The Perfect Response To White People's Vitriolic Rage Against Affirmative Action

enough, public school+community college about 15 years.

Well, I made a couple of pages on inventions of the white man.
White history-inventions page 2 - Science and world events Wiki

I think this debate would be more accurate to focus on population avgs as I started to do earlier. Sure, a few blacks did great things. I will admit it.

Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

Being more successful than Matthew is not that much of an accomplishment. That is why he has to resort to petty racism. Makes him feel superior to someone

Well for someone who has a hard time showing actual research or basic abstracts to support his argument about genetic racial inferiority, I had to question his education level. But the fact that I, an individual, a stranger, and not to mention a black man has excelled further than him is telling. I understand what you mean as far as not a far accomplishment I'm really being facetious.
But no wheres near as many as there should be. As this website documents, only 1% of the science PHDs go to blacks while they are 13% of the population!!!! An achievement gap that huge will never close.

Black Educator: Black PhD Index2007

I am going into a doctorate program. So are my recent graduates that I know that are black. I guess they didn't count us.

As you can see above, i specified SCIENCE PHDs. Lots of blacks get PHDs in no-brain fields like sociology or education.

Um Neuropsychology is a science degree
Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

How many times have I said that my background is in Behavioral Neuropsychology. I have cross-training in Neuroscience as well as psychophysics and computational psychology. Man you guys are really not that bright...In your words I wanna say "THINK"
Washington DC city plan
Benjamin Banneker? Nope.
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant created the layout of Washington DC. Banneker assisted Andrew Ellicott in the survey of the federal territory, but played no direct role in the actual planning of the city. The story of Banneker reconstructing the city design from memory after L'Enfant ran away with the plans (with the implication that the project would have failed if not for Banneker) has been debunked by historians.
Black Invention Myths

I'll admit that he may of helped in it. Doesn't avoid the fact that blacks score far behind whites on avg within our educational system.
When you reference a website that also has this:

****** Owner's Manual

...any credibility you may once have had is flushed down the toilet.

I'm sorry that only these kinds of people are willing to put together such a resource as this. Doesn't mean it doesn't hold a lot of truth as most of it is backed up by patents.

Why is something you disagree with discredit everything on the site? I've looked through other links from wikipedia to the patents themselves to find that much of it is right. I'll admit that other official sites show that he did have a part in designing DC.

I think you people need to stop being closed minded. :eusa_boohoo: Believe me, I don't want slavery or any form of ownership of a human being.

This is a load of crap....You argue about racial inferiority via genetics. Your words in the above is a hypocritical as Bush caring about black people during katrina
Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

How many times have I said that my background is in Behavioral Neuropsychology. I have cross-training in Neuroscience as well as psychophysics and computational psychology. Man you guys are really not that bright...In your words I wanna say "THINK"

Psychology is no more a science than astrology is. Get a degree in something like math or physics. Otherwise you're just a robot.
You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

How many times have I said that my background is in Behavioral Neuropsychology. I have cross-training in Neuroscience as well as psychophysics and computational psychology. Man you guys are really not that bright...In your words I wanna say "THINK"

Psychology is no more a science than astrology is. Get a degree in something like math or physics. Otherwise you're just a robot.

In what discipline did you earn your degree?
Dood, do the rest of us conservatives a favor and STFU. It's idiots like you who make the left claim all of us are racist.

Oh dear - are the lefties calling you a wacist?? Throw it back in their face, you coward. Tell them - If you support affirmative action, then YOU are racist.
You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

How many times have I said that my background is in Behavioral Neuropsychology. I have cross-training in Neuroscience as well as psychophysics and computational psychology. Man you guys are really not that bright...In your words I wanna say "THINK"

Psychology is no more a science than astrology is. Get a degree in something like math or physics. Otherwise you're just a robot.

Wow you're really that stupid. My undergraduate degree is considered a Bachlor's of Science...LOL

In other schools it may be a bachlor's of arts.

Not that bright huh?

What is your degree in?

Oh wait...I think I know...
How many times have I said that my background is in Behavioral Neuropsychology. I have cross-training in Neuroscience as well as psychophysics and computational psychology. Man you guys are really not that bright...In your words I wanna say "THINK"

Psychology is no more a science than astrology is. Get a degree in something like math or physics. Otherwise you're just a robot.

In what discipline did you earn your degree?

Undergraduate Degrees 2: 1) Psychology 2) Philosophy

Post-Graduate: 1) Behavioral Neuropsychology
Those fields are a joke if they're to make blacks feel the victim. The best thing we could do for blacks is to make them feel like they have to earn it.

End their victim idea of themselves and replace it with a can do spirit.
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But no wheres near as many as there should be. As this website documents, only 1% of the science PHDs go to blacks while they are 13% of the population!!!! An achievement gap that huge will never close.

Black Educator: Black PhD Index2007

I am going into a doctorate program. So are my recent graduates that I know that are black. I guess they didn't count us.

As you can see above, i specified SCIENCE PHDs. Lots of blacks get PHDs in no-brain fields like sociology or education.

What a surprise that a stupid shit like you would feel the need to disparage education. You've likely been successfully avoiding it your entire miserable, pointless, little life.
Those fields are a joke if they're to make blacks feel the victim. The best thing we could do for blacks is to make them feel like they have to earn it.

End their victim idea of themselves and replace it with a can do spirit.

Whatever you say junior college
I came across this today and found it to be quite profound

white racist lady gets bummed out see look on her face at end lol mpeg2video - YouTube

Here we have a white woman that's totally incensed at the "wrongness" of quotas, aka Affirmative Action in colleges/universities and we see a perfect response that depicts the reality of the situation.

I witness this intellectually on this very board as well.

It's amazing to me you say she is "totally incensed", she does not appear angered, extremely angry or infuriated" at all. The title of the video calls her a racist for asking the question. She never finished asking the question, seems she had a little more to ask, I could be wrong of course. You don't know why she asked that question and for the video to lable her a racist for asking such is even worse. Wow.
I'm sorry that only these kinds of people are willing to put together such a resource as this. Doesn't mean it doesn't hold truth.

Why is something you disagree with discredit everything on the site? I've looked through other links from wikipedia to the patants themselves to find that much of it is right. I'll admit that other official sites show that he did have a part in designing DC.

I think you people need to stop being closed minded. :eusa_boohoo: Believe me, I don't want slavery or any form of ownership of a human being.
:lol: Sorry, the "closed-minded" bullshit just doesn't fly.

Racism is closed-mindedness. Pure and simple. And retards who put together "resources" like you cited cannot be believed -- unless you WANT to believe them.

Please do some research into these things. Trusting the government to tell the truth of black inventions is like trusting them to respect your medical needs.

Of course I'm totally wrong as I want to look up the truth. A truth that goes against outright lies to make people feel good about themselves.

Don't trust the government.
I don't trust the government -- I'm not a leftist.

Further, I don't trust racists -- I'm not a moron. I don't buy into research that starts with the conclusion.

Besides, you don't want me to do my own research. You want me to agree with you.

You get a lot of stuff right, but you're wrong on this.
Why does the black man or women need affirmative action? Cause some progressive said they are not smart enough to do it on thier own .
Exactly what I've been saying. And no one has been able to prove otherwise.
You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

How many times have I said that my background is in Behavioral Neuropsychology. I have cross-training in Neuroscience as well as psychophysics and computational psychology. Man you guys are really not that bright...In your words I wanna say "THINK"

Psychology is no more a science than astrology is. Get a degree in something like math or physics. Otherwise you're just a robot.

Again -- what's your advanced degree in, White Boi?

You've ignored this question once. I expect you don't have a degree.

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