The Notoriously Racist Barry Obama


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The Racist former president Barry Obama has written a book accusing innocent people of being racist again.
This is what Barry has done his entire life.
He gains power and makes profits by accusing people of being racist.
Liberals can never be wrong, you are just a racist for rejecting their hate, racism, violence, dishonesty, corruption and incompetence.

If you are buddies with Louis Farakahn, you might be a racist
If you had to say that Trayvon Martin could look like your son, you might be a racist.
If you invite BLM to the White House, you might be a racist.
If you invite La Raza to the White House, you might be a racist.
If you caused race riots for 8 years, you might be a racist.
If you hate Israel and arm Iran, you might be a racist.
If your politics is all about your race, you are a racist.

Greetings. Are caring, responsible citizens cool with President and Mrs. Obama ignoring potential life scarring Generational Child Abuse & Neglect responsible for their emotionally troubled WH guests composing VIOLENT, female denigrating music?

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by Jazelle Hunt - BlackVoiceNews

MD, PhD, Scientist educates Oprah about Childhood Trauma and Adult Mental Health:

Were apparent Violence and Hate embracing Pres. & Mrs. Obama promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE of our American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent when inviting to our Nation's home one dozen apparent emotionally troubled Urban truth-tellers composing gun violence riddled & female denigrating music art?

Do Barack "My Brother's Keeper" and Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama remain respected icons in America's large divisive, emotionally troubled, Female dominated, Child Neglecting, NO SNITCHING, Intra-Racial Discrimination & HATE practicing ProBlack community?

ProBlack Pathology:

ProBlack logic:




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With all due respect, President Obama is so yesterday.

The rising stars in American racial politics will make him look like a piker when it comes to demanding this and demanding that.

This country is in for a horrifying roller coaster ride.

Sure hope that Dem voters like the consequences of what they have done.
With all due respect, President Obama is so yesterday.

The rising stars in American racial politics will make him look like a piker when it comes to demanding this and demanding that.

This country is in for a horrifying roller coaster ride.

Sure hope that Dem voters like the consequences of what they have done.
Whites like you need to step down. It's because of people like you things are as they are. Whites have always demanded things from the government, we have the right to do the same.
If you had to say that Trayvon Martin could look like your son, you might be a racist.

It's pathetic what pussy white racists call racism.

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Hello, my friends. Did you, your family, friends or neighbors approve of Barack & Michelle Obama inviting to our Nation's home, one dozen apparent emotionally troubled citizens composing gun violence riddled, female denigrating music art!

Were Pres. & Mrs. Obama promoting a POSITIVE HEALTHY IMAGE of our peace loving, responsible American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent when inviting to our Nation's home one dozen apparent emotionally troubled Urban truth-tellers vividly describing family, people and Community harming anti-social behaviors they witnessed or personally engaged in?

Was the late youngster Trayvon Martin raised, nurtured, socialized and conditioned to HATE by America's Intra-Racial Discrimination and Hate practicing ProBlack/BLM community that credible evidence clearly reveals, gleefully embraces Hate, Community Violence and Community FEAR!

Ignoring illogical bullies, bravely, this American speaks about experiencing divisive #ProBlack community influence during his childhood upbringing:

"I Used To Hate White People - My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou 891,763 views

Author Shawn James - Pro Black Insanity:

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates by BlackVoiceNews

How much longer will responsible American citizens of all backgrounds witness ProBlack community Haters and their MADNESS before honestly addressing apparent MENTAL HEALTH issues affecting a large population of American citizens!?

Does President Obama WH guest, Childhood Trauma and Maltreatment victim Kendrick Lamar, composer of the popular Grammy Award winning "Good Kid, m.A.Ad City" music collection >>> have the answer?


The Racist former president Barry Obama has written a book accusing innocent people of being racist again.
This is what Barry has done his entire life.
He gains power and makes profits by accusing people of being racist.
Liberals can never be wrong, you are just a racist for rejecting their hate, racism, violence, dishonesty, corruption and incompetence.

If you are buddies with Louis Farakahn, you might be a racist
If you had to say that Trayvon Martin could look like your son, you might be a racist.
If you invite BLM to the White House, you might be a racist.
If you invite La Raza to the White House, you might be a racist.
If you caused race riots for 8 years, you might be a racist.
If you hate Israel and arm Iran, you might be a racist.
If your politics is all about your race, you are a racist.

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I am sure Barry Sotero's white mom is proud of him. :D
With all due respect, President Obama is so yesterday.

The rising stars in American racial politics will make him look like a piker when it comes to demanding this and demanding that.

This country is in for a horrifying roller coaster ride.

Sure hope that Dem voters like the consequences of what they have done.
Whites like you need to step down. It's because of people like you things are as they are. Whites have always demanded things from the government, we have the right to do the same.

You should stop flappin' those blue gums, spook. Colored boys like you have turned our inner cities into cesspools of negro filth.

Own that...

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