The NY Post, which has taken the lead in covering the Hunter Biden scandal, was barred from today's press event by the White House

fox is absolutely terrible especially during primetime it's total fantasy. but it is still better than any other part of your ridiculous propaganda machine. I don't doubt for a second you're off on some algorithm on youtube listening to Hermits with laptops OMG LOL Save us please
Oh man. You being a new level of dull to this board. Ennui looks at you and goes to sleep.
murdoch incorporated lies endlessly and never stops. you miss 90% of the news, 100% of the good stuff Democrats do, and the 10% you do get is totally bass ackwards.... Plus who gives the damn what some silly stenographer says? there is no evidence of any corruption And this has been investigated non stop for seven years....
The most transparent administration ever!!

"As president, I'll lead an effective and transparent government that works for the people - not for big donors or corporations." - September 2020

"I'm going to make sure that every penny of taxpayer money is spent wisely and accounted for. My administration will be transparent and open." - October 2020

"I believe the government should be accountable to the people, transparent, and honest. That's why I'll restore the norms that have been degraded, like publishing White House visitor logs and holding regular press briefings." - October 2020

"We'll make sure that the White House, the Justice Department, and every other agency in the government are transparent and accountable to the American people." - October 2020

Gosh .. so easy to make promises when you're hiding behind COVID in your basement with productionized and / or scripted interviews. Way to go Joe!

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