Interesting question. Keep in mind the NRA is a lobby supporting gun manufacturers, gun shops, licensed gun sellers, other gun sellers and gun huggers. It supporters unregulated capitalism which puts the laissez faire principle over an above the life of any six or seven your old in America.

They're amoral, the deaths of others is not on their radar, only profit matters to them. Hence, keeping quiet is in their best interests. Were they to speak they would risk defending the right to bear arms v. the deaths of children; an argument they cannot win over the anger of reasonable and responsible citizens.
Why are they being so quiet about this shooting?

What would you want them to say during this time of such sadness and grief?

I want them to do what they do during every mass shooting I have ever seen. They ALWAYS scream for more guns, less restrictions and more access.

JUST LIKE ALWAYS. Why are they quiet this time?
Why are they being so quiet about this shooting?

What would you want them to say during this time of such sadness and grief?

I want them to do what they do during every mass shooting I have ever seen. They ALWAYS scream for more guns, less restrictions and more access.

JUST LIKE ALWAYS. Why are they quiet this time?

They ALWAYS scream for more guns? I must pay closer attention.

I assume that they realize unlike some of us here that this is not the time when the funerals are being planned and taking place and the investigation is still ongoing.

Do you oppose the NRA or gun ownership? I am just wondering what your beef is specifically. Why do you think they are not making any statements at this time?
Interesting question. Keep in mind the NRA is a lobby supporting gun manufacturers, gun shops, licensed gun sellers, other gun sellers and gun huggers. It supporters unregulated capitalism which puts the laissez faire principle over an above the life of any six or seven your old in America.

They're amoral, the deaths of others is not on their radar, only profit matters to them. Hence, keeping quiet is in their best interests. Were they to speak they would risk defending the right to bear arms v. the deaths of children; an argument they cannot win over the anger of reasonable and responsible citizens.

It wasn't the NRA that failed to provide functional security that might have kept these kids alive. I would rather hear an explaination of why "zero tolerance" has been such an abysmal failure.

The NRA doesn't need to say anything.Too many anti-gun people are too obviously and gleefully using the bodies of these dead children to further the political agenda that failed to protect them in first place.
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Interesting question. Keep in mind the NRA is a lobby supporting gun manufacturers, gun shops, licensed gun sellers, other gun sellers and gun huggers. It supporters unregulated capitalism which puts the laissez faire principle over an above the life of any six or seven your old in America.

They're amoral, the deaths of others is not on their radar, only profit matters to them. Hence, keeping quiet is in their best interests. Were they to speak they would risk defending the right to bear arms v. the deaths of children; an argument they cannot win over the anger of reasonable and responsible citizens.

It wasn't the NRA that failed to provide functional security that might have kept these kids alive. I would rather hear an explaination of why "zero tolerance" has been such an abysmal failure.

The NRA doesn't need to say anything.Too many anti-gun people are too obviously and gleefully using the bodies of these dead children to further the political agenda that failed to protect them in first place.

It does seem that way. This thread proves it.
There are 270 million guns in the hands of about 65 million private gun owners. The responsible safety minded gun owners are in the tens of millions. The criminals and mentally ill who have obtained guns, through illegal means, amount to a few thousand. The killing of children is always a tragedy. Had he thought it through, he could have killed more by making napalm (easy to make), blocking exits and tossing them through windows. If a person wants to kill people there better ways to do it for a higher body count and we have no way to stop him/her. You could easily rig up a ten gallon propane tank and wipe out half the school. The issue remains, not the gun, but the individual.
The gun owner in this case, should have known better to have guns on the property with an unstable individual living there. The failure was the fault of the parent. She is to blame, as is the ACLU, who forced the government to release unstable people from institutions.
There are 270 million guns in the hands of about 65 million private gun owners. The responsible safety minded gun owners are in the tens of millions. The criminals and mentally ill who have obtained guns, through illegal means, amount to a few thousand. The killing of children is always a tragedy. Had he thought it through, he could have killed more by making napalm (easy to make), blocking exits and tossing them through windows. If a person wants to kill people there better ways to do it for a higher body count and we have no way to stop him/her. You could easily rig up a ten gallon propane tank and wipe out half the school. The issue remains, not the gun, but the individual.
The gun owner in this case, should have known better to have guns on the property with an unstable individual living there. The failure was the fault of the parent. She is to blame, as is the ACLU, who forced the government to release unstable people from institutions.

This is a really weird post. And, ignorant. The ACLU has only one purpose - to protect the Bill of Rights, including our right to "bear arms".

You say there should have been guns on the property. There were quite a few guns in Nancy Lanza's home. In point of fact, her own gun was used on her.

As for the body count, maybe he didn't know how to "wipe out half the school". Instead, he used the method he had been taught in his home and he used a semi-auto with a huge capacity.

Its nonsense to say Nancy Lanza should have known her son was going to go a killing rampage. Time after time, people are surprised when someone snaps and commits a mass murder or even one murder. No one can read minds and if you believe Nancy Lanza should have been able to read her son's mind, you need to read this -

'I Am Adam Lanza's Mother': A Mom's Perspective On The Mental Illness Conversation In America
The NRA seems to define Santayana's objective of a fanatic. They've redoubled their efforts while losing sight of their objective.

No one should want the Adam Lanza's of the world out there with guns. But the NRA and its supporters have become so kneejerk against any gun laws, even the most common sense restrictions are opposed.

There is no reason why civilians need military grade weapons, high capacity ammunition magazines or armor-peircing bullets. But the NRA has opposed restrictions on all of them.

And when the gun companies use these kinds of posters to sell the kind of gun that was used in Friday's massacre, you have to wonder what kind of a world we live in...

Interesting question. Keep in mind the NRA is a lobby supporting gun manufacturers, gun shops, licensed gun sellers, other gun sellers and gun huggers. It supporters unregulated capitalism which puts the laissez faire principle over an above the life of any six or seven your old in America.

They're amoral, the deaths of others is not on their radar, only profit matters to them. Hence, keeping quiet is in their best interests. Were they to speak they would risk defending the right to bear arms v. the deaths of children; an argument they cannot win over the anger of reasonable and responsible citizens.

It wasn't the NRA that failed to provide functional security that might have kept these kids alive. I would rather hear an explaination of why "zero tolerance" has been such an abysmal failure.

The NRA doesn't need to say anything.Too many anti-gun people are too obviously and gleefully using the bodies of these dead children to further the political agenda that failed to protect them in first place.

So, we have to all carry in all situations and environments. Constantly look over our shoulders and be ready to quick draw and have a shoot out in any environment. That is the society you and the NRA envision for us.

I want no part of that society. You and the other crazies go to Somolia or some place that is already like that.

We are going to have some sane gun laws now. We are going to control who has assault weopons, and the sale of those weopons.
We are going to have some sane gun laws now. We are going to control who has assault weopons, and the sale of those weopons.

And absolutely nothing will change for the perps,why waste the time and effort closing the gate long after ALL the cows are gone.
Interesting question. Keep in mind the NRA is a lobby supporting gun manufacturers, gun shops, licensed gun sellers, other gun sellers and gun huggers. It supporters unregulated capitalism which puts the laissez faire principle over an above the life of any six or seven your old in America.

They're amoral, the deaths of others is not on their radar, only profit matters to them. Hence, keeping quiet is in their best interests. Were they to speak they would risk defending the right to bear arms v. the deaths of children; an argument they cannot win over the anger of reasonable and responsible citizens.

It wasn't the NRA that failed to provide functional security that might have kept these kids alive. I would rather hear an explaination of why "zero tolerance" has been such an abysmal failure.

The NRA doesn't need to say anything.Too many anti-gun people are too obviously and gleefully using the bodies of these dead children to further the political agenda that failed to protect them in first place.

So, we have to all carry in all situations and environments. Constantly look over our shoulders and be ready to quick draw and have a shoot out in any environment. That is the society you and the NRA envision for us.

I want no part of that society. You and the other crazies go to Somolia or some place that is already like that.

We are going to have some sane gun laws now. We are going to control who has assault weopons, and the sale of those weopons.

Oh bullshit, you're just trying to distract from the fact that your rabid anti-gunners' pie-in-the-sky gun control laws failed to protect our children. And your " solution" is to trot out more laws that have been proven ineffective for decades.
Far better than just giving up and giving in.

Dick's Sporting Goods has just announced they will not sell assault weapons in any of their stores. Good for them.

Meanwhile, the NRA and most Rs are still silent. Not a word of sympathy. That's understandable because they don't dare tell the truth - that money, bribes, kickbacks is a lot more important than the lives lost every single day. Dead children just don't measure up to the money they make.

Boehner is about to speak and he had better include at least the pretense of caring about those children.
Far better than just giving up and giving in.

Dick's Sporting Goods has just announced they will not sell assault weapons in any of their stores. Good for them.

Meanwhile, the NRA and most Rs are still silent. Not a word of sympathy. That's understandable because they don't dare tell the truth - that money, bribes, kickbacks is a lot more important than the lives lost every single day. Dead children just don't measure up to the money they make.

Boehner is about to speak and he had better include at least the pretense of caring about those children.

Where are the auto makers and auto dealers when people drive drunk in their product and kill innocent people daily? Why aren't they addressing those deaths? Why don't they consider restricting their dangerous products?


December 18, 2012

NRA Public Affairs 703-267-3820


The National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters - and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown.

Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting.

The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.

The NRA is planning to hold a major news conference in the Washington, DC area on Friday, December 21.

Details will be released to the media at the appropriate time.

Why are they being so quiet about this shooting?

What would you want them to say during this time of such sadness and grief?

"I'm sorry, we're sorry, and I pledge to you that we will pay for the funerals of all 26 killed - not because we are responsible for their deaths but because we can. We will also spend some time evaluating our role in this horrific incident and work with the Congress and the President on ways to safe guard innocent citizens and the rights of gun owners."

"We agree with President Obama, something must be done and we would like a seat at the table to aid in solving this grievous problem."
The NRA should tell obama to shove it up his ass and announce that democrat sadisim will fe fought to the last.

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