and rhetoric just may be looking at major cities turn into more Detroits.

Who could possibly blame police for not getting involved in the crime in the inner cities? Decent citizens, property owners and businesses will head out of the major cities while the getting is good. Or perhaps that time is gone. Let's place blame where it belongs. The attitude in the WH and scared politicians looking for easy votes are to blame. The future now is bleak.
I wonder just how far this is going to go. It's spreading like wildfire and I believe the only way to provide a safe environment for the businesses and citizens of the major cities that are affected, is to call in the National Guard. Give them police powers of arresting when crime sprees happen and make sure the NG and LE go in groups of three with a camera on each officer.

Perhaps with a new administration and elected officials will grow some balls and make those hard decisions. I fear for the law abiding people in the inner cities. Just how many will be collateral damage? Would YOU want to live in the inner city of Baltimore right now? Honestly...

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