The One Million Plan of Ben Gurion


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The One Million Plan was an official policy adopted by the zionist leadership of the Jewish Agency for Israel formulated by David Ben-Gurion in 1943–44 to bring one million Jews from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East to Mandatory Palestine in order to establish a state in the territory.[1][2][3] In light of the extent of the Holocaust becoming known in 1944, the Biltmore Conference ambition of two million Ashkenazi immigrants was revised downwards, and the plan included, for the first time, Jewish immigration from Arab and Muslim countries as a group as official policy of the Zionist leadership.[4]

In 1944-45, Ben-Gurion described the plan to foreign officials as being the "primary goal and top priority of the Zionist movement."[5]

The immigration restrictions of the British White Paper of 1939 meant that such a plan was not able to be put into large scale effect until the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948. The new country's immigration policy had some opposition within the new Israeli government, such as those who argued that there was "no justification for organizing large-scale emigration among Jews whose lives were not in danger, particularly when the desire and motivation were not their own"[6] as well as those who argued that the absorption process caused "undue hardship".[7] However, the force of Ben-Gurion's influence and insistence ensured that his immigration policy was carried out.[

One Million Plan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And you wonder why the Palestinians had a problem. Like a swarm of bees landing on them.

If so many Jews lived there ,why the active encouragement of activity getting Arab Jews to move there, most Jews didn't want to go there but had no choice. Your plan had to be revised

Downward to "for the first time, Jewish immigration from Arab and Muslim countries"

unbelievable, your racism begun in your bible and carries on to today. This is like a nightmare.
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The One Million Plan was an official policy adopted by the zionist leadership of the Jewish Agency for Israel formulated by David Ben-Gurion in 1943–44 to bring one million Jews from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East to Mandatory Palestine in order to establish a state in the territory.[1][2][3] In light of the extent of the Holocaust becoming known in 1944, the Biltmore Conference ambition of two million Ashkenazi immigrants was revised downwards, and the plan included, for the first time, Jewish immigration from Arab and Muslim countries as a group as official policy of the Zionist leadership.[4]

In 1944-45, Ben-Gurion described the plan to foreign officials as being the "primary goal and top priority of the Zionist movement."[5]

The immigration restrictions of the British White Paper of 1939 meant that such a plan was not able to be put into large scale effect until the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948. The new country's immigration policy had some opposition within the new Israeli government, such as those who argued that there was "no justification for organizing large-scale emigration among Jews whose lives were not in danger, particularly when the desire and motivation were not their own"[6] as well as those who argued that the absorption process caused "undue hardship".[7] However, the force of Ben-Gurion's influence and insistence ensured that his immigration policy was carried out.[

One Million Plan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And you wonder why the Palestinians had a problem. Like a swarm of bees landing on them.

If so many Jews lived there ,why the active encouragement of activity getting Arab Jews to move there, most Jews didn't want to go there but had no choice. Your plan had to be revised

Downward to "for the first time, Jewish immigration from Arab and Muslim countries"

unbelievable, your racism begun in your bible and carries on to today. This is like a nightmare.
Doodoo happens.
The One Million Plan was an official policy adopted by the zionist leadership of the Jewish Agency for Israel formulated by David Ben-Gurion in 1943–44 to bring one million Jews from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East to Mandatory Palestine in order to establish a state in the territory.[1][2][3] In light of the extent of the Holocaust becoming known in 1944, the Biltmore Conference ambition of two million Ashkenazi immigrants was revised downwards, and the plan included, for the first time, Jewish immigration from Arab and Muslim countries as a group as official policy of the Zionist leadership.[4]

In 1944-45, Ben-Gurion described the plan to foreign officials as being the "primary goal and top priority of the Zionist movement."[5]

The immigration restrictions of the British White Paper of 1939 meant that such a plan was not able to be put into large scale effect until the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948. The new country's immigration policy had some opposition within the new Israeli government, such as those who argued that there was "no justification for organizing large-scale emigration among Jews whose lives were not in danger, particularly when the desire and motivation were not their own"[6] as well as those who argued that the absorption process caused "undue hardship".[7] However, the force of Ben-Gurion's influence and insistence ensured that his immigration policy was carried out.[

One Million Plan - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And you wonder why the Palestinians had a problem. Like a swarm of bees landing on them.

If so many Jews lived there ,why the active encouragement of activity getting Arab Jews to move there, most Jews didn't want to go there but had no choice. Your plan had to be revised

Downward to "for the first time, Jewish immigration from Arab and Muslim countries"

unbelievable, your racism begun in your bible and carries on to today. This is like a nightmare.

Read the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE and see where that was the original concept and entered into international law. So all you are doing is posting RACIST ANTU JEW PROPAGANDA
Penelope, I have a serious question for you. Do you really think that after all the jibberish and Jew hatred you have posted here, that any of us take you seriously anymore?
You're nothing but entertainment for us you demented IslamoNazi . :cool:

I post info, if you choose to ignore it that is your problem, I seek truth not fairy tale history.
Penelope, I have a serious question for you. Do you really think that after all the jibberish and Jew hatred you have posted here, that any of us take you seriously anymore?
You're nothing but entertainment for us you demented IslamoNazi . :cool:

I post info, if you choose to ignore it that is your problem, I seek truth not fairy tale history.

Well you wont find it in islam or the islamomoron propaganda machine


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