The only hate I see in the USA is at ....

your right on one thing,,,I am a right wing libertarian not one of those left wing republicans or democrats,,,

both you mother fuckers disgust me,,,

If you support right wing causes, you are a republican, even if it embarrasses you to admit it.
Only straight white "Christian" males who insist on playing identity politics and attacking those who don't fit this description. Joe Biden fits this description, and I'm voting for him. As for "conservative" what are you conserving? It seems to be some sort of caste system in which you assign other Americans roles, with you people being at the top. No thanks. It's your sense of entitlement that sucks.
biden, white, been at the top for decades, done nothing for minorities, a sexual pervert and worse...gets every libs vote.
No it's not.
It is

you are smearing everyone with white skin

tje whites that surrender to the bullshit are labeled “good whites” - you know who I mean, they kneel before black people and shine their shoes

as for THOSE OTHER whites, they are called racists and may be fired from their job by the lib mob
It is

you are smearing everyone with white skin

tje whites that surrender to the bullshit are labeled “good whites” - you know who I mean, they kneel before black people and shine their shoes

as for THOSE OTHER whites, they are called racists and may be fired from their job by the lib mob

If you really think that is true, then you should just go hide in a cave until it's over. Don't worry, we'll come get you when it's time.
For once in your fucking life why don’t you tell the fucking truth?

Instead of swearing at me, why don't you just say what your version of the "truth" is? We've seen two snuff videos of black men being killed in two months and the authorities in Georgia not doing anything about a fatal ambush until the video of the crime became public, white "Christian" men annoying women and demanding that we give up our independence and kowtow to their cult, white "Christian" men attacking LGBTs and their rights, plus yelling and cursing in peaceful protesters' faces, and ripping down kids' posters. And that is just for starters. Remember Charlottesville? The mad bombers? The guys caught with the arsenals and bomb-making materials? Now we have incels, proud boys, "militia" gangs, something called "the Base," etc.

As I said before, my opposition is not to the millions of decent, caring white, straight Christian men, including those in my own family. It is to the sleazeballs who are incredibly arrogant and prance around with a totally unearned sense of entitlement to dominate everyone else. I'll never forget all of the white men who were marching side-by-side with their families and friends. It was wonderful to see.
If you really think that is true, then you should just go hide in a cave until it's over. Don't worry, we'll come get you when it's time.
I know that its true but I’m not not hiding in a cave

what a stupid idea

yet that is the purpose of the lefts smear campaign - to make whites feel guilty and just give up

you for example
biden, white, been at the top Qhyor decades, done nothing for minorities, a sexual pervert and worse...gets every libs vote.

Why would I vote for trump, considering his entire life, including his conduct in office? Biden is a great deal better than that. No one seems to be able to defend any aspect of trump's conduct. He's been dirt since the beginning, and the charges against him are legion.
I know that its true but I’m not not hiding in a cave

what a stupid idea

yet that is the purpose of the lefts smear campaign - to make whites feel guilty and just give up

you for example

I'm not sure you are smart enough to feel guilty about anything. Congratulations. You're more like Trump every day.
The white privilage lie is a campaign of hate against the entire white race
It’s left wing double talk or “double speak “to only anger poor Blacks that their failure is not their own terrible decisions
Why would I vote for trump, considering his entire life, including his conduct in office? Biden is a great deal better than that. No one seems to be able to defend any aspect of trump's conduct. He's been dirt since the beginning, and the charges against him are legion.
You would rather bash Trump than tell the truth. You rave on and on about white Christian men but nary a word of the looters, pillagers, arsonists, murderers and thieves. Those are your kinda guys huh?

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