The NRA supports putting gun criminals in jail...the democrats do not..why?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This article looks at an attempt to put mandatory minimum sentences on gun criminals in Milwaukee....something gun rights advocates have always supported since it is the only real way to deal with gun crime....

Guess who is against it....the democrat leader in the Milwaukee house......

Why would that be? Considering that obama and erica holder tried to create crime by giving guns to drug cartels in American guns would wind up in Mexican crime scenes, giving him the leverage to push for gun control here........why would democrats oppose locking up dangerous, violent gun criminals....?

Milwaukee Mayor Proposes Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Firearms-Related Crimes. Democrat Opposes [VIDEO] - The Truth About Guns

When asked how to reduce “gun crime” the NRA and gun rights advocates have a simple solution: lock up criminals who carry or use guns when they commit a violent crime. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, a longtime fan of gun control, has seen the light. The Democrat’s proposing mandatory minimum sentences for criminals who commit a crime with a firearm: three years for anyone committing a violent crime while in possession of a gun and five years anyone caught using a firearm in a crime. Democratic State Senator Lena Taylor disagrees . . .

In testimony at City Hall, Taylor maintained that mandatory minimum sentences are a bad idea generally, and wouldn’t work to curtail the city’s firearms-related crime. She says she has the data to prove it. The money shot from the Mayor: “We can talk for 50 hours about data. My data is he committed a violent crime and he’s using a gun. What’s there to talk about?” Could this Road to Damascus moment be the start of a new effective anti-firearms-related crime push in the Democratic controlled cities where these offenses are increasing? Watch this space.

As the democrats attack the police, and discourage them from doing their jobs...and democrat cities are becoming shooting there a desire on the part of democrats to increase the gun murder increase the support for more gun control?

Consider that gun murder rates have been going down, gun accident rates have been going down, and yet the anti gun extremists still need people to give them power to ban guns.....
70% of criminals ARE democrats. That's why.

Yeah....until they can get prisoners to vote...they have to keep them on the streets don't they?
That's why they write new gun laws instead of enforcing current gun laws. It would put their voters in prison.
gun control as a DNC scheme was first to pander to hysterics during prohibition who were soiling their shorts over bootlegger violence

the next big push for gun control was during the 60s where Nixon and other republicans bashed Democrats (who ran all of the federal government) as being soft on street crime, especially black urban street crime. This tactic worked an the Dems had to find a way to stave off attacks that they were soft on crime without actually pissing off black street criminals and all the blacks who saw attacks on street criminals as "racist" attacks on them. So gun control was adopted since it didn't really hurt criminals an those harassed or inconvenienced by gun laws were not black thugs who used guns in violation of existing laws, but rather mainly white conservatives who make up what is perceived to be the majority of the gun owners

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