The owner of a destroyed shop in Kenosha refused to pose with Trump – so they brought in the old owner

I think you guys missed this one by a mile.
The guy's not stupid, he knows if he is seen standing with Trump, the leftist mob will return for him and his family.
But look on the bright side. If they succeed in killing him, his wife and his children, at least it will be "peaceful"
And all the vast majority of store owner said nd resident said F A Kenosha that showed up to show appreciation for Donald Teump sending in the national guard and saving their city from Leftist looters, arsonists, and terrorists? I guess they all get canceled out by one Trump hating ignorant idiot infected with TDS.
The message from these Dimocrat controlled cities have made the message loud and clear. The police are the bad guys, and they will not be there to protect you when the mob comes for you.
And keep in mind, if you are a supporter of Trump, the mob will be coming for you.

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