The only hate I see in the USA is at ....

.....the biggest lies of the decade:
..WHITES are the only racist
only commit commit crimes/hate crimes
blacks don't murder whites
blacks don't commit hate crimes
in reality, whites 5 times the population and:
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
etc after day, the MSM/blacks/etc attack whites
Only straight white "Christian" males who insist on playing identity politics and attacking those who don't fit this description. Joe Biden fits this description, and I'm voting for him. As for "conservative" what are you conserving? It seems to be some sort of caste system in which you assign other Americans roles, with you people being at the top. No thanks. It's your sense of entitlement that sucks.
White , conservative, Christian males and I see it everyday from media to movies

Well, I guess you don't watch CNN or MSNBC or read the NYTimes or WaPost or visit any of those far Left websites. It wasn't white, conservative, Christian males who were doing all the rioting, burning, and looting for the last 3 weeks or whatever it's been. There's a lotta hate going around, some of it from the WCCMs but most of it isn't. It's from you and people like you who cannot abide a perspective that differs from your own. Congrats, you're part of the problem.

I see you joined today, welcome aboard. I suspect you'll fit right in.
There is almost no "hate" in 2020 America.

What there IS, is fear that one (or one's family or friends) may be the victim of a senseless violent crime.

When looters and arsonists three weeks ago were destroying people's livelihoods, there was no hate. There was only sadness that human beings could act like that and outrage that the cops were prohibited from taking "stern" action.

No, there is no "hate."

There is only anger at the hypocritical politicians and "celebrities" who want to defund the police for us nobodies but are guarded 24/7 themselves.
Hate is a powerful emotion. It can lead to all sorts of destructive behavior and in turn, retaliation.
Ummm....I think he's on your side. Sorta. Not so good choosing the correct prepositions, I suspect.

I dunno OL, he's talking about the only hate he sees in this country is from white, conservative, Christian males and that ain't my side. I think there's too much hate out there and it's coming from all directions. Including the USMB, unfortunately. Even in in an online forum where nobody knows who we are, some people cannot be civil or at least respect he rights of others to hold a different opinion.

Added: Ah, I think I see. You think he meant "directed at" in his thread title? Note to self and everyone else: be clear about what you want to say, lest it be misinterpreted. Took me awhile to figure out what you meant, sometimes I ain't that swift. But only on days that end in a "Y".
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Only straight white "Christian" males who insist on playing identity politics and attacking those who don't fit this description. Joe Biden fits this description, and I'm voting for him. As for "conservative" what are you conserving? It seems to be some sort of caste system in which you assign other Americans roles, with you people being at the top. No thanks. It's your sense of entitlement that sucks.
For once in your fucking life why don’t you tell the fucking truth?
....OBVIOUSLY the blacks hate a lot more .....that's why I don't want to be served by a black.....they hate whites big time

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