The one question that should be asked of every political candidate, regardless of party

Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?

If the candidate answers anything but "yes", this shows he does not trust the American people with the responsibility of making their own decisions and taking care of themselves.

IOW, it shows that the candidate is unqualified to hold public office or exercise the power of making laws over the rest of us.

It's a good, quick way to separate out the leftists, RINOs, and other govt-uber-alles addicts from normal Americans.
The Second Amendment safeguards the right of individuals to possess firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense, having nothing to do with 'checking' the power of government.
This kind of deluded wishful thinking can be positively entertaining at times. In fact, that was the main reason for the 2nd amendment, though not the only reason.

There is nothing in the text or history of the Second Amendment to suggest that it was the Framing Generation's intent that the people 'overthrow' government through 'armed rebellion,'
Isn't it fascinating how these self-deluded idiots completely ignore the entire American Revolution, started and conducted by that very "Framing generation" just a few years before the 2nd amendment was written?

Its silliness is exceeded only by their apparent hope that anyone will actually believe their nonsense.
The country was founded on the idea that ordinary people, making their own decisions, taking the consequences, and learning from their mistakes to do it better (a.k.a. "Being sovereign"), would build a better, more prosperous, and more free nation than one ruled by dictators, in which they were merely subjects whose "duty" is to do what they are told by the rulers.

Politicians who answer the OP question negatively, don't believe in that ideal. As such, they are not qualified to be in positions of public trust in the United States of America.
A person can be
1. Dangerously psychotic
2.Have no arrest history(but a serious medical history)
Would you give them a loaded gun?
Note:This person is law-abiding by 2)!
Assuming all of the above the whole of the story, the state has no basis in law to deny this person his right to arms.
Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?
I would ask:
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home; it protects this right from infringement by the state, at every level of government.
With that in mind, what do you believe qualifies as an infringement, and why?
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The second amendment states that a "well regulated militia" is required.
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.
If you want a gun, fine. Limit the bullet capacity to 10 rounds or less and we have an agreement.
This is an arbitrary limit, and cannot pass strict scrutiny.
The correct and appropriate response from a presidential candidate would be that he acknowledges, understands, and respects current Second Amendment jurisprudence as determined by the Federal courts, and will seek to uphold the Constitution and that case law – including concerning the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.
Thereby ducking the question. No wonder the gun-rights-haters are against answering the question from the OP.

They have been doing their best to fool people into thinking the 2nd amendment permits government to restrict the right to keep and bear arms. So a weaselly candidate could answer "I support the 2nd amendment", with his fingers crossed behind his back and the conviction in his mind that he really supports government restrictions.

Don't duck the question. Answer it instead.

Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?
Don't duck the question. Answer it instead.

Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?
And the liberals (in both parties) still are afraid to touch this question with a 10-foot pole.

No surprise. It reveals their basic opposition to the American ideal, in no uncertain terms. Sovereign citizens who make their own decisions, are anathema to what the liberals want.
Don't duck the question. Answer it instead.

Q: Do you believe that every law-abiding adult citizen should be allowed to own and carry a gun with no permits, clearances etc. required from government?
And the liberals (in both parties) still are afraid to touch this question with a 10-foot pole.

No surprise. It reveals their basic opposition to the American ideal, in no uncertain terms. Sovereign citizens who make their own decisions, are anathema to what the liberals want.

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