The Perfect Response To White People's Vitriolic Rage Against Affirmative Action

Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK
Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

Black Educator: Black PhD Index2007

-These numbers are knowing that they make up 13 percent of the entire population...
Matematics in 2005 totat number of phd 1231
*Blacks got 16 phd or 1.299%, meaning they're close to 12 times less likely to not have one.
Astronomy phd's 72 in 2005
*none(0) were handed to a black
Physics phd's 1,300 in 2005
*black 10 or .769% of all physic phd's were handed to blacks
Earth sciences in 2005 379
* black earth science phds 2 or .5% haned to a black.

Number of PhDs awarded in 53 other scientific fields: 2275
Number of Black PhDs awarded in 53 other scientific fields: 0

From viewing this data "
Culled from National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago" the conclusion is that blacks are anywhere from 10 to 32 times less likely to have a phd.

This is with 60 years and trillions of dollars. Tell me whats going to happen when there is no more whites to push them? You guess.
Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK

Go back to stormfront, you fucking racist pig.
Libulals have just one response to objections to AA - "YOU ARE A WACIST"!!!

They have two things.
1# Call you names, insults.
2# If you're talking about intelligence. They will point to a few cases of blacks inventing things. I could turn that around with pointing out tens of thousands of inventions from whites.
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But no wheres near as many as there should be. As this website documents, only 1% of the science PHDs go to blacks while they are 13% of the population!!!! An achievement gap that huge will never close.

Black Educator: Black PhD Index2007

I am going into a doctorate program. So are my recent graduates that I know that are black. I guess they didn't count us.

As you can see above, i specified SCIENCE PHDs. Lots of blacks get PHDs in no-brain fields like sociology or education.

That link shows that there's some...The big deal is the reality that they're many times less likely as a population(10-32 times).
But no wheres near as many as there should be. As this website documents, only 1% of the science PHDs go to blacks while they are 13% of the population!!!! An achievement gap that huge will never close.

Black Educator: Black PhD Index2007

I am going into a doctorate program. So are my recent graduates that I know that are black. I guess they didn't count us.

As you can see above, i specified SCIENCE PHDs. Lots of blacks get PHDs in no-brain fields like sociology or education.

That's just simply not true. What are you basing that on? The numbers of white versus blacks?
So why do asians do so well on intelligence tests? They have a bigger cultural hurdle to overcome than blacks.

Why are you still here? Toodle on back to Stormfront, skinhead.

HAHAHA. Again we see liberals resorting to namecalling since that's all they have. Even they know the evidence is overwhelming that blacks are mentally inferior.
I'm not a liberal, retard. I'm a conservative.

Look, it's obvious you need to claim other people are inferior in order to feel better about yourself.

The Black didn't fuck up your life. The Jew didn't fuck up your life.

YOU did.

Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."

Educators are expressing alarm that the performance gap between minority and white high school students continues to expand across the United States, with minority teenagers performing at academic levels equal to or lower than those of 30 years ago.

On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students.

Dood, do the rest of us conservatives a favor and STFU. It's idiots like you who make the left claim all of us are racist.

Washington DC city plan
Benjamin Banneker? Nope.
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant created the layout of Washington DC. Banneker assisted Andrew Ellicott in the survey of the federal territory, but played no direct role in the actual planning of the city. The story of Banneker reconstructing the city design from memory after L'Enfant ran away with the plans (with the implication that the project would have failed if not for Banneker) has been debunked by historians.
Black Invention Myths

I'll admit that he may of helped in it. Doesn't avoid the fact that blacks score far behind whites on avg within our educational system.
When you reference a website that also has this:

****** Owner's Manual

...any credibility you may once have had is flushed down the toilet.
The problem with any action as being based upon a persons skin color, is that the skin color can never tell anyone what the character of the person might be or is to be found hidden within the person behind their skin color or by what the person will or won't do with what ever it is that is being offered to him or her as based upon their skin color only, which is why Martin Luther King said what he said in his "I have a Dream Speech" about content of character. I can understand that coming out of the hard times that many blacks were having in this nation, that actions had to be taken for them of course, but it could be that those actions may have since lived beyond their time, and need to be scaled back possibly in order to keep balance as it should be kept for all Americans that are in this nation as Americans. Maybe the programs could be transferred over to represent the under educated, and be for all Americans who suffer in this area now in the nation, otherwise if the black issue has been shored up and secured as it should be by now or after so many years, then maybe these programs could be reformed to represent all who are in need still.

Otherwise if not careful, these old programs could begin to give unfair advantages to some who are equal with other Americans that are now in the same bread lines together, but because of the actions that are still in play, would it now give an unfair advantage to one to recieve his bread first as based upon his or her skin color, thus creating a reversal type situation where oppression is also found in an unjust way all because of ? Any stories like this out there to report maybe ? Interesting topic marc, hopefully it wil be spoken of with thought provoking and sensable postings in order to help all understand these things better if need to.
I've been told by black AND white liberals that Dr. King didn't really mean his "I have a dream" speech, and that he supported judging people by the color of their skin.

Yes. They threw Dr. King under the back of the bus. :cool:
Well me as an educated black man was curious since you argued that on average, blacks do poor. Based on what I've accomplished how do you, or can you, explain how I excelled in school further than you when my genes are inferior compared to yours?

You're not educated. Your degree is in some mushy crap like ethnic studies or literature. Only technical degrees indicate intelligence. THINK
What's your advanced degree in?

Washington DC city plan
Benjamin Banneker? Nope.
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant created the layout of Washington DC. Banneker assisted Andrew Ellicott in the survey of the federal territory, but played no direct role in the actual planning of the city. The story of Banneker reconstructing the city design from memory after L'Enfant ran away with the plans (with the implication that the project would have failed if not for Banneker) has been debunked by historians.
Black Invention Myths

I'll admit that he may of helped in it. Doesn't avoid the fact that blacks score far behind whites on avg within our educational system.
When you reference a website that also has this:

****** Owner's Manual

...any credibility you may once have had is flushed down the toilet.

I'm sorry that only these kinds of people are willing to put together such a resource as this. Doesn't mean it doesn't hold a lot of truth as most of it is backed up by patents.

Why is something you disagree with discredit everything on the site? I've looked through other links from wikipedia to the patents themselves to find that much of it is right. I'll admit that other official sites show that he did have a part in designing DC.

I think you people need to stop being closed minded. :eusa_boohoo: Believe me, I don't want slavery or any form of ownership of a human being.
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Washington DC city plan
Benjamin Banneker? Nope.
Pierre-Charles L'Enfant created the layout of Washington DC. Banneker assisted Andrew Ellicott in the survey of the federal territory, but played no direct role in the actual planning of the city. The story of Banneker reconstructing the city design from memory after L'Enfant ran away with the plans (with the implication that the project would have failed if not for Banneker) has been debunked by historians.
Black Invention Myths

I'll admit that he may of helped in it. Doesn't avoid the fact that blacks score far behind whites on avg within our educational system.
When you reference a website that also has this:

****** Owner's Manual

...any credibility you may once have had is flushed down the toilet.

I'm sorry that only these kinds of people are willing to put together such a resource as this. Doesn't mean it doesn't hold truth.

Why is something you disagree with discredit everything on the site? I've looked through other links from wikipedia to the patants themselves to find that much of it is right. I'll admit that other official sites show that he did have a part in designing DC.

I think you people need to stop being closed minded. :eusa_boohoo: Believe me, I don't want slavery or any form of ownership of a human being.
:lol: Sorry, the "closed-minded" bullshit just doesn't fly.

Racism is closed-mindedness. Pure and simple. And retards who put together "resources" like you cited cannot be believed -- unless you WANT to believe them.
When you reference a website that also has this:

****** Owner's Manual

...any credibility you may once have had is flushed down the toilet.

I'm sorry that only these kinds of people are willing to put together such a resource as this. Doesn't mean it doesn't hold truth.

Why is something you disagree with discredit everything on the site? I've looked through other links from wikipedia to the patants themselves to find that much of it is right. I'll admit that other official sites show that he did have a part in designing DC.

I think you people need to stop being closed minded. :eusa_boohoo: Believe me, I don't want slavery or any form of ownership of a human being.
:lol: Sorry, the "closed-minded" bullshit just doesn't fly.

Racism is closed-mindedness. Pure and simple. And retards who put together "resources" like you cited cannot be believed -- unless you WANT to believe them.

Please do some research into these things. Trusting the government to tell the truth of black inventions is like trusting them to respect your medical needs.

Of course I'm totally wrong as I want to look up the truth. A truth that goes against outright lies to make people feel good about themselves.

Don't trust the government.
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I'm sorry that only these kinds of people are willing to put together such a resource as this. Doesn't mean it doesn't hold truth.

Why is something you disagree with discredit everything on the site? I've looked through other links from wikipedia to the patants themselves to find that much of it is right. I'll admit that other official sites show that he did have a part in designing DC.

I think you people need to stop being closed minded. :eusa_boohoo: Believe me, I don't want slavery or any form of ownership of a human being.
:lol: Sorry, the "closed-minded" bullshit just doesn't fly.

Racism is closed-mindedness. Pure and simple. And retards who put together "resources" like you cited cannot be believed -- unless you WANT to believe them.

Please do some research into these things. Trusting the government to tell the truth of black inventions is like trusting them to respect your medical needs.

Of course I'm totally wrong as I want to look up the truth. A truth that goes against outright lies to make people feel good about themselves.

Don't trust the government.

Matt it's not about trusting the government. You used a link in this thread that is maintained by racist. Think about that for a second.
Why does the black man or women need affirmative action? Cause some progressive said they are not smart enough to do it on thier own .
Race differences in average IQ are largely genetic
A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic.

The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."

Educators are expressing alarm that the performance gap between minority and white high school students continues to expand across the United States, with minority teenagers performing at academic levels equal to or lower than those of 30 years ago.

On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students.

Dood, do the rest of us conservatives a favor and STFU. It's idiots like you who make the left claim all of us are racist.
Which makes them idiots when they claim that....No one has the patten on idiocy, and I mean no one...
What confuses me, is that I see situations where corporations like Mcdonalds are hiring preferentially blacks over other races in certain areas within their stores, and these are not areas where blacks are a majority in either, but are areas that are very diversified when it comes to race, so how is it that these corporations are hiring blacks preferentially in these locations over other races of Americans ?

It tells me that they are ordered by someone in the corporation to do so, but how does this fly when people were killed by the thousands during the civil war over such issues? Then we had the federal government inact the civil rights laws in order to help equal the playing field for blacks in which was good when they did this, but when I see this now going on in the ways in which I see it going on now, it's like a punch in the gut to all Americans who stepped back and lifted their brothers & sisters up, yet only to get a reversal of discrimination and vengence taking place against them afterwards on down the road aways, and sadly instead of what the whole thing in a nut shell was supposed to be about for all, now we all are getting taken advantage of in the deal. When I walk into a business like Mcdonalds, I want to see a wide array of people of different races working, and not just one race dominating the situation as I have seen now in several locations that I know of operating as Mcdonalds Resteraunts in the area like this. The EEOC is a flat joke in this nation, because undoubtedly they are just another government office getting paychecks for nothing anymore.
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