The NFL is hiring controversial former Obama AG Loretta Lynch to defend it in the Brian Flores lawsuit

I don’t know whether the lawsuit is legitimate or not, but it’s in Flores’s interest to make the story stay in the media. Usually these cases get settled out of court. Hiring a high profile lawyer like lunch puts more spotlight on the case and pressure on the nfl to settle out of court. I think Flores gets paid handsomely on this.
As attorneys you CHOOSE what jobs you take and what jobs you don’t. This is despicable to me...and i would be even more pissed if i were black

That obese hippo is incompetent, but it doesn't matter. This is window dressing. Another sop to the left. Lynch is a tool of the Marxist apparatus which wants football banned altogether. They're controlling both sides of this lawsuit. I guarantee the NFL is digging its own grave. This is what happens when you make a deal with the devil. They should have fought this faux-racist crap from the start. They should never have kissed up the BLM thugs and given them millions. What the NFL now needs to do, they'll never do, and that is to fight the Left with everything they have. HIre a decent lawyer, most like a white male, and beat the crap out of these phony racist charges point by point.
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It's called put your head down, work hard, and don't complain. Like the Asians.
That is what you would like for us to do, scratch our head when it doesn't itch, laugh when nothing is funny, shuffle our feet and look at the ground when you walk by, etc. You are afraid of strong black men and women.
Because you point your fingers at the folks who have been on the receiving end of racism and discrimination as the root cause of it.
I point fingers at people who think everything is racist when it comes to simple disagreement. Asking a simple, logical question about the details on how the end of racism or racial progress will be measured is not pointing fingers.
I point fingers at people who think everything is racist when it comes to simple disagreement.
Black folks know what is racist, for the simple fact most of us have seen it our whole life.
Asking a simple, logical question about the details on how the end of racism or racial progress will be measured is not pointing fingers.
Well why don't you pose the question to the folks who are responsible for it.
Black folks know what is racist, for the simple fact most of us have seen it our whole life.

Well why don't you pose the question to the folks who are responsible for it.
Because, by your own words, most of those people have not experienced racism in any way shape or form. As for myself, my brown relatives and in-laws have experienced racism to the point where they have been spat upon, told because of their skin color they could not work at certain jobs, and had white rednevks terrorize them in a pickup truck with confederate flags. That’s racism to my family and my family feels we have made significant progress from those days. As for these days, my family also calls bullshit out on people QUICK to drop the race card simply over a policy debate (eg voting, housing, affirmative action, welfare).
Because, by your own words, most of those people have not experienced racism in any way shape or form.
If they are black most have.
As for myself, my brown relatives and in-laws have experienced racism to the point where they have been spat upon, told because of their skin color they could not work at certain jobs, and had white rednevks terrorize them in a pickup truck with confederate flags.
Well you should understand where black folks are coming from, if that is the case.
That’s racism to my family and my family feels we have made significant progress from those days. As for these days, my family also calls bullshit out on people QUICK to drop the race card simply over a policy debate (eg voting, housing, affirmative action, welfare).
Racist policies and bills do more harm to you than someone riding in the back of a truck waving a Confederate Flag calling you a racist slur.

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