The party in power has spent years openly plotting to throw their political opponents in jail

sparky Though you faked being a GOP delegate, I'm still happy to answer your question. The DNC rules requiring that delegates follow the intent of the voter is Rule 13, section J of the 2024 Delegate Selection Rules for the Democratic National Convention.

How am I lying, exactly?

And by 'pushed to the front', you mean that Joe Biden endorsed his own VP as the best candidate for the nomination when he dropped out?

She was on the Biden ticket. She was endorsed by Biden. And she was wildly popular with democratic voters to replace Biden, with democratic satisfaction with their nominee jumping from 4 in 10 under Biden to 8 in 10 with Harris.

No one was closer to the intent of the primary voters than Harris.

Remember, Democrats are thrilled with Harris. Its MAGA that's whining incessantly about her, and sobbing that they want Joe Biden back.

Why would a DNC delegate give a shit about what some MAGA redcap thought about their vote? Their duty is to follow the intent of the democratic primary voters that elected them.

Not y'all.
How the c**t got there is irrelevant. The objective is now to defeat her at all costs and ensure Democrats suffer.
How the c*nt got there is irrelevant. The objective is now to defeat her at all costs and ensure Democrats suffer.

So your whole point in posting was just to call VP Harris a 'c*nt, huh?

And y'all wonder why you do so poorly with women.

And you do realize that the folks you're wishing suffering on.....are your fellow Americans, yes?
Because she is one? See also, skank, tramp, whore, etc.

Or you're just a raging misogynist. Who apparently wants his fellow Americans to suffer.

That's MAGA AF. There's something about following Trump that just brings out the worst version of themselves.

I've seen quite a few hard core Trump supporters just get more and more isolated as he brings out the worst traits they have. The misogyny, the hatefulness, the vengefulness, the desire for other people to suffer.

And that echoes through their lives. It stains them. They alienate the people around them, especially the women in their lives.
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So your whole point in posting was just to call VP Harris a 'c*nt, huh?
And y'all wonder why you do so poorly with women.
And you do realize that the folks you're wishing suffering on.....are your fellow Americans, yes?
Hate has been a problem in this country for a long time.

But what this one guy, this con man, has let out of the bag is just incredible. Prior to 2016, I had no idea.
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sparky Though you faked being a GOP delegate, I'm still happy to answer your question. The DNC rules requiring that delegates follow the intent of the voter is Rule 13, section J of the 2024 Delegate Selection Rules for the Democratic National Convention.

View attachment 1028244
delegates meeting and voting for their nominee is not, and have never been considered a public primary Sky

Hate has been a problem in this country for a long time.

But what this one guy, this con man, has let out of the bag is just incredible. Prior to 2016, I had no idea.
When you Marxist assholes try to bludgeon your political opponents with weaponized Soviet LAWFARE, don't ACT surprised when HATRED comes your way here in the United States of America.
As the old saying goes you can indict a ham sandwich. The charges are bogus and will be slapped down.
You guys keep repeating that claim but you never actually find any actual evidence to indict Democrats
Or you're just a raging misogynist. Who apparently wants his fellow Americans to suffer.

That's MAGA AF. There's something about following Trump that just brings out the worst version of themselves.

I've seen quite a few hard core Trump supporters just get more and more isolated as he brings out the worst traits they have. The misogyny, the hatefulness, the vengefulness, the desire for other people to suffer.

And that echoes through their lives. It stains them. They alienate the people around them, especially the women in their lives.
Hey. Reagan did it right and made sure you vermin were punished.
What law did they break?

Where are your indictments?
Obummer killed a US citizen with a drone strike without due process. He violated The COTUS with DACA, the Clinton's committed treason by selling the Chinese the factory that made cruise missiles. Plus the shrilary committed three felonies regarding the handling of classified materials.

There are no indictments because THEY ARE RULING CLASS, which is above the law!

Thanks for helping me prove my point!
Obummer killed a US citizen with a drone strike without due process. He violated The COTUS with DACA, the Clinton's committed treason by selling the Chinese the factory that made cruise missiles. Plus the shrilary committed three felonies regarding the handling of classified materials.


Where have you been Skippy?
Don’t you realize the TRUMPCourt ruled that you can’t be prosecuted for official acts?

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