The Perfect Response To White People's Vitriolic Rage Against Affirmative Action

but they only speak out against white people

They speak out against structured and institutionalized bias in admissions, hiring practices, and the overall disparity of public goods and services between wealthy neighborhoods and poorer ones.

Education rewards for white men are much higher than they are for minorities and women. Men with an undergraduate degree earn much more on average than women who attain graduate education. Consequently, even those with the exact same levels of attainment face hugely disparate income levels.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 175-176

There are significant short-term benefits in discrimination for individual and groups of white people. Benefits to the ego of those who enjoy privilege and place, maintenance of comfort zones, and economic advantages are of highest importance. However, there is no benefit from discrimination for society as a whole, only costs:

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 190-191

Offensively noticeable discrimination is easier to identify than more subtle and pervasive forms more often practiced today. Discrimination in education, housing, and employment as practiced in the US used to be both, and legitimized by US law. Citizens now enter the education system equally, but upon exiting, there still remains vast inequality. What happens between kindergarten and 12 grade, or college? Segregation is illegal, and supposedly nonexistent, but Schiller points out that one black student in a population of 2,000, or one white student added to a population of 1,999 black students does not add up to integration except on paper, and “racial isolation in the schools is still the hallmark of the American education system.”

Moreover, the separateness is still coupled with inequality of building construction and maintenance, supplies, quality and number of teachers, and technology, and integration within the school systems does not always translate to integration within the schools or classrooms. Past segregation restricted opportunity to develop abilities, and tracking systems and IQ testing traps students in remedial education while schools invest more time and offer greater opportunity for “gifted” students to excel. Studies undertaken to try to gauge the scope of effective segregation have been exhaustive in detail, yet the findings have been inconclusive as a measure, and all we still know is that school segregation continues to be “major determinants of black achievement and status.”

Racism’s ugly stepbrother is classism, and racial discrimination in the schools is coupled with economic segregation. Housing and the ability to afford it make neighborhoods more stratified by economic class then racial makeup, and t disparities in public goods and services apply here as well. The way school budgets are allocated, students attending schools in poor communities receive lower shares of funding, and like those students discriminated against based on race, work with poorer supplies, uncertified and fewer teachers, outdated technologies, and low expectations of reward for hard work.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 192-198
This has, and will continue to get ignored. This sums up the situation quite nicely. Kudos.

See what I mean?

The truth is we both will never respect each other when we're in power. Blacks won't respect our rights whenever they're in power and we do in fact favor our own kind. There's a reason that the world was divided by race as it worked better.

Do I expect blacks to treat me good? Does south Africa Zimbabwe, Haiti ring a bell? Remember this truth whites.

Globalism can never work as every race wants to rule.
So you might as well wipe your butt w/The Constitution you claim you cherish then. B/C it's based upon Each. Man. Is. Equal.

Isn't it funny how these discussions just eventually turn into pure unadulterated trash after a while, where as there is so much to try and truly get right on these issues, but we all just keep missing the opportunity to get things right as a unified nation, and this because there is so much division going on in this nation now, that some would think that we are moving backwards instead of moving forwards anymore, and this no matter what the pundits are saying otherwise.
Note, it's always one kind of person, the same kind of person that just DOESN'T want to have this discussion and/or call the discussion itself racist. While actual racism, they seem to have little to no problem with.

Exclellent post though.
How can AA, which treats people differently based on race, be based on the Constitution, which treats everyone equally?
Affirmative action was never a good idea the way it played out.
A better way, would have been to make applications blind so that no identification of sex, race or age, would be impossible. Then you simply take the ones with the highest scores. No quotas, no discrimination and best of all.... No Excuses.

While I agree with you in principle, the argument against that was and still is to some respect that the poor, and in some respects that translates to minorities, have not been given quality educations in the public arena therefore their entrance scores suffer not because they lack the intelligence necessary to succeed in college, but rather because of the lack of proper education in the early years. And it is not only a lack of decent public education in the inner cities. There are a lot of socio-economic factors that act as hinderences for the inner city youth as well.

It is like placing Joe Fraser in the ring with Muhammed Ali, tying Fraser's ankles together six inches apart and blindfolding him. In other words, he doesn't have a prayer.

Things have gotten better... but they are not perfect. It would be nice if everyone had a fair shot if they just put in the effort, but that is not the case.


Affirmative Action was necessary and highly successful

Civil Rights legislation was a major milestone. But the immediate response to civil rights was.......You may pass laws to make those negroes equal, but I will be damned if I will hire one. Affirmative Action forced companies that do business with the government to meet certain quotas

Affirmative Action worked. More blacks, women, Hispanics were hired for positions they never would have been considered before. Many couldn't cut it, but enough were successful that we no longer look twice when we see women, blacks and Hispanics in management and executive positions

The effectiveness of Affirmative Action is debateable.

And there are many areas that debate can enter. What would have happened without A.A.? What effects has A.A. had on race relations? Those are just two areas that could be debated.

Personally, I wish there was never a need for A.A. I would prefer a history where the color of a person's skin or whether someone had a Y-chromosome or not was never a factor in any manner whatsoever. Unfortunately, that is nothing more than wishful thinking. I think without A.A. things would still be extremely difficult for minorities, but then are they really that much less difficult today for inner city youth? Sure more are hired... but can it be said that those who have succeeded wouldn't have done so without A.A. for instance, Barack Obama and Clarence Thomas?

Those are questions. I am not claiming to know the answers.

Ah, here we have a thread where TWO RACISTS are attacking each other. It's like a Nazi and a Communist trying to beat each other over the head with clubs and an American is standing there watching. Who do you want to win? Because you know both of them are piss ignorant...

Neither's opinion is either valid or worthy of comment.

Two Bald men fighting over a comb.
While I agree with you in principle, the argument against that was and still is to some respect that the poor, and in some respects that translates to minorities, have not been given quality educations in the public arena therefore their entrance scores suffer not because they lack the intelligence necessary to succeed in college, but rather because of the lack of proper education in the early years. And it is not only a lack of decent public education in the inner cities. There are a lot of socio-economic factors that act as hinderences for the inner city youth as well.

It is like placing Joe Fraser in the ring with Muhammed Ali, tying Fraser's ankles together six inches apart and blindfolding him. In other words, he doesn't have a prayer.

Things have gotten better... but they are not perfect. It would be nice if everyone had a fair shot if they just put in the effort, but that is not the case.


Affirmative Action was necessary and highly successful

Civil Rights legislation was a major milestone. But the immediate response to civil rights was.......You may pass laws to make those negroes equal, but I will be damned if I will hire one. Affirmative Action forced companies that do business with the government to meet certain quotas

Affirmative Action worked. More blacks, women, Hispanics were hired for positions they never would have been considered before. Many couldn't cut it, but enough were successful that we no longer look twice when we see women, blacks and Hispanics in management and executive positions

The effectiveness of Affirmative Action is debateable.

And there are many areas that debate can enter. What would have happened without A.A.? What effects has A.A. had on race relations? Those are just two areas that could be debated.

Personally, I wish there was never a need for A.A. I would prefer a history where the color of a person's skin or whether someone had a Y-chromosome or not was never a factor in any manner whatsoever. Unfortunately, that is nothing more than wishful thinking. I think without A.A. things would still be extremely difficult for minorities, but then are they really that much less difficult today for inner city youth? Sure more are hired... but can it be said that those who have succeeded wouldn't have done so without A.A. for instance, Barack Obama and Clarence Thomas?

Those are questions. I am not claiming to know the answers.


I started working when Affirmative Action began in the 70s. Women were secretaries, teachers and nurses. They were some of the only fields open to women. There were no blacks in management....they lacked the mental skills. Hispanics were mostly laborers.

Affirmative Action gave people a chance at jobs and occupations they didn't have access to before.

I started working when Affirmative Action began in the 70s. Women were secretaries, teachers and nurses. They were some of the only fields open to women. There were no blacks in management....they lacked the mental skills. Hispanics were mostly laborers.

Affirmative Action gave people a chance at jobs and occupations they didn't have access to before.

BS. Women and minorities always had access to all jobs. No law stopped them from applying. They just didn't have the ability and they still don't.

But now, because of affirmative action, some jobs ARE DENIED by law to white males.

I started working when Affirmative Action began in the 70s. Women were secretaries, teachers and nurses. They were some of the only fields open to women. There were no blacks in management....they lacked the mental skills. Hispanics were mostly laborers.

Affirmative Action gave people a chance at jobs and occupations they didn't have access to before.

BS. Women and minorities always had access to all jobs. No law stopped them from applying. They just didn't have the ability and they still don't.

But now, because of affirmative action, some jobs ARE DENIED by law to white males.

Thanks for affirming why Affirmative Action is still needed today

I started working when Affirmative Action began in the 70s. Women were secretaries, teachers and nurses. They were some of the only fields open to women. There were no blacks in management....they lacked the mental skills. Hispanics were mostly laborers.

Affirmative Action gave people a chance at jobs and occupations they didn't have access to before.

BS. Women and minorities always had access to all jobs. No law stopped them from applying. They just didn't have the ability and they still don't.

But now, because of affirmative action, some jobs ARE DENIED by law to white males.

Thanks for affirming why Affirmative Action is still needed today

One comment on the internet?
BS. Women and minorities always had access to all jobs. No law stopped them from applying. They just didn't have the ability and they still don't.

But now, because of affirmative action, some jobs ARE DENIED by law to white males.

Thanks for affirming why Affirmative Action is still needed today

One comment on the internet?


As long as assholes keep up their racist banter on the internet, we still need affirmative action
At what point does telling a mamn that because of the color of his skin he is to stupid to make it????? Cause that's what real racism is and that what proessivism is all about.

As long as assholes keep up their racist banter on the internet, we still need affirmative action

so then if there is racist banter from minorrities and white guilt libs on the internet does that mandate affirmative action for whites?

Why don't you call your congressman?

Because members of Congress don't give a shit about anything unless it comes with dollar sign in front and plenty of digits to the left of the decimal sign.


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