The Obama White House lied to the American people.

I'm a tougher bird than most. Not much moves me to sympathy but when I heard that one guy testifying that he had spoken to Ambassador Stevens who was very sad. Not angry, sad. He knew that this country had betrayed him. He knew he was being left to die. That was enough to shudder my feathers. I can't really imagine what those people thought when they knew that obama had abandoned them for a preferrable narrative. Well, I can imagine it, but it makes me sick to do so.

If Chris Stevens were alive, he'd vote for Romney.

They all knew. One of the marines who died was on an online game and actually messaged "If I make it through the night" and then made a comment about the "security" having people in the yard, taking pictures, as he was online...
It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.

This shitbag liberal jackass of a President should be impeached for this shit.

It's bad enough when your policies leave the embassies unprotected and resulted in the deaths of Americans, but to lie about the nature of the attack and about knowledge of security pleas is beyond disgusting.
It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.

Nothing New Here. It is just how the Obama's Administration has been dealing with issues for 4 years. The cover up is worse than truth.
Mustang, I take it you didn't get to see CSpan today. You didn't get to see the coverup. That old Obama even had the nerve to say Romney, "shoots first, aims later". Romney had it right from the beginning and that slime in the White House said Romney was lying?? He wanted this covered up so he could be re-elected, plain and simple.

God help us all!!!

I don't watch TV.
Did Bush DELIBERATELY lie? How should I know? I know that a whole bunch of untruths were told, and we ended up in Iraq? Were they deliberate untruths? Like I say, I don't know. But one has to wonder why it was that Bush and Cheney ended up appearing together when interviewed by the 9-11 Commission.

If Bush DELIBERATELY LIED, what did all these democrats do? Clinton, Albright, Berger etal back in, get this, 1998. All the others in 2001/02/03...every GD one of them shot through and through liberal DEMOCRATS.


Bush did deliberately lie.

And he used 9/11 as a hammer to squelch opposition. He was accusing anyone not with being affiliated with the terrorists.

YOU just deliberately lied. But that's just a typical socialist commie liberal. You people only sleep on the left side of the bed. All those asshole democrats in the YOUTUBE video above are GD liars. Obama is a GD liar. Biden is a GD liar.
It's become perfectly clear from what's come to light this week that the Obama White House lied to the American people for political reasons about the death of our Ambassador in Libya. Testimony in front of the Congressional Oversight Committee has our intelligence operatives KNOWING within 24 hours that the attack was not an unplanned response to an anti-Islam video as the Obama White House said but rather a well planned attack by Al Queda forces armed with assault rifles, mortars and RPG's. Rather than admit that such an attack took place, this Administration sent out the UN Ambassador five days later to lie repeatedly on national news programs, attempting to make it something that it never was.

Getting Barack Obama reelected was more important to these people than telling us the truth. They stonewalled the investigation because it didn't match the "narrative" that they were selling...that Barack Obama's policies had weakened Al Queda to the point of near defeat. You're honestly telling me that the FBI couldn't investigate this for THREE WEEKS because it was supposedly too dangerous on the ground...yet reporters were on site? The truth is that this Administration didn't WANT an investigation showing how inept they were at protecting our diplomats or how they subsequently covered up what happened.

This shitbag liberal jackass of a President should be impeached for this shit.

It's bad enough when your policies leave the embassies unprotected and resulted in the deaths of Americans, but to lie about the nature of the attack and about knowledge of security pleas is beyond disgusting.

Pretty sure the piece of shit Republicans will try to impeach another democratic president that wins the popular vote.

That'd be the third..Democrat.

And zero Republicans impeached.

Gotta love it.

The fucks want to rip apart the country.
All you right wingers are wrong, Rdean correctly pointed out the deaths were because republicans directly cut Hillary Clinton's security budget..... :thup:

Did Bush DELIBERATELY lie? How should I know? I know that a whole bunch of untruths were told, and we ended up in Iraq? Were they deliberate untruths? Like I say, I don't know. But one has to wonder why it was that Bush and Cheney ended up appearing together when interviewed by the 9-11 Commission.

Can't bring yourself to admit that Barack Obama's Administration deliberately lied to the American people about the deaths of four men including one of our Ambassadors because they thought it would help them win reelection...can you, Mustang?

Those are the people that you are backing...that's the kind of scruples they brought with them from Chicago to run this country.

Your attempt to make THIS about Bush is pretty's also expected. When HASN'T that been the fall back position of you progressives?

I'm certainly not going to let a partisan with an axe to grind convince me about someone lying unless they're pointing to one of their colleagues in their own caucus. And even THEN, I would be suspicious of their motives.

So this is all about my being a "partisan with an axe to grind"? You're right, Mustang...I DO have an ax to grind. I'm angry that my President lied to me. I'm angry that he thought his reelection was more important than telling the truth about what happened to those four Americans in Libya. I'm angry that the Main Stream Media is so far in the tank for this guy that he thinks he can tell a lie that big and get away with it.

What's sad is that even when Barry gets caught red handed...lying his ass STILL won't hold him accountable. You're his just haven't figured it out yet.
Did Bush DELIBERATELY lie? How should I know? I know that a whole bunch of untruths were told, and we ended up in Iraq? Were they deliberate untruths? Like I say, I don't know. But one has to wonder why it was that Bush and Cheney ended up appearing together when interviewed by the 9-11 Commission.

If Bush DELIBERATELY LIED, what did all these democrats do? Clinton, Albright, Berger etal back in, get this, 1998. All the others in 2001/02/03...every GD one of them shot through and through liberal DEMOCRATS.


Exactly! They keep saying Bush lied....but there are a huge amount of Dems stating that Iraq had the wmd. This was all in the late 90's. If there had been a threat, it would have been known back then and something would have been done. If anything, Clinton ignored any warnings, if there were any.
Just who is going to be thrown under the bus here? Obama, Rice or Hillary? The State department came out last night and admitted they knew it was a terrorist attack, yet, Hillary and Rice went on with the coer story for days about the video.

We all know we had a disengaged president, but how disengaged was he? Did he get the Intellligence reports right away and knew it was a terrorist attack and told Hillary and Rice to go with the video cover story?

Hillary was cooperating with the investigation to a point, but I didn't get to see the hearings today. When did the president know it was a terrorist attack and when did the State Dept know? We know they knew when they continued with the video fantasy, but exactly when did they know?

Will Hillary take the blame for refusing more security? Was she following orders from Obama? Think Hillary will take the fall whether she likes it or willing is she ready to giht for her reputation?
Used to be, it was a VERY big deal when a POTUS was caught lying to the American people.

This asschap does it 3 times before breakfast each morning.

Such a dark cloud over America, and a shit stain on the Office.
Used to be, it was a VERY big deal when a POTUS was caught lying to the American people.

This asschap does it 3 times before breakfast each morning.

Such a dark cloud over America, and a shit stain on the Office.

Clinton successfully lowered the bar... we at this point don't expect much out of our leaders.

Hannity just laid it out.

The Administration knew it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours.

Today in White House breifing, Carney was asked why he said it was caused by a video when they knew it was a terrorist attack.

Carney claimed he never said that.

Then Hannity played the tape of Carney making the exact claim.

Hannity just laid it out.

The Administration knew it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours.

Today in White House breifing, Carney was asked why he said it was caused by a video when they knew it was a terrorist attack.

Carney claimed he never said that.

Then Hannity played the tape of Carney making the exact claim.

What I heard today from the hearings was amazing... basically a bunch telling us we didn't hear what we heard. "Yeah, I know I said that, but I didn't say that."
Every time the right pushes for an answer regarding anything Obama does the sheep that worship Obama
run to his defense and say "where were you people when Bush did this or that"....

Obama and his administration needs to be held accountable for this.If nothing is found to have been done wrong then that's it.Aren't we allowed to question how this happened.
Because it's Obama and Obama can do no wrong.

Why is it the worshipers of Obama always drag Bush into it when we question Obama's actions.
Sorry bout that,

1. Uh what did Obama say Stevens death meant, " A bump in the road "
2. Wow,..Romeny should use that in next debate,......

What this illustrates is that this is an Administration that has no qualms about lying to us in order to get another four years in power.

Has there been any other modern Presidential Administration that would not do the same thing?

These lies and coverup are wall-to-wall on talk radio and conservative media.

Obama won't escape this.
Things are unraveling fast for this administration....
They must be pounding down the Red Bulls and shooting speed
and working round the clock to save this election for Obama
These lies and coverup are wall-to-wall on talk radio and conservative media.

Obama won't escape this.

I hope you are right, but I think that is wishful thinking. The media loves him too much. This will be brushed under the table and by the weekend, we'll have some Republican caught in a sex scandal or something like that to talk about.


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