Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

Irrelevant. Even if it is true, Chauvin was what caused his immediate death. Not anything the conspiracy theory nation believes was a cause. The same goes for COVID deaths and the comorbidity argument. Irrelevant.
Sadly, there are many who don't understand what I have quoted.
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.
Looks like Chavin was doing his job to me
Looks like Chavin was doing his job to me
Chavin cost tax payers $Billions. Keep him locked up. We cant afford that murder thug. Floyd was in restraints for $20 & not a danger to anyone. Chavin is a danger to lives & taxpayers money.
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Irrelevant. Even if it is true, Chauvin was what caused his immediate death. Not anything the conspiracy theory nation believes was a cause. The same goes for COVID deaths and the comorbidity argument. Irrelevant.

No he isnt he was dead beforw the cops got there.
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.
When you lean on someones neck the pressure is what matters. There is no way to prove Chauvin used deadly force.
No he isnt he was dead beforw the cops got there.
Really??? Cause the video very clearly shows him as being alive and breathing before they threw him to the ground and put a knee on his neck for 8 minutes. Good luck getting around that piece of evidence.
When you lean on someones neck the pressure is what matters. There is no way to prove Chauvin used deadly force.
Video shows

Standing upright, breathing before knee on neck. Check.
Not breathing after being face down, knee on neck for almost 8 minutes. Check.
Really??? Cause the video very clearly shows him as being alive and breathing before they threw him to the ground and put a knee on his neck for 8 minutes. Good luck getting around that piece of evidence.

Yeah, and then the cocktailnof illegal drugs stopped his heart....and that was going to happen even if the cops never showed up.
The video also shows Floyd saying he could not breath before he was subdued. Try the truth.
Then I guess there wouldn't have been any need to place a knee on his neck, would there?
I mean, if someone can't breathe, why would there be a need to subdue him? Human beings can't survive without oxygen.
Chavin cost tax payers $Billions. Keep him locked up. We cant afford that murder thug. Floyd was in restraints for $20 & not a danger to anyone. Chavin is a danger to lives & taxpayers money.
The thing is Shavon killed nobody and it's just a political persecution. It was Floyd who cost taxpayers billions and the moron BLM rioters. Looks like you are extremely myopic
Chauvin used force above and beyond what was called for. Had he taken his knee off Floyd's neck within the first minute after subduing him



The thing is Shavon killed nobody and it's just a political persecution. It was Floyd who cost taxpayers billions and the moron BLM rioters. Looks like you are extremely myopic

Unlike Michael Brown who grabbed officer Darren Wilson's gun & was an unhinged violent danger to citizens & was justifiably put down. George Floyd was restrained & no danger even prior to being restrained. There was NO justification for Chavin to torture Floyd to death.

BLM riots & civil settlement for Michael Brown were wrong & unjust to tax payers. However Chavin was & is a danger to taxpayers, life & property. Keep Chavin in jail like the jury of his peers unanimously stated!

Stop destroying America.
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Thanks for the pictures of leftist sycophants. Maybe Chavin did use extra Force but he didn't kill

Unlike Michael Brown who grabbed officer Darren Wilson's gun & was an unhinged violent danger to citizens & was justifiably put down. George Floyd was restrained & no danger even prior to being restrained. There was NO justification for Chavin to torture Floyd to death.

BLM riots & civil settlement for Michael Brown were wrong & unjust to tax payers. However Chavin was & is a danger to taxpayers, life & property.
The thing is Chauvin didn't kill George Floyd.
Outside of the two upper left hand pictures in your post..what do the rest have to do with Floyd's murder?
8 minute video. Last 3+, he's not all.

What judge in what alternate reality is going to throw out the video as evidence? Answer, none
the 2nd examiner (Dr. Baden) said the pressure on Floyd's neck and back caused him to asphyxiate. IMO, Floyd wouldn't have died from that pressure if he hadn't drugged himself. Chauvin had no way of knowing how compromised Floyd was.
Outside of the two upper left hand pictures in your post..what do the rest have to do with Floyd's murder?
8 minute video. Last 3+, he's not all.

What judge in what alternate reality is going to throw out the video as evidence? Answer, none

looks like Floyd died of an overdose. When you break the law sometimes the police get rough with you. I know from personal experience.
Thanks for the pictures of leftist sycophants. Maybe Chavin did use extra Force but he didn't kill

The thing is Chauvin didn't kill George Floyd.

I have seen people live many years with 100% blocked arteries. Even if Chauvin wasn't the leading cause of death, he still unjustly tortured a non-violent restrained Floyd over an alleged $20 misdemeanor.

But there is not a shadow of doubt among the 12 jurors of Chauvin's peers & the majority of the population that he tortured Floyd to death.

"Three-quarters of American adults agree with the guilty verdict for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin"
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