The party in power has spent years openly plotting to throw their political opponents in jail

And by 'sugarcoat', you mean state the obvious facts?

There was no one closer to the intent of the democratic primary voters than Harris.

No one.

Let that sink in.

Your "facts" don't change this basic truth- Harris had ZERO primary votes.
Your "facts" don't change this basic truth- Harris had ZERO primary votes.

The basic truth is that the delegates were required to vote with the intent of the primary voters.

There was no one closer to the intent of the democratic primary voters than Harris.

You can't get around that.
really Sky?
i'm a local GOP delegate
please state the actual legal 'requirement'


~S~ get that the DNC delegates are bound to DNC rules, yes?

So your supposed role as a GOP delegate is irrelevant. As the GOP rules don't bind DNC delegates, or vice versa. get that the DNC delegates are bound to DNC rules, yes?

So your supposed role as a GOP delegate is irrelevant. As the GOP rules don't bind DNC delegates, or vice versa.
party does not change rules Sky

try harder lad.....

party does not change rules Sky

try harder lad.....


The GOP is not the DNC. Each is its own private organization with its own rules. Their own charters. Their own bylaws. Even different numbers of delegates. The RNC for example, doesn't use super delegates. The DNC does.

They have different rules.

So the existence of a rule for a GOP delegate following GOP rules doesn't mean that the same rule applies to a DNC delegate following DNC rules. Or vice versa.

An actual GOP delegate would know that. That you don't is a bit of a tell, kiddo.
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Love the existence of so-called superdelegates in the democratic party.

Another lever to pull for the elite to get what they want and tell the proletariat (or eloi) to sod off.
Love the existence of so-called superdelegates in the democratic party.

Another lever to pull for the elite to get what they want and tell the proletariat (or eloi) to sod off.

These are private organizations using whatever rules they like to determine their candidate.

For the DNC, delegates have to follow the intent of the primary voter as closely as they can.

With Biden dropping out, Harris was the by far the closest to the intent of the democratic primary voter.
These are private organizations using whatever rules they like to determine their candidate.

For the DNC, delegates have to follow the intent of the primary voter as closely as they can.

With Biden dropping out, Harris was the by far the closest to the intent of the democratic primary voter.

I don't recall saying anything about Harris in the post you quoted.

And I never said they were not private organizations.

And I never said anything about intent.

I simply said the DNC supports superdelegates that give one person the power to counter tens of thousands of voters.

So what is your concern ?

I am sure you wore an eloi costume for Halloween.
I don't recall saying anything about Harris in the post you quoted.

And I never said they were not private organizations.

And I never said anything about intent.

I simply said the DNC supports superdelegates that give one person the power to counter tens of thousands of voters.

So what is your concern ?

I am sure you wore an eloi costume for Halloween.

I don't recall any situation where what you say restricts what I can say.

And you're confused. I didn't cite you as requiring the delegates to follow the intent of the primary voters as closely as they can. I cited the DNC rules requiring this.

With Harris clearly being the closest to the intent of the democratic primary voters.
She could not get any. She dropped out before the Iowa Caucus.

That's how bad she was.

She didn't run in 2024. She was on Joe Biden's ticket as his VP. How then could she have gotten any primary votes in 2024?
I don't recall any situation where what you say restricts what I can say.
I don't recall saying there was one. You can lie at will. And you do.

With Harris clearly being the closest to the intent of the democratic primary voters.

You bet. Because they all voted for her. The fact that she was pushed to the front had nothing to do with it.

But hey, you are the one who whines about others ignoring stuff.

An Op-ed from the Heritage Foundation guy?

Wanna quote Trump's press secretary next?
No need. I could care less where they hail from.

She's an empty pantsuit. I didn't need him to tell me that...he just confirmed it.

Anything else you want to cry over ?
I don't recall saying there was one. You can lie at will. And you do.
How am I lying, exactly?

You bet. Because they all voted for her. The fact that she was pushed to the front had nothing to do with it.

And by 'pushed to the front', you mean that Joe Biden endorsed his own VP as the best candidate for the nomination when he dropped out?

She was on the Biden ticket. She was endorsed by Biden. And she was wildly popular with democratic voters to replace Biden, with democratic satisfaction with their nominee jumping from 4 in 10 under Biden to 8 in 10 with Harris.

No one was closer to the intent of the primary voters than Harris.

Remember, Democrats are thrilled with Harris. Its MAGA that's whining incessantly about her, and sobbing that they want Joe Biden back.

Why would a DNC delegate give a shit about what some MAGA redcap thought about their vote? Their duty is to follow the intent of the democratic primary voters that elected them.

Not y'all.
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No need. I could care less where they hail from.

She's an empty pantsuit. I didn't need him to tell me that...he just confirmed it.

Anything else you want to cry over ?

So its pure coincidence that your op-ed was written by a dude from the Heritage Foundation?

That seems a little unrealistic.

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