The Palestine blockade

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While stealing a country from the natives?

Here is a prime example of why I have zero respect for bed wetting libturds and similar anti-semitic pieces of shit.

Who build JERUSALEM you imbecile? Zealots of the muhamhead cult? Drown in your own vomit this Christmas and do the world a favor.

Here is a prime example of why I have zero respect for bed wetting libturds and similar anti-semitic pieces of shit.

Who build JERUSALEM you imbecile? Zealots of the muhamhead cult? Drown in your own vomit this Christmas and do the world a favor.

You don't know the difference between past tense and present tense, yet call him the "imbecile"? That's funny.

It's "built"..............Who "built" Jerusalem?

"Who build Jerusalem"
sounds like a hayseed dickboy from Alabama.

Listen, if you don't have the grey matter to discuss the topic of the thread, then fuck off!

Otherwise, tell us what are your thoughts on the British blockading Palestine to stop the flow of illegal Jewish immigration into the area.

True story

It's no coincidence that this board's Nazi types must depend on other Nazi scumbags for validation of their hate and bigotry.

"Edgar James Steele (July 5, 1945 – September 4, 2014) was an American author and disbarred trial attorney from northern Idaho, best known for serving as the defense attorney for Richard G. Butler, the founder of the white supremacist group Aryan Nations. He was a graduate of UCLA Law School and the University of California, Berkeley Haas School of Business.

On June 11, 2010, Steele and another man were arrested and charged in connection with an alleged murder-for-hire plot to kill Steele's wife Cyndi and her mother. He was found guilty and sentenced to a 50-year prison sentence. Steele died in prison in September 2014, three years into his sentence."

Edgar Steele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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While stealing a country from the natives?

What country did the Jews steal?

And where is this alleged blockade of Palestine?
It was while the jewish illegal immigrants were invading Palestine, see the link at the OP
do try to keep up 'ollie
You never made a case for some silly, alleged invasion by illegal immigrants.

Why cut and paste something you can't hope to defend?
coming from a loser like you that is a compliment

You're absolute fucking garbage, and I couldn't be happier a piece of shit like you posts for the arab muslims - you are the prototype of why the arab muslims are garbage bottom-feeders living in war or camps across the mideast, and not wanted/hated elsewhere. You're stupid, boring, and mentally weak, and serve as a prime example of those who support the arab muslim terrorist position. Please continue to create idiotic threads exposing the arab muslim filth for what they are - you are doing a better job undermining them than I ever could.
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