The new WH Press Secretary had you libs for snack her first day.

You guys claim these dumb ass trump mouthpieces own liberals if they are able to say 3 words with more than 4 letters no matter how dumb it is. This dumb ass isn't going to save trump. Soon enough she's going to get slapped because of something trump says or does.

Dude, stringing together 3 words with 4 or more letters would be more than your presidential candidate can do.
100 percent correct. In fact people in China and at WHO were warning trump about this several months before it hit. He was given daily briefings on it months before it came. He was told it was a threat, but I guess they couldn't draw a picture of a pandemic so trump couldn't understand what was written.

Link to your story or be known as a liar.
Boy you looked dumb.

She was so cute smacking you imbeciles around. Lol

I thought she was great... an ass kicker for sure...

I hope she's ready for an on-slot of lies and hate filled TDS Democratic adolescent news..

I also hope she starts showing video's of Democrat/News and lies du jour and exposes the seditious nature of fake news.

I'd like to see something like that on these pressers. Show them right there the clips of their lies, and call them on it.
You guys claim these dumb ass trump mouthpieces own liberals if they are able to say 3 words with more than 4 letters no matter how dumb it is. This dumb ass isn't going to save trump. Soon enough she's going to get slapped because of something trump says or does.

I thought she stood up there and lied with conviction, but then she just came from FOX, so she's used to swallowing anything the boss tells her to.

You seem knowledgeable on the subject of swallowing. Tell us more.
Boy you looked dumb.

She was so cute smacking you imbeciles around. Lol

Imagine, she's a successful pretty white Christian lady who married a professional athlete and hangs out with Trump all day.

They hated her when they landed eyes on her. It wont be long until she becomes public enemy number one to all the roasties.

I thought she stood up there and lied with conviction, but then she just came from FOX, so she's used to swallowing anything the boss tells her to.

She came from CNN.

What now Dragonlady ??

Let me drop a rant here, since I had few and I'm having a "hits pipe" moment here...

These leftist roasties are all the same, you know. They talk for the sake of talking, even they have nothing to say, and than they carry themselves like they achieved some kind victory, and every single time they remind me of one my exes... "hits pipe", sigh... She thought she was perfect. I thought that too, for some time, until I start paying for her ex's mistakes. I know, I know, when women get attached on emotional level they can't let it go.

Say her ex used to leave an empty cans around the house. You're not big on sips, but when you are tired and you grab one on the way home from work. You are about three quarters of the way done and reading some good shit when you realize there is a huffy female lurking around, inexplicably miffed. Well, you raise your eyebrows, and you ask her what the problem is, but she declines to explain with a retarded "nothing".

OK, you get back to your shit, and try to ignore the dumb hole for awhile, but she's really annoying so you ask again: "Seriously, what the fuck is the problem?" She explains that you haven't touched your drink in a half hour (although it's actually been maybe 6 minutes) and that she wishes you would throw it away instead of leaving it on the table. You are perplexed, and you're thinking what is this lunatic talking about? Here you are trying to relax after work and she's nagging about a can you haven't even finished. You tell her you're still drinking it, hoping that will shut the pie hole up.

"Oh", she replies, yet she only seems more annoyed by this. She realizes by now what has happened and she is embarrassed and hurt, but still blames you for her feelings. You have to know, so you stop what you're doing entirely and ask: "OK, what the fuck is your problem with the can?" After some prodding she finally discloses that Frank, the dumbass she was with three guys ago, used to drink religiously and left cans all over the house. When she asked him to clean them up once he called her a fat ****. Now she thinks that you think she is a fat **** even though she just said it was an issue she had with somebody else entirely unrelated to you. At this point you realize this incident is not isolated. It can be extrapolated to thousands of previously inexplicable interactions that, until now, made no sense. Now you understand that she is forever emotionally stuck with Frank.

She was a good lay, though.

And there is this Dragonlady and her ilk, emotionally stuck to Democrats who abused her, called her fat ****, while she was giving them blow jobs for some money and a vote, and taking all those frustrations to everyone who come next. She can't stand "that one" who's with you now, and for past 25 years, wondering why after you dumper her, she returned to Frank.

Fuck, I'm tired. Good night, all.
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You guys claim these dumb ass trump mouthpieces own liberals if they are able to say 3 words with more than 4 letters no matter how dumb it is. This dumb ass isn't going to save trump. Soon enough she's going to get slapped because of something trump says or does.

Dumb ass Africans thought Obama would save them from foreclosures
Just like Africans's our turn now, Obama gonna look out for his people
Nope, sorry...NOT sorry

Bro took care of the WHITE 1%
to the tune of $29 TRILLION DOLLARS
And, that was just from TARP

Yep, bro saved billionaires and banks and CEO'S
and hedge funds and mortgage lenders and credit card lenders
and insurance companies and automakers and bought toxic assets
and propped up the banks in other countries

Bro needed more cheese...$831 BILLION-ARRA

He created HAMP to help upwards of 7 million homeowners
3-4 million would be low income, MINORITY homeowners
most at risk/likely to lose their home in foreclosure...$75 BILLION

Over 6 million people lost their homes
Less than $4 BILLION was spent helping fewer than 1 million homeowners

The majority of home's foreclosed on were owned by Africans
The majority of negative equity was held by Africans
The majority of neighborhoods where home and property value declined
negatively affected by foreclosures in their neighborhood...African communities

Africans lost half their wealth, had the highest % of unemployment
took the longest to bounce back and were the slowest to recover


He sends checks for $250 to SS, SSI, veterans and railroad retirees
Workers saw an average of $4-$6 on weekly paychecks



20 million people added to welfare roll
The majority receiving food stamps....Africans

Africans had less when bro left than when he came

It must kill you that Trump has done more for Africans then bro
100 percent correct. In fact people in China and at WHO were warning trump about this several months before it hit. He was given daily briefings on it months before it came. He was told it was a threat, but I guess they couldn't draw a picture of a pandemic so trump couldn't understand what was written.
What? That's just a huge lie and not even remotely accurate but I guess when you hate enough and are dumb
enough you don't have to care about facts.
You guys claim these dumb ass trump mouthpieces own liberals if they are able to say 3 words with more than 4 letters no matter how dumb it is. This dumb ass isn't going to save trump. Soon enough she's going to get slapped because of something trump says or does.

I thought she stood up there and lied with conviction, but then she just came from FOX, so she's used to swallowing anything the boss tells her to.

Wow... :( .. what happened to the sisterhood?

You have to be honest and working for the sisterhood to be a part of it. If you're working for the Pussy Grabber In Chief, part of the job description to pretend that you believe anything Donald Trump is saying. A hooker will smile sweetly and tell you're the biggest and best she's every had too. She's just a gal trying to make a living.

Trump wants a trusted FOX News face to parrot his lies, since the American people no longer believe anything he says, even the Republicans.

Trump's attempts to shift the blame to others is about to blow up in his face as various FOI requests are getting copies of the communications from security agencies, WHO, and the CDC, which will prove that Trump lied, and simply ignored what he was being told about the pandemic.

As someone who has watched this from the first rumblings out of China that something was going on, I can tell you that no decision that Trump has made has been the right one. Justin Trudeau did basically the opposite of Trump at every step along the way, and adjusting for population differences, the USA has twice the number of cases, and nearly triple the numbers of death. In Canada, 13% of closed cases have died. In the USA, 29% of closed cases have died.

The American rate has come down dramatically as more testing has been done. When only the sickest people getting tested a couple of weeks ago, that number was 37% of closed cases ended in death. But the news is extraordinarily grim for the US outbreak, despite all of the happy talk coming out of the Administration.

The bad new is that there are currently over 900,000 active cases in the USA, and that number continues to rise. It was 750,000 less than a week ago. At the current rate of death, that would be another 260,000 Americans dying, in addition to the 65,000 who have already died.

For Canada, our closed cases are almost equal to our active cases. Ontario, where I live, has a population of 15 million, 10 million of which lives in the Greater Toronto Area. Despite having 37% of the Canadian population, Ontario has just under 30% of the cases. Our ratio of deaths to closed cases is less than 10%. Our closed cases are nearly 72% of our total cases, nearly 3/4 of all those who got sick, which is the opposite of the USA, where nearly 3/4 of your people are still sick.

Jesus Christ are you piece of work.

I see they implanted a Trigger Response electrode in your brain.
Can someone tell more about that FBI note that says to get General Flynn to lie? What is that all about?
Boy you looked dumb.

She was so cute smacking you imbeciles around. Lol

Five or ten minutes after promising not to lie, she did.

"“We have a handwritten FBI note that says, quote, we need to get Flynn to lie, quote, and get him fired,” "

That's a bald faced lie.

She's just another scum-sucking tRumpling.

Plus she uses too much makeup.

The lies of your party are being exposed. I love it!

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