The Perfect Response To White People's Vitriolic Rage Against Affirmative Action

Mitt Romney wants to bring immigrants here who have degrees and spend nothing on his base. That's Romney's AA.

Conservatives don't want government money.

That's the difference between us and liberals.

There are only two options: Let Afros sink to the bottom of society, like turds in a toilet. Or, give Afros tremendous amounts of preferences and pretend that they're people too. We've chosen the latter.

There are other options. We could pay them to renounce their US citizenship and move to the congo. $50,000 per adult might be enough and it would save america money since almost no american blacks are productive.

Hey, pussy, why won't you answer the questions about your own education?

Would you believe him if he claimed to have a masters degree from some elite college?

Or would believe him if he said he was a high school drop out?

I doubt you would believe anything he said so what is the point in him saying it?
There are other options. We could pay them to renounce their US citizenship and move to the congo. $50,000 per adult might be enough and it would save america money since almost no american blacks are productive.

Hey, pussy, why won't you answer the questions about your own education?

Would you believe him if he claimed to have a masters degree from some elite college?

Or would believe him if he said he was a high school drop out?

He could tell the truth and see how that goes. Of course his constant ducking of the question has already revealed a lot.
The reason I ask these racist idiots their educational background is to know the extent of their stupidity. No current university major or minor is teaching intelligence based on ethnicity. Any biology, psychology, neuroscience professor will tell you that intelligence varies. You can very well pass on "intelligence" by having two parents with PHD's. They dont have to be white. IQ tests are culturally biased which is why universities dont ask you.
The reason I ask these racist idiots their educational background is to know the extent of their stupidity. No current university major or minor is teaching intelligence based on ethnicity. Any biology, psychology, neuroscience professor will tell you that intelligence varies. You can very well pass on "intelligence" by having two parents with PHD's. They dont have to be white. IQ tests are culturally biased which is why universities dont ask you.

perhaps we could fix the cultural bias by having questions such as this:

Shaniqua and D' Quan stole 10 TV sets. They sold each TV set out of a stolen van for $10 a piece. If a rock of crack sell for $10 how many rocks of crack can they buy.

A. ten
B. 10
C. all of the above
The reason I ask these racist idiots their educational background is to know the extent of their stupidity. No current university major or minor is teaching intelligence based on ethnicity. Any biology, psychology, neuroscience professor will tell you that intelligence varies. You can very well pass on "intelligence" by having two parents with PHD's. They dont have to be white. IQ tests are culturally biased which is why universities dont ask you.

perhaps we could fix the cultural bias by having questions such as this:

Shaniqua and D' Quan stole 10 TV sets. They sold each TV set out of a stolen van for $10 a piece. If a rock of crack sell for $10 how many rocks of crack can they buy.

A. ten
B. 10
C. all of the above

You suck, seriously. This level of blood pressure is hard to deal with in positive ways. All I can do is hope that your life, someday, is measured the same, and that you will gain some understanding.
Affirmative action was never a good idea the way it played out.
A better way, would have been to make applications blind so that no identification of sex, race or age, would be impossible. Then you simply take the ones with the highest scores. No quotas, no discrimination and best of all.... No Excuses.
Seems that would rule out in-person

Doesn't always get that far. I had someone in an HR department tell me that resumes with names like "Shameka Jackson" routinely get tossed without reading.
Affirmative action was never a good idea the way it played out.
A better way, would have been to make applications blind so that no identification of sex, race or age, would be impossible. Then you simply take the ones with the highest scores. No quotas, no discrimination and best of all.... No Excuses.
Seems that would rule out in-person

Doesn't always get that far. I had someone in an HR department tell me that resumes with names like "Shameka Jackson" routinely get tossed without reading.
I garantee you that names like that aren't getting tossed at Mcdonalds, Burger King, Hardee's, Wendy's, K-Mart, Walmart and many other median skilled locations, that now hire preferentially minorities in which I am seeing more and more of, and wildly this is being done over whites and other applicants at these locations in an unequal way. All one has to do is to go to these locations, and you will see that there is definetly a preference in the hiring practices going on, and such preferences are defintely in violation of the EEOC, and when you would see this same thing back in the early 60's or 70's, the minorities screamed to the top's of their lungs racism and oppression is being wrought at the hands of the white man. Now why is it that reverse racism is ok I ask you all now, and why don't you hear a peep out of the ones who see this right in front of their eyes to be the case now and/or now a days ?

How could we have gone through a civil war, where hundreds of thousands of White Americans were killed in that war, and this over the black issue of slavery and oppression, to just turn right around and reverse the roles later on? We now see reverse racism in action more and more in this nation (un-balanced power shifts and/or tilts, and not equal or steeped in equality/quality as the government intended instead), along with this problem we also see the transference of cultures by forced influence of, and this especially so due to the pre-meditated influence of the public schools upon the children, that were steepd in specific agenda's, and this as found in new pre-meditated agenda's that were cast upon the young children in order to make change in societies on down the road a ways.

Specific agenda's were played out to lift minorities up over time, while holding back just a tad without notice of ((others)) while they were having to attend the public school systems in honor there of. This was the new game in town, and this game was used against those, who were thought to be a threat to the progress of minorities on down the road is what it turned out to be for many that were affected in this way. Now who owes who I might add ???? Redistribution? I say bring it, because there are many whites who would qualify for their sacrfices made in it all just as well.

Ask anyone who went to public school during segregations early years, and they will have some horror stories to tell you, that's if can get them to open up, but it was all for the good of the nation of course, and it worked in a lot of good ways, but if we allow this nation to just reverse the roles, and thus we continue to foment racism and/or promote it, then the suffering will have all been for nothing in the end, as the divide will grow once again to unsafe levels in America, and that will be traggic.

Not sure if Obama is actually unkowingly empowering black racist in this nation, whom want to get back at whitely once and for all, and even joining other groups within the nation also to do so, but if he is or has been lately, then he should go as the nations leader quickly in this election, and not be re-elected for a second term in office no way.

Nothing wrong with a black American President, if he is the right black American President, but Obama seems to be carrying with him a lot of baggage in which could actually be a huge distraction for the progress of all in this nation going foward, and so I ask does anyone really want to take that chance at this point, or should we all go with a more neutral person, who would do the best that he can for all in this nation as a neutral ? We don't need anymore distractions, what we need is good fair and proper management once again in this nation for all, and not somebody weak that the whole world also challenges on a daily basis as well, so what's it going to be America?

I am for equal opportunity, fairness, and for all persons be given a chance regardless of their color as based on their character more so than anything else (even if have a college education), I would still pick character over that education, if that person with that education is known to be of bad character.

That is who I am in life as an American.
AmyNation is right. AA was once necessary, did it's job and is now past it's prime. In fact, I believe at this point it's doing more harm than good for minorities. While discrimination does still exist, it's been illegal across the nation for generations now. It's also currently so socially unacceptable that the tiny fraction of racist still around are reduced to anonymous internet clowns like Ariux and WJ above.

MarcATL is currently boycotting the NFL until they hire more black kickers and punters. He has embodied the reductio ad absurdum civil rights movement at USMB for some time. Note, he has done so well and quite entertainingly. (and he's a better man than Ariux in every possible way)
1. When was AA necessary and why?

2. What job did it accomplish and when?

3. What harm is it currently doing and how?

4. You believe there's only a "fraction of racism" that currently exists? What reasons do you have to back up that assertion.

If you will honestly answer these questions, I'd be very grateful.

Doing away with normal standards and whatnot just so Negroes can get by. Yeah, that's a great idea. Too dumb to pass a police test like in Boston, no problem we'll make it easier for you black cops. That the diverse citizenry then have to rely on dumbbells on the force is no big deal.

negroes? what decade are you living in?
We're still negroes.

It's just an "old-time" term, however, I don't think it's wrong.

I think we should have just stuck w/ "black" all along, but that's a long story.
but they only speak out against white people
How your comment relate to the post I responded to?

your "brother" Sharpton and the NAACP only speaks out about injustices when it's a black person. On other injustices they are mute or back the perp.

perfect examples are Tawana
brawley, the Duke lacrosse rape" and the hoax in the school in Miss.

Lies all of them

And the end game is to get revenge against white people and extort money.

nice racist in your Avi BTW......
You are not a thinking person...clearly.

Good day sir.
1. When was AA necessary and why?

2. What job did it accomplish and when?

3. What harm is it currently doing and how?

4. You believe there's only a "fraction of racism" that currently exists? What reasons do you have to back up that assertion.

If you will honestly answer these questions, I'd be very grateful.


1. When the batteries ran out in my flashlight.

2. Made the flashlight work again.

3. Mostly just sitting in a drawer, really.

4. A fraction can mean a lot of things.

You're welcome.
Affirmative action was never a good idea the way it played out.
A better way, would have been to make applications blind so that no identification of sex, race or age, would be impossible. Then you simply take the ones with the highest scores. No quotas, no discrimination and best of all.... No Excuses.

While I agree with you in principle, the argument against that was and still is to some respect that the poor, and in some respects that translates to minorities, have not been given quality educations in the public arena therefore their entrance scores suffer not because they lack the intelligence necessary to succeed in college, but rather because of the lack of proper education in the early years. And it is not only a lack of decent public education in the inner cities. There are a lot of socio-economic factors that act as hinderences for the inner city youth as well.

It is like placing Joe Fraser in the ring with Muhammed Ali, tying Fraser's ankles together six inches apart and blindfolding him. In other words, he doesn't have a prayer.

Things have gotten better... but they are not perfect. It would be nice if everyone had a fair shot if they just put in the effort, but that is not the case.

Oh yeah, THAT ends racism. Yep. That AND black vitriol and cherry picked videos. But, let's put that to a test: if you are WHITE try walking through a black neighborhood @ 1AM in the morning. THAT is the REAL test of how far WE ALL have come when it comes to ending racism. For all the anti-racist sentiments spouted here, poor blacks sure do hate whites. For all the whining blacks do about cops and racial profiling and racism, they can and do act ignorant and bigoted when they think they can get away with it. But, let's not mention that, because that's taboo. This ” Blame whitey” thing is getting mighty old.
Are you a DUNCE or something....?!?!?

It's not safe to walk through ANY neighborhood these days at those hours.

Heck, Trayvon got bullets for walking in a neighborhood at 7PM.

You are sick!
Since obama became president everybody is equal and has an equal chance. Sorry that you don't see it for what it is.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Thanks to Obama getting elected, racism is now officially and finally...over!

Uhmm...actually, this is what is currently going on now. This is why you have brothers like Al Sharpton speaking out against injustices and racial inequalities, and why organizations such as the NAACP exist, to straiten out these issues.

Yet many whites say they are not needed and/or are "race baiters/hustlers."

Can't win for trying I tell you.

but they only speak out against white people

They speak out against structured and institutionalized bias in admissions, hiring practices, and the overall disparity of public goods and services between wealthy neighborhoods and poorer ones.

Education rewards for white men are much higher than they are for minorities and women. Men with an undergraduate degree earn much more on average than women who attain graduate education. Consequently, even those with the exact same levels of attainment face hugely disparate income levels.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 175-176

There are significant short-term benefits in discrimination for individual and groups of white people. Benefits to the ego of those who enjoy privilege and place, maintenance of comfort zones, and economic advantages are of highest importance. However, there is no benefit from discrimination for society as a whole, only costs:

Where discrimination against minorities is pervasive, society as a whole loses potential human capital. The abilities and creativity of the minority communities remain underdeveloped and underemployed. Hence, total output of goods and services is less than it would be in the absence of discrimination. […] In addition, much of the output we do produce is directed to relatively unattractive uses such as the surveillance of homes, streets, jails, and welfare caseloads. Thus, whatever direct gains or losses individual whites incur are overwhelmed by the very large indirect losses to the economy as a whole.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 190-191

Offensively noticeable discrimination is easier to identify than more subtle and pervasive forms more often practiced today. Discrimination in education, housing, and employment as practiced in the US used to be both, and legitimized by US law. Citizens now enter the education system equally, but upon exiting, there still remains vast inequality. What happens between kindergarten and 12 grade, or college? Segregation is illegal, and supposedly nonexistent, but Schiller points out that one black student in a population of 2,000, or one white student added to a population of 1,999 black students does not add up to integration except on paper, and “racial isolation in the schools is still the hallmark of the American education system.”

Moreover, the separateness is still coupled with inequality of building construction and maintenance, supplies, quality and number of teachers, and technology, and integration within the school systems does not always translate to integration within the schools or classrooms. Past segregation restricted opportunity to develop abilities, and tracking systems and IQ testing traps students in remedial education while schools invest more time and offer greater opportunity for “gifted” students to excel. Studies undertaken to try to gauge the scope of effective segregation have been exhaustive in detail, yet the findings have been inconclusive as a measure, and all we still know is that school segregation continues to be “major determinants of black achievement and status.”

Racism’s ugly stepbrother is classism, and racial discrimination in the schools is coupled with economic segregation. Housing and the ability to afford it make neighborhoods more stratified by economic class then racial makeup, and t disparities in public goods and services apply here as well. The way school budgets are allocated, students attending schools in poor communities receive lower shares of funding, and like those students discriminated against based on race, work with poorer supplies, uncertified and fewer teachers, outdated technologies, and low expectations of reward for hard work.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 192-198
This has, and will continue to get ignored. This sums up the situation quite nicely. Kudos.

Why does the black man or women need affirmative action? Cause some progressive said they are not smart enough to do it on thier own .
See what I mean?

The truth is we both will never respect each other when we're in power. Blacks won't respect our rights whenever they're in power and we do in fact favor our own kind. There's a reason that the world was divided by race as it worked better.

Do I expect blacks to treat me good? Does south Africa Zimbabwe, Haiti ring a bell? Remember this truth whites.

Globalism can never work as every race wants to rule.
So you might as well wipe your butt w/The Constitution you claim you cherish then. B/C it's based upon Each. Man. Is. Equal.

Isn't it funny how these discussions just eventually turn into pure unadulterated trash after a while, where as there is so much to try and truly get right on these issues, but we all just keep missing the opportunity to get things right as a unified nation, and this because there is so much division going on in this nation now, that some would think that we are moving backwards instead of moving forwards anymore, and this no matter what the pundits are saying otherwise.
Note, it's always one kind of person, the same kind of person that just DOESN'T want to have this discussion and/or call the discussion itself racist. While actual racism, they seem to have little to no problem with.

Exclellent post though.
Affirmative action was never a good idea the way it played out.
A better way, would have been to make applications blind so that no identification of sex, race or age, would be impossible. Then you simply take the ones with the highest scores. No quotas, no discrimination and best of all.... No Excuses.

While I agree with you in principle, the argument against that was and still is to some respect that the poor, and in some respects that translates to minorities, have not been given quality educations in the public arena therefore their entrance scores suffer not because they lack the intelligence necessary to succeed in college, but rather because of the lack of proper education in the early years. And it is not only a lack of decent public education in the inner cities. There are a lot of socio-economic factors that act as hinderences for the inner city youth as well.

It is like placing Joe Fraser in the ring with Muhammed Ali, tying Fraser's ankles together six inches apart and blindfolding him. In other words, he doesn't have a prayer.

Things have gotten better... but they are not perfect. It would be nice if everyone had a fair shot if they just put in the effort, but that is not the case.


Affirmative Action was necessary and highly successful

Civil Rights legislation was a major milestone. But the immediate response to civil rights was.......You may pass laws to make those negroes equal, but I will be damned if I will hire one. Affirmative Action forced companies that do business with the government to meet certain quotas

Affirmative Action worked. More blacks, women, Hispanics were hired for positions they never would have been considered before. Many couldn't cut it, but enough were successful that we no longer look twice when we see women, blacks and Hispanics in management and executive positions
How your comment relate to the post I responded to?

your "brother" Sharpton and the NAACP only speaks out about injustices when it's a black person. On other injustices they are mute or back the perp.

perfect examples are Tawana
brawley, the Duke lacrosse rape" and the hoax in the school in Miss.

Lies all of them

And the end game is to get revenge against white people and extort money.

nice racist in your Avi BTW......
You are not a thinking person...clearly.

Good day sir.

I accept your surrender
but they only speak out against white people

They speak out against structured and institutionalized bias in admissions, hiring practices, and the overall disparity of public goods and services between wealthy neighborhoods and poorer ones.

Education rewards for white men are much higher than they are for minorities and women. Men with an undergraduate degree earn much more on average than women who attain graduate education. Consequently, even those with the exact same levels of attainment face hugely disparate income levels.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 175-176

There are significant short-term benefits in discrimination for individual and groups of white people. Benefits to the ego of those who enjoy privilege and place, maintenance of comfort zones, and economic advantages are of highest importance. However, there is no benefit from discrimination for society as a whole, only costs:

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 190-191

Offensively noticeable discrimination is easier to identify than more subtle and pervasive forms more often practiced today. Discrimination in education, housing, and employment as practiced in the US used to be both, and legitimized by US law. Citizens now enter the education system equally, but upon exiting, there still remains vast inequality. What happens between kindergarten and 12 grade, or college? Segregation is illegal, and supposedly nonexistent, but Schiller points out that one black student in a population of 2,000, or one white student added to a population of 1,999 black students does not add up to integration except on paper, and “racial isolation in the schools is still the hallmark of the American education system.”

Moreover, the separateness is still coupled with inequality of building construction and maintenance, supplies, quality and number of teachers, and technology, and integration within the school systems does not always translate to integration within the schools or classrooms. Past segregation restricted opportunity to develop abilities, and tracking systems and IQ testing traps students in remedial education while schools invest more time and offer greater opportunity for “gifted” students to excel. Studies undertaken to try to gauge the scope of effective segregation have been exhaustive in detail, yet the findings have been inconclusive as a measure, and all we still know is that school segregation continues to be “major determinants of black achievement and status.”

Racism’s ugly stepbrother is classism, and racial discrimination in the schools is coupled with economic segregation. Housing and the ability to afford it make neighborhoods more stratified by economic class then racial makeup, and t disparities in public goods and services apply here as well. The way school budgets are allocated, students attending schools in poor communities receive lower shares of funding, and like those students discriminated against based on race, work with poorer supplies, uncertified and fewer teachers, outdated technologies, and low expectations of reward for hard work.

Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 192-198
This has, and will continue to get ignored. This sums up the situation quite nicely. Kudos.

See what I mean?

The truth is we both will never respect each other when we're in power. Blacks won't respect our rights whenever they're in power and we do in fact favor our own kind. There's a reason that the world was divided by race as it worked better.

Do I expect blacks to treat me good? Does south Africa Zimbabwe, Haiti ring a bell? Remember this truth whites.

Globalism can never work as every race wants to rule.
So you might as well wipe your butt w/The Constitution you claim you cherish then. B/C it's based upon Each. Man. Is. Equal.

Isn't it funny how these discussions just eventually turn into pure unadulterated trash after a while, where as there is so much to try and truly get right on these issues, but we all just keep missing the opportunity to get things right as a unified nation, and this because there is so much division going on in this nation now, that some would think that we are moving backwards instead of moving forwards anymore, and this no matter what the pundits are saying otherwise.
Note, it's always one kind of person, the same kind of person that just DOESN'T want to have this discussion and/or call the discussion itself racist. While actual racism, they seem to have little to no problem with.

Exclellent post though.

of course it's an excellent post. You agree with it.
Since obama became president everybody is equal and has an equal chance. Sorry that you don't see it for what it is.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Thanks to Obama getting elected, racism is now officially and finally...over!


well, we can observe the actions of those in the DOJ, the black on white crime rate and the statements and actions of the first family to realize that.

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