Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We now have evidence that the prosecutors in the George Floyd case and the coroner knew that the police officer restraining the violent criminal, George Floyd, did not murder him and was not the cause of his death………as many people pointed out, but the democrat party needed a reason to riot leading up to the 2024 election…….

Now that this is out in public, should the officers get new trials?

I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

Not a new trial….jury nullification due to prosecutorial misconduct.

Chavin should be released immediately to an undisclosed location chosen by the Witness Protection Program.

I would like to see the $20 million given to the Floyd family for “wrongful death” confiscated, with half going back to the state and the other half to Chavin.
We now have evidence that the prosecutors in the George Floyd case and the coroner knew that the police officer restraining the violent criminal, George Floyd, did not murder him and was not the cause of his death………as many people pointed out, but the democrat party needed a reason to riot leading up to the 2024 election…….

Now that this is out in public, should the officers get new trials?

I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin as his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.
Do you even understand what an autopsy is for?

Do you know what coroners are trained to do?

If so, I suggest you stop trolling this thread, and derailing this conversation.

If not, please read this;

Tucker on X (Ep. 32) | "George Floyd Was a Lie"​

Do you even understand what an autopsy is for?

Do you know what coroners are trained to do?

If so, I suggest you stop trolling this thread, and derailing this conversation.

If not, please read this;

Tucker on X (Ep. 32) | "George Floyd Was a Lie"​

Please. Spare me your sanctimonious rambling. He said/he said.…on Tucker no less. Sure, that’s liable to turn out to be relevant.

You are not going to get around that video, no matter how much rationalization you try. If Chauvin doesn’t knee on his neck for 8 minutes, he just loses his job. And doesn’t spend any time in prison.
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.

And that did not kill him....his 3 clogged arteries complicated by the cocktail of illegal drugs in his system killed him...had he not taken those drugs, he would be alive today.
And here we have the reason for a new trial....

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”

It is worth noting that when he was testifying in court, Andrew Baker told a different tale, opining that Floyd’s death was a homicide.

You are not going to get around that video, no matter how much rationalization you try.

Take your Soviet gas-lighting somewhere else.

I don't care about party politics. ONLY FACTS.

That facts are, Derek Chauvin didn't murder Floyd, and the Deep State manufactured a crisis to help coup Trump.

Kamala Harris Supports Rioters and says "They're Not Going To Stop and Beware"​

Do you go to magic shows in Vegas and bleev the illusions you see are "real," magic, just because it is on video?

Are movies real, just because you see a video of it?

Chauvin was a trained police officer, and at that point, it was a standard operating police procedure.


"Chauvin attorney Eric Nelson, in a pretrial filing, said Chauvin followed policy and “did exactly as he was trained to do.” The filing included a photo in department training materials of a trainer with a knee on the neck of an instructor playing a suspect.

Prosecutors have already put supervisory officers on the stand to testify that, even if Chauvin pinning Floyd with his knee fell within policy, doing so for 9 minutes, 29 seconds did not. In their pretrial filing, they said Chauvin and two other officers held their positions for four minutes after Floyd lost consciousness — and two minutes beyond when he no longer had a pulse.

Witnesses also testified to the danger of Floyd’s position and to frequent department training on the importance of moving someone as quickly as possible into a recovery position. The photo included in Nelson’s filing included text that read: “Place the subject in the recovery position to alleviate positional asphyxia.”

Knee or no knee, Floyd's erratic behavior before the restraint clearly indicated, he was doomed. What they needed was an OD kit. Not a knee restraint on video. (But that was never really that plan, was it?)

If someone told me Chauvin was in on the whole thing, being paid by the DNC, or Soros himself, it would not come as a surprise at all. . . Shit, he was practically posing for that smart phone while Floyd died of an OD.

Floyd died of a drug OD, those two had worked security together at a dance club, and this whole thing, was a massive cover up, BY FOLKS MUCH SMAHTER than many of us, IMO
Chauvin's conviction was politically motivated.
He did not get a fair trial.
They pressured the prosecution coroner to lie about the cause of death.

Bombshell Claim: Medical Examiners Bullied Over Floyd’s Cause of Death - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Counsel for former Minneapolis police officer Tou Thao filed an explosive motion for sanctions against the Floyd prosecution.

Counsel for Tou Thao, one of the former Minneapolis police officers charged in the death of George Floyd, filed an explosive motion for sanctions against the prosecution that alleges, among other things, that the testimony of Hennepin County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker in the trial of Derek Chauvin “was directly and indirectly coerced by the State and its agents” and that the former chief medical examiner for the State of Maryland, who testified for the Chauvin defense that Floyd’s death was due to cardiac arrhythmia, has been subjected to threats against his medical license.
And that did not kill him....his 3 clogged arteries complicated by the cocktail of illegal drugs in his system killed him...had he not taken those drugs, he would be alive today.
While I do not agree with anything Jack said. . . except one thing. If they happen to get a judge that is a 33rd?


"you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored,"

If they could pull off this conspiracy the first time around, all it will take is a well placed judge and prosecutor to control the proceedings, block evidence, and manipulate the jury, and none of it will matter.
We now have evidence that the prosecutors in the George Floyd case and the coroner knew that the police officer restraining the violent criminal, George Floyd, did not murder him and was not the cause of his death………as many people pointed out, but the democrat party needed a reason to riot leading up to the 2024 election…….

Now that this is out in public, should the officers get new trials?

I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

I prefer the jury verdict to mob rule or dictatorship. So stop trying to destroy America.
Do you even understand what an autopsy is for?

Do you know what coroners are trained to do?

If so, I suggest you stop trolling this thread, and derailing this conversation.

If not, please read this;

Tucker on X (Ep. 32) | "George Floyd Was a Lie"​

He is a bed wetter. He has no frontal cortex. There is no way he can "know" anything. That's why you can take a total criminal piece of shit and make a martyr out of them.
It is a universal and longstanding principle in the law that you take your victim as you find him.

For example, let's say you get into a bar fight with a person who, unknown to you, has a defect in his skull that makes him lethally vulnerable to a blow to the temple. You punch him in the temple and he dies from that injury.

You get no special consideration because this particular victim died when 99% of the population would have survived that blow easily. You take your victim as you find him.

In the case of George Floyd, his physical infirmities made it likely that he would die from any undue stress of any nature. The cop provided that stress; he died.

End of story.
It is a universal and longstanding principle in the law that you take your victim as you find him.
For example, let's say you get into a bar fight with a person who, unknown to you, has a defect in his skull that makes him lethally vulnerable to a blow to the temple. You punch him in the temple and he dies from that injury.
You get no special consideration because this particular victim died when 99% of the population would have survived that blow easily. You take your victim as you find him.
In the case of George Floyd, his physical infirmities made it likely that he would die from any undue stress of any nature. The cop provided that stress; he died.
End of story.

You're arguing the eggshell skull rule where the crumbling skull rule is likely more apropos. If Mr. Floyd had fatal levels of drugs in his system, then, at that point, he was almost certainly going to die regardless of what anyone else did to him.
In the case of George Floyd, his physical infirmities made it likely that he would die from any undue stress of any nature. The cop provided that stress; he died.
End of story.

So, if I happened to have a bad heart condition, such that an elevated level of stress might cause me to have a fatal heart attack, if we passed each other on the street, and not knowing of my condition, you verbally insulted me; if I was so upset by that insult, that I had a heart attack and died right then and there, did you murder me?

I think an important component of the the eggshell skull rule rule is that the one acting to run afoul of it has to have been acting in a manner that was illegal or at least seriously unreasonable, before we can begin to question whether he is culpable for some harm, unexpected or otherwise, that results from that action.

Officer Chauvin was in a situation that required him to restrain a seriously uncooperative criminal. I must admit that I have very little useful knowledge, and no useful experience at all, as far as how to restrain a noncooperative criminal, but it doesn't seem to me that, given that Officer Chauvin had a legitimate duty and authority to do so, that he didn't clearly act outside of the legitimate parameters of how to do so.
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I prefer the jury verdict to mob rule or dictatorship. So stop trying to destroy America.

Yeah....when the jury hears the truth, and when the jury isn't a democrat party lynch mob, and the coroner doesn't perjure himself on the stand......
It is a universal and longstanding principle in the law that you take your victim as you find him.

For example, let's say you get into a bar fight with a person who, unknown to you, has a defect in his skull that makes him lethally vulnerable to a blow to the temple. You punch him in the temple and he dies from that injury.

You get no special consideration because this particular victim died when 99% of the population would have survived that blow easily. You take your victim as you find him.

In the case of George Floyd, his physical infirmities made it likely that he would die from any undue stress of any nature. The cop provided that stress; he died.

End of story.

No....his committing a crime, and then resisting arrest created the stress....had he simply complied with the officer, he would have died anyway, since the drugs in his system and his 3 clogged arteries doomed him....but he would have died at the police station, not in the street waiting for an ambulance that was afraid to approach because of the mob...
So, if I happened to have a bad heart condition, such that an elevated level of stress might cause me to have a fatal heart attack, if we passed each other on the street, and not knowing of my condition, you verbally insulted me; if I was so upset by that insult, that I had a heart attack and died right then and there, did you murder me?

I think an important component of the the eggshell skull rule rule is that the one acting to run afoul of it has to have been acting in a manner that was illegal or at least seriously unreasonable, before we can begin to question whether he is culpable for some harm, unexpected or otherwise, that results from that action.

Officer Chauvin was in a situation that required him to restrain a seriously uncooperative criminal. I must admit that I have very little useful knowledge, and no useful experience at all, as far as how to restrain a noncooperative criminal, but it doesn't seem to me that, given that Officer Chauvin had a legitimate duty and authority to do so, that he didn't clearly act outside of the legitimate parameters of how to do so.

As the coroner told the prosecutor, nothing the officer did caused the suffocation of Floyd.....

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