The official Biden Resignation post...

I don't think it's possible for Joe to make all four years of his term.
He seems fine to me. I'm not sure who you're listening to but it is wishful thinking.

The Democrats have absolutely no one that they can even cheat back into office after he's gone. They're only hope is to somehow bar Trump from running again. They have about two and a half years to do that.
Almost right. The Dems have no obvious candidate to replace Biden so their only hope is to somehow get Trump to run again.
He seems fine to me. I'm not sure who you're listening to but it is wishful thinking.

Almost right. The Dems have no obvious candidate to replace Biden so their only hope is to somehow get Trump to run again.
Doesn't appear that way. They are seeking to disbar him from running again by charging him with a felony. I don't think it's going to work but they're sure trying like hell.
"Joe's continued good health"? Mental health is the problem my friend, and the Dems are in a serious pickle given Brandon's idiotic pick of a VP; the first of a string of clusterfucks.
If you are right (and I am not saying you are), heck with the Dems, we are in the pickle. VPs are a curious thing, picked for lots of different reason and this one was not a great pick. I think Kennedy picked his political enemy for VP to keep an eye on him. Not sure how that worked out. I don't remember Johnson's. Not sure why Nixon picked Agnew, but he turned out to be a crook typically acceptable to Nixon, and we know how that turned out. Fritz struck me as a dullard, but I couldn't vote for Nixon's hand pick appointee that pardoned him. Reagan did OK with daddy Bush. Liked him well enough, even with pardoning Ollie, I voted for him twice. Algore or Lurch (from my state was an OK vp and maybe we would not have gone into Iraq, fking up the entire Middle East, if Lurch had made President, and it was close. Cheney was a dick. He was a horrible influence on that immature Son-of-Bush, who should have listened to Daddy Bush more and stayed from the Dick. I thought, Joe was a better than average VP. Wish he'd learned more from the experience. I think Pence was a good pick, with the right credentials, reasonably conservative, but not a fanatic and did Donny as good a job as Donny could want until he asked him to go against the constitution and help overthrow the election, which for a normal conservative of his years was just a bridge too far. I have always thought Kamala was a waste of space, and I voted for them knowing it.
I don't care about the Democrat Party, any more than I do the Republican Party, so don't care if the Dems are in a pickle. If she comes to office, it will be our turn (the whole country) bent over in the pickle barrel.
I don't think it's possible for Joe to make all four years of his term. From what I understand if Harris takes over past the two year mark she's still eligible to run two more times. But correct me on that if I'm wrong.

I think they'll find a graceful way out for him. I think we'll hear about some impending health problems and a decision by him and his family to retire from public service for the good of the nation. Look for the chatter to begin sometime in January and I think he'll be out by March. The Democrats have absolutely no one that they can even cheat back into office after he's gone. They're only hope is to somehow bar Trump from running again. They have about two and a half years to do that.

It has begun.. Kamala Harris tests positive for Covid. This is the ruse that the dems will use to rid themselves of Biden. Yet to be determined if old Joe will survive or be terminated. Then Kamala will be apponted President and continue to be the puppet for the Globalist
It has begun.. Kamala Harris tests positive for Covid. This is the ruse that the dems will use to rid themselves of Biden. Yet to be determined if old Joe will survive or be terminated. Then Kamala will be apponted President and continue to be the puppet for the Globalist
I'll Be surprised if Harris doesn't do at least 2 years of this term.
The guy is old but seems to work more than his predecessor.
Bullshit... Biden hides most of the time. Trump got up every day at 3:00 a.m. watched 3 hours of news and spent much of his time in meetings and. maybe a little bit too much time on Twitter. But he was always working even when he was on vacation. I don't think Biden does more than 30 minutes a day of anything.
WOW. So, you like Biden so much you voted for him in-spite of Harris? That supports a poor decision on your part, don't you agree?

81% of Americans reject Biden, but you pray he remains because while he sucks badly, Harris sucks even worse.

TDS, am I right? But you know, according to you you're "independent".
It wasn't that I was thrilled, I just knew Donny had to go. Joe was playing Mr. Moderate vs Donkey Kong and I knew or at least felt that if I sat this one out and went 3rd party like 2016, Donny might be back for round 2. I knew Donny was a shit, and in the end proved it to the world trying to overthrow the election, cause he was too proud, and thought so little of the country, the constitution and that the will of the people didn't matter, even if it destroyed 200 years of constitutional rule and peaceful transition, so I was definitely right, though, my state went overwhelmingly for Donny, so in the end my vote didn't matter, that much, but Joe and Kamala was a package deal, the VP's always are, since I have been alive.
If course I'm independent. My voting history proves it. No strings on my. I've always been lower middle income, so not the chosen group of either of you people. Look, if you guys had not lost the independents, you might have won, but all you wanted were the committed trumpers and people committed to a party that actually no longer exists, relevant to it's historic core values. So, you got them by party name recognition alone. Lucky you got as many as you did.
I watched Joe yesterday in a White House ceremony for the Tampa Bay Lightning. He can barely walk or speak a coherent sentence, and he looks very frail. No way he makes it through his term.

And yeah, no one wants the bitch Harris. But this is what the Dims' gave us. Didn't Joe get the most votes ever? :lol:

If that's what you saw, you must be blind in addition to stupid.
I don't think it's possible for Joe to make all four years of his term. From what I understand if Harris takes over past the two year mark she's still eligible to run two more times. But correct me on that if I'm wrong.

I think they'll find a graceful way out for him. I think we'll hear about some impending health problems and a decision by him and his family to retire from public service for the good of the nation. Look for the chatter to begin sometime in January and I think he'll be out by March. The Democrats have absolutely no one that they can even cheat back into office after he's gone. They're only hope is to somehow bar Trump from running again. They have about two and a half years to do that.


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