Why are Racist in the Dem party lifted to speakership?

then let us hire the judges and agents, build holding facilities. speed up the process. n

i do not care about the border, but military aid to ukraine is essential, and holding that up until trump can build a wall that will not work any better than obama's barbed wire seems hyper partisan to me.

send a few divisions of mecjanized infantry to the border. send them tdy with a homeland security commander if posse commi8tatus pothers you.
I care about the border. I do not have that much concern for Ukraine. Illegals are here for reasons. Voting for Progs is the major one. Once Progs are in full control the nation is done. We see inflation because of massive print the fiat currency legislation. It will get many times worse.
This constant state of victimhood is getting really old from both parties.Grow the fuck up and take shit like a man and not some whining little bitch
That’s nice. I’m referring to your constant intrusions into forums with no content that addresses the topic.

You must be seeking attention, that’s why I asked if you’re lonely

Why are Racist in the Dem party lifted to speakership?​


Is it because they are a racist party?
if pelolsi is employing illegals in her vinyard, or anywhere else, why havn't the business been raided, the illegals deported, and pelosi fined or jailed?

wasn't trump president for 4 freakin' years and you still have a problem with the border that trump wants open as a reelection issue?:
hiring anyone who doesn't have a green card or work visa is supposed to be illegal.
I remember when they added that question to all employment forms, but it seems liberalism means being liberal with the law as well, they act as if laws don't exist until they need to silence opposition then they take liberal interpretation and framing the narrative to employ opinion of that illogical interp to force their facist intimidation not just on Their opposition but on people in general who mess with their mobster enterprise.
hiring anyone who doesn't have a green card or work visa is supposed to be illegal.
I remember when they added that question to all employment forms, but it seems liberalism means being liberal with the law as well, they act as if laws don't exist until they need to silence opposition then they take liberal interpretation and framing the narrative to employ opinion of that illogical interp to force their facist intimidation not just on Their opposition but on people in general who mess with their mobster enterprise.

It depends on where one is.
Here we are not allowed to discriminate in any way in the hiring process.
In Israel, they elect a party. And at this point the Likud Party is out of favor. The Israeli people want Netanyau gone. Schumer called for a new election because what Netanyahu is doing is not what the people of Israel want.
Schumer should STFU and let Israel decide its own political path.

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