The People's Republic of Michigan Needs You!

Please aid and abet the Democrat state in their illegal activity of flooding the state with ILLEGAL aliens. Both Gretchen and Resident Joe would appreciate your help

Instead of worrying about that you should worry about how many republic parties that you have in state. Isn't there currently two caucuses and a primary...
Please help the greedy corrupt Democrat Party create new congressional districts and new electoral college votes.
The Democrat Party needs illegal aliens to help them loot the paychecks of American citizens.
You are the Democrat Party's slave.
WTF are you whining about trog.
Please aid and abet the Democrat state in their illegal activity of flooding the state with ILLEGAL aliens. Both Gretchen and Resident Joe would appreciate your help

biden demographics.jpg

Send all illegals to dem shithole cities and states and implode them!

Biden trans day.jpeg
Instead of worrying about that you should worry about how many republic parties that you have in state. Isn't there currently two caucuses and a primary...
The arrogance of the left in deciding what I should "worry about"

I think I'll worry about the treasonist Democrat Party
Please aid and abet the Democrat state in their illegal activity of flooding the state with ILLEGAL aliens. Both Gretchen and Resident Joe would appreciate your help

If you hadn't gone Full Retard and turned off everyone who wasn't MAGA, maybe you wouldn't be worrying about this.

But since you're dumb as a sack of hammers, you won't get it.
Please aid and abet the Democrat state in their illegal activity of flooding the state with ILLEGAL aliens. Both Gretchen and Resident Joe would appreciate your help

Map: Sanctuary Cities, Counties, and States​

Updated December 22, 2023​

"The sanctuary jurisdictions are listed below. These cities, counties, and states have laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies, or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from ICE — either by refusing to or prohibiting agencies from complying with ICE detainers, imposing unreasonable conditions on detainer acceptance, denying ICE access to interview incarcerated aliens, or otherwise impeding communication or information exchanges between their personnel and federal immigration officers.

A detainer is the primary tool used by ICE to gain custody of criminal aliens for deportation. It is a notice to another law enforcement agency that ICE intends to assume custody of an alien and includes information on the alien's previous criminal history, immigration violations, and potential threat to public safety or security."

Source: Immigration and Customs Enforcement Data
Click on Points to View More Information

If folks in non-sanctuary counties turn them away because they can't understand them, problem solved. I have seen this happen personally in my county. Folks are tired of it.

If you don't support this initiative, buy real-estate or rent in a place where they don't support this.
What happens if you become a victim of these little ILLEGAL darlings you've opened your home to? Does the liberal state of Michigan have any accountability?
You know that's going to happen.... There will be pedophilia, rape, robbery... Drunkenness, drug usage numerous other social afflictions that nobody needs any part of.
If you hadn't gone Full Retard and turned off everyone who wasn't MAGA, maybe you wouldn't be worrying about this.

But since you're dumb as a sack of hammers, you won't get it.
Many voters for years that are Republicans however with Hillary and Joe saying their politicians call us Deplorables and Dregs there is a much longer mutual feeling.
I think I read that this Michigan 'welcome' initiative is, well, it is 'voluntary'.

Meaning, if you feel that sense of generosity you can do it.
If you don't .....well then, don't.

Didn't we all read that Michigan was pretty welcoming to Ukrainian refugees last year. On a voluntary basis.

So, clearly the State's people have a precedent in welcoming refugees.


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