The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.

dems and libs always revert to the race card, its the only card they have.
False conclusion: A = B foward, it must be A = B backward, if A = wrong. You have not shown that consideration of race is always wrong.

Are you willing to say that using race to deny someone something can be OK at certain times?
You are making the argument not me. Get to it.
Afraid to answer I see.
You mean you are afraid to make your argument. I don't have to.

My argument is that if using race to deny is wrong, using race to benefit is also wrong. You're the one saying it's OK to consider race at times. I asked if you considered denying due to race was OK as you thought using it to benefit was OK. You refused to answer. That's enough to support my claim.
That is your presumption, and you give no evidence, no content, and minimal analysis. Based on your background of posting, your racialism is evidence to dismiss your argument as it is. I don't have to do anything.

And you are trolling a thread dedicated to an entirely different OP.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.



Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 4, 2015 - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton ... In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen

Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup ...
The Washington Times
Sep 24, 2015 - Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup: poll .... NO republican could have beaten Boxer in the liberal mecca district she ...

Hillary Trails 8 GOP Hopefuls, with Dr. Ben Carson Running ... › Archives (Aug 20, 2015)
Rush Limbaugh
Aug 20, 2015 - In a head-to-head matchup in this poll, Hillary is beaten by eight of them. Trump leads the GOP field with moderates, 29%. He's got 25% ...

What a crock of shit you put out there and expect anyone to believe it. The Trump poll is from Sept 4, six weeks ago and everyone know Trump has lost in polling since then and the Quinnipiac poll from Sept 24, used a margin of error of for Republicans of -3.6% and -4.0% for Democrats and then used 20% more Republicans questioned to skew results.

Rush Limbaugh? if you want to be taken seriously you should find sources that don't make you look like a complete wanker.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.

dems and libs always revert to the race card, its the only card they have.

Dot Com blamed me for derailing the thread and bringing up race. I simply addressed a reference to race.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.



Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 4, 2015 - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton ... In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen

Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup ...
The Washington Times
Sep 24, 2015 - Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup: poll .... NO republican could have beaten Boxer in the liberal mecca district she ...

Hillary Trails 8 GOP Hopefuls, with Dr. Ben Carson Running ... › Archives (Aug 20, 2015)
Rush Limbaugh
Aug 20, 2015 - In a head-to-head matchup in this poll, Hillary is beaten by eight of them. Trump leads the GOP field with moderates, 29%. He's got 25% ...

What a crock of shit you put out there and expect anyone to believe it. The Trump poll is from Sept 4, six weeks ago and everyone know Trump has lost in polling since then and the Quinnipiac poll from Sept 24, used a margin of error of for Republicans of -3.6% and -4.0% for Democrats and then used 20% more Republicans questioned to skew results.

Rush Limbaugh? if you want to be taken seriously you should find sources that don't make you look like a complete wanker.

So your head up your ass is considered a source?
"When Biden gets in," in no way shape or manner explains that "Hillary will be finished."
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.
Is that another way of saying that you'll post on-topic now?

Read the thread title son.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.
That is a typical racialist response since he mentioned AA and race, then blames everyone else. The fact is that a successful GOP run is going to have to address minorities, including, women, to be successful.
"When Biden gets in," in no way shape or manner explains that "Hillary will be finished."

Sorry, when Biden gets in and the FBI indicts Hillary. Understand now? The indictments are coming. The FBI is not a partisan organization controlled by obozo and Jarret.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.
That is a typical racialist response since he mentioned AA and race, then blames everyone else. The fact is that a successful GOP run is going to have to address minorities, including, women, to be successful.

Of course it will, and the current leading GOP candidates are doing very well with minorities and women (women are not a minority by the way).

Now, if you dems can find a way to allow illegals to vote, you may have a shot. You do know what the word 'illegal' means don't you?
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.



Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 4, 2015 - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton ... In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen

Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup ...
The Washington Times
Sep 24, 2015 - Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup: poll .... NO republican could have beaten Boxer in the liberal mecca district she ...

Hillary Trails 8 GOP Hopefuls, with Dr. Ben Carson Running ... › Archives (Aug 20, 2015)
Rush Limbaugh
Aug 20, 2015 - In a head-to-head matchup in this poll, Hillary is beaten by eight of them. Trump leads the GOP field with moderates, 29%. He's got 25% ...

What a crock of shit you put out there and expect anyone to believe it. The Trump poll is from Sept 4, six weeks ago and everyone know Trump has lost in polling since then and the Quinnipiac poll from Sept 24, used a margin of error of for Republicans of -3.6% and -4.0% for Democrats and then used 20% more Republicans questioned to skew results.

Rush Limbaugh? if you want to be taken seriously you should find sources that don't make you look like a complete wanker.

So your head up your ass is considered a source?

Are you always an idiot or just when I'm around?
"the current leading GOP candidates are doing very well with minorities and women (women are not a minority by the way)" are opinions, but are not factual.
"the current leading GOP candidates are doing very well with minorities and women (women are not a minority by the way)" are opinions, but are not factual.

look at the most recent polls, fool. I am not a big fan of polls, but they do show what i said.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration.

The GOP is currently sharply divided between those who want to maintain status quo "moderatism" and avoid taking bold stands on principles and values, and those who have a clear conservative philosophy that is constantly under attack. It remains to be seen which "side" will ultimately prevail in the nomination process but if the GOP goes with another "moderate" like McCain or Romney, this will spell the demise of the GOP as a viable political party. They will simply go the way of the Whigs who suffered the same 'paralysis of thought' on the issues of the day.

Reagan said, we have to paint our message in bold colors and no pale pastels. The current top two front-runners in the GOP race are non-politician leaders who are not tied to the establishment GOP. That should be sounding alarm bells for the elite Republican establishment. The party is literally redefining itself.

Any preconceptions you have that the 2016 election will be a matter of Republicans winning over swing states from the last election, are simply goofy and ignorant of American politics and presidential election history.
"the current leading GOP candidates are doing very well with minorities and women (women are not a minority by the way)" are opinions, but are not factual.

look at the most recent polls, fool. I am not a big fan of polls, but they do show what i said.
Only among the females of the far right wing, and almost every last one of them would favor Carson over Trump. In the mainstream of the party, the polls go way down. In a national election, Carson will do a bit better with both than Trump, who will do very badly.
The following quote is a mere opinion that is simply wrong in every which way: "Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration." The GOP will not be permitted to govern by the standards of the 1960s.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.



Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 4, 2015 - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton ... In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen

Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup ...
The Washington Times
Sep 24, 2015 - Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup: poll .... NO republican could have beaten Boxer in the liberal mecca district she ...

Hillary Trails 8 GOP Hopefuls, with Dr. Ben Carson Running ... › Archives (Aug 20, 2015)
Rush Limbaugh
Aug 20, 2015 - In a head-to-head matchup in this poll, Hillary is beaten by eight of them. Trump leads the GOP field with moderates, 29%. He's got 25% ...

What a crock of shit you put out there and expect anyone to believe it. The Trump poll is from Sept 4, six weeks ago and everyone know Trump has lost in polling since then and the Quinnipiac poll from Sept 24, used a margin of error of for Republicans of -3.6% and -4.0% for Democrats and then used 20% more Republicans questioned to skew results.

Rush Limbaugh? if you want to be taken seriously you should find sources that don't make you look like a complete wanker.

So your head up your ass is considered a source?

Are you always an idiot or just when I'm around?

how else to communicate with you but to dumb oneself down???
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.



Poll: Trump beats Hillary head-to-head | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 4, 2015 - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump leads Democrat Hillary Clinton ... In other head-to-head matchups, Trump beats out Sen

Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup ...
The Washington Times
Sep 24, 2015 - Carly Fiorina tops Hillary Clinton in head-to-head matchup: poll .... NO republican could have beaten Boxer in the liberal mecca district she ...

Hillary Trails 8 GOP Hopefuls, with Dr. Ben Carson Running ... › Archives (Aug 20, 2015)
Rush Limbaugh
Aug 20, 2015 - In a head-to-head matchup in this poll, Hillary is beaten by eight of them. Trump leads the GOP field with moderates, 29%. He's got 25% ...

What a crock of shit you put out there and expect anyone to believe it. The Trump poll is from Sept 4, six weeks ago and everyone know Trump has lost in polling since then and the Quinnipiac poll from Sept 24, used a margin of error of for Republicans of -3.6% and -4.0% for Democrats and then used 20% more Republicans questioned to skew results.

Rush Limbaugh? if you want to be taken seriously you should find sources that don't make you look like a complete wanker.

i got an idea loser left-wing "wanker"; instead of crying about Rush Limbaugh you post some facts on that source or ANY of the others proving what they say isnt accurate in some way?//

you wouldnt want to give the impression YOU'RE THE WANKER now would you/??????

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