The one question that should be asked of every political candidate, regardless of party


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?

If the candidate answers anything but "yes", this shows he does not trust the American people with the responsibility of making their own decisions and taking care of themselves.

IOW, it shows that the candidate is unqualified to hold public office or exercise the power of making laws over the rest of us.

It's a good, quick way to separate out the leftists, RINOs, and other govt-uber-alles addicts from normal Americans.
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There are people who are mentally deficient who are also law abiding citizens.

Should those people be allowed to carry guns? What about people who have an IQ of 80, if they don't break the law?
A person can be
1. Dangerously psychotic
2.Have no arrest history(but a serious medical history)

Would you give them a loaded gun?

Note:This person is law-abiding by 2)!
There are people who are mentally deficient who are also law abiding citizens.

Should those people be allowed to carry guns?
Take away their gun. Hand him $300 for it. And tell the local gun stores about him.

Who's stopping you?

What about people who have an IQ of 80, if they don't break the law?
What about them?
Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?

If the candidate answers anything but "yes", this shows he does not trust the American people with the responsibility of making their own decisions and taking care of themselves.

IOW, it shows that the candidate is unqualified to hold public office or exercise the power of making laws over the rest of us.

Is a good, quick way to separate out the leftists, RINOs, and other govt-uber-alles addicts from normal Americans.
only a mentally unstable person would ask that kind of question.
If the candidate answers anything but "yes", this shows he does not trust the American people with the responsibility of making their own decisions and taking care of themselves.
IOW, it shows that the candidate is unqualified to hold public office or exercise the power of making laws over the rest of us.
It's a good, quick way to separate out the leftists, RINOs, and other govt-uber-alles addicts from normal Americans.
What about people who have an IQ of 80, if they don't break the law?

See? Caught one already! :biggrin:
There are people who are mentally deficient who are also law abiding citizens.

Should those people be allowed to carry guns? What about people who have an IQ of 80, if they don't break the law?






What about a Gulf War veteran who knows that they have PTSD, but instead of getting treated for it because of pride or being ashamed, they deny they have it.

Their wife then notices the vet starts to exhibit symptoms of PTSD, and reports it to the VA. Up to this point, the vet has served honorably, has never even had a traffic ticket and is a registered gun owner.

Upon being reported as having PTSD, should his guns be taken away, or should he be allowed to keep them (remember..........he's been an upstanding citizen thus far)?
Another Gun Fetish Litmus Test OP for those whose brains contain a single working synapse only capable of binary options.
There are people who are mentally deficient who are also law abiding citizens.

Should those people be allowed to carry guns? What about people who have an IQ of 80, if they don't break the law?
should those same mentally deficient and those with an IQ of 80 or lower (your standard) not be allowed to vote ?
The purpose of the 2nd amendment, was to make sure government had no power to decide whether a law-abiding citizen should be denied the right to own and carry guns.

And so far, not a single person has come up with a reason why govt should have that power.
All of these "one question" threads are asking perfectly reasonable questions, and I sure hope the "moderators" at both parties' debates have the balls to ask tough, direct questions that don't allow for evasion.

Who's going to clear someone as law-abiding, if not the government? Wouldn't the government then need to issue some sort of permit stating that was the case? Your question seems to be all "sound and fury, signifying nothing".
All of these "one question" threads are asking perfectly reasonable questions, and I sure hope the "moderators" at both parties' debates have the balls to ask tough, direct questions that don't allow for evasion.


Not everything is a simpleminded binary question.
Since over population is a problem and state legislatures are doing everything they can to ban abortion it might be a good idea to give every mental masterbater who wants to fondle a gun permission to lock and load.
Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?

If the candidate answers anything but "yes", this shows he does not trust the American people with the responsibility of making their own decisions and taking care of themselves.

IOW, it shows that the candidate is unqualified to hold public office or exercise the power of making laws over the rest of us.

It's a good, quick way to separate out the leftists, RINOs, and other govt-uber-alles addicts from normal Americans.
I have guns. I love guns. I hunt. I have nothing against guns, nor against gun ownership. But, there are people that I would never want to have a gun. Some people are not mentally stable enough to be responsible with a gun. Some people are a danger to themselves, and a gun would increase that danger. I'm a firm believer in the right to own and carry a gun. But, not everyone is in a responsible mental state. We have people with a lot of hatred, anger, confusion, frustration, prejudices, racism, and mental disorders. We have drug addicts, alcoholics, gangs, rogue cops, and others that have no business within a mile of a gun.

We can NOT screen everyone, nor can we read minds. It's impossible to know the mental state of everyone at any given time. There's is no easy solution to the misuse of guns. We can not take guns away from everyone just because a few loonies go postal. There are far more responsible gun owners than there are mentally challenged loonies that go postal and kill innocent citizens. Also, anyone that really wants a gun, can get a gun. Regardless of any laws that may be passed, guns will remain on our streets and in the hands of loonies. The bad people are not going to turn their guns in just because a law may be passed. Gun control laws will do way more damage than good. Guns will become like illegal drugs on our streets. Have we removed illegal drugs from our streets?
Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?

If the candidate answers anything but "yes", this shows he does not trust the American people with the responsibility of making their own decisions and taking care of themselves.

IOW, it shows that the candidate is unqualified to hold public office or exercise the power of making laws over the rest of us.

It's a good, quick way to separate out the leftists, RINOs, and other govt-uber-alles addicts from normal Americans.
The problem is Republicans want the crazies to carry guns too.

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